F-logic (frame logic) is a knowledge representation and ontology language. F-logic combines the advantages of conceptual modeling with object-oriented, frame-based languages and offers a declarative, compact and simple syntax, as well as the well-defined semantics of a logic-based language. Features include, among others, object identity, complex objects, inheritance, polymorphism, query methods, encapsulation. F-logic stands in the same relationship to object-oriented programming as classical relational calculus stands to relational database programming. Overview F-logic was developed by Michael Kifer at Stony Brook University and Georg Lausen at the University of Mannheim. F-logic was originally developed for deductive databases, but is now most frequently used for semantic technologies, especially the semantic web. F-logic is considered as one of the formalisms for ontologies, but description logic (DL) is more popular and accepted, as is the DL-based OWL. A development envi ... [...More Info...]       [...Related Items...]     OR:     [Wikipedia]   [Google]   [Baidu]   |
HiLog is a programming logic with higher-order syntax, which allows arbitrary terms to appear in predicate and function positions. However, the model theory of HiLog is first-order. Although syntactically HiLog strictly extends first order logic, HiLog can be embedded into this logic. HiLog was first described in 1989. It was later extended in the direction of many-sorted logic. The XSB system parses HiLog syntax, but the integration of HiLog into XSB is only partial. In particular, HiLog is not integrated with the XSB module system. A full implementation of HiLog is available in the Flora-2 system. It has been shown that HiLog can be embedded into first-order logic through a fairly simple transformation. For instance, p(X)(Y,Z(V)(W)) gets embedded as the following first-order term: apply(p(X),Y,apply(apply(Z,V),W)). The Framework for Logic-Based Dialects (RIF-FLD) of the Rule Interchange Format (RIF) is largely based on the ideas underlying HiLog and F-logic. Examples In al ... [...More Info...]       [...Related Items...]     OR:     [Wikipedia]   [Google]   [Baidu]   |
Flora-2 is an open source semantic rule-based system for knowledge representation and reasoning. The language of the system is derived from F-logic, HiLog, W. Chen, M. Kifer and D.S. Warren (1993)''HiLog: A Foundation for Higher-Order Logic Programming'' Journal of Logic Programming, 1993. and Transaction logic.A.J. Bonner and M. Kifer (1993), ''Transaction Logic Programming'', International Conference on Logic Programming (ICLP), 1993. Being based on F-logic and HiLog implies that object-oriented syntax and higher-order representation are the major features of the system. Flora-2 also supports a form of defeasible reasoning called ''Logic Programming with Defaults and Argumentation Theories'' (LPDA). Applications include intelligent agents, Semantic Web, knowledge-bases networking, ontology management, integration of information, security policy analysis, automated database normalization, and more. Flora-2 relies on the XSB system for its inference engine. The design and archi ... [...More Info...]       [...Related Items...]     OR:     [Wikipedia]   [Google]   [Baidu]   |
Rule Interchange Format
The Rule Interchange Format (RIF) is a W3C Recommendation. RIF is part of the infrastructure for the semantic web, along with (principally) SPARQL, RDF and OWL. Although originally envisioned by many as a "rules layer" for the semantic web, in reality the design of RIF is based on the observation that there are many "rules languages" in existence, and what is needed is to exchange rules between them. RIF includes three dialects, a Core dialect which is extended into a Basic Logic Dialect (BLD) and Production Rule Dialect (PRD). History The RIF working group was chartered in late 2005. Among its goals was drawing in members of the commercial rules marketplace. The working group started with more than 50 members and two chairs drawn from industry, Christian de Sainte Marie of ILOG, and Chris Welty of IBM. The charter, to develop an interchange format between existing rule systems was influenced by a workshop in the spring of 2005 in which it was clear that one rule lang ... [...More Info...]       [...Related Items...]     OR:     [Wikipedia]   [Google]   [Baidu]   |
Logic Programming
Logic programming is a programming paradigm which is largely based on formal logic Logic is the study of correct reasoning. It includes both formal and informal logic. Formal logic is the science of deductively valid inferences or of logical truths. It is a formal science investigating how conclusions follow from premis .... Any program written in a logic programming language is a set of sentences in logical form, expressing facts and rules about some problem domain. Major logic programming language families include Prolog, answer set programming (ASP) and Datalog. In all of these languages, rules are written in the form of ''Clause (logic), clauses'': :H :- B1, …, Bn. and are read declaratively as logical implications: :H if B1 and … and Bn. H is called the ''head'' of the rule and B1, ..., Bn is called the ''body''. Facts are rules that have no body, and are written in the simplified form: :H. In the simplest case in which H, B1, ..., Bn are all atomic formu ... [...More Info...]       [...Related Items...]     OR:     [Wikipedia]   [Google]   [Baidu]   |
Journal Of Automated Reasoning
The ''Journal of Automated Reasoning'' was established in 1983 by Larry Wos, who was its editor in chief until 1992. It covers research and advances in automated reasoning, mechanical verification of theorems, and other deductions in classical and non-classical logic. The journal is published by Springer Science+Business Media. As of 2021, the editor-in-chief is Jasmin Blanchette, an associate professor of computer science at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. The journal's 2019 impact factor is 1.431, and it is indexed by several science indexing services, including the Science Citation Index Expanded The Science Citation Index Expanded – previously entitled Science Citation Index – is a citation index originally produced by the Institute for Scientific Information (ISI) and created by Eugene Garfield. It was officially launched in 1964 and ... and Scopus. References External links * {{Official, 1=https://www.springer.com/computer/theoretical+computer+science/journ ... [...More Info...]       [...Related Items...]     OR:     [Wikipedia]   [Google]   [Baidu]   |
Well-founded Semantics
In logic programming, the well-founded semantics is one definition of how we can make conclusions from a set of logical rules. In logic programming, we give a computer a set of facts, and a set of "inference rules" about how these facts relate. There are several different ways that we might want the computer to apply these rules; the well-founded semantics is one of these ways. History The well-founded semantics was defined by Van Gelder, et al. in a 1991 paper. Relations to other models The well-founded semantics can be viewed as a three-valued version of the stable model semantics.Przymusinski, Teodor. Well-founded Semantics Coincides with Three-Valued Stable Semantics'. Fundamenta Informaticae XIII pp. 445-463, 1990. Instead of only assigning propositions ''true'' or ''false'', it also allows for a value representing ignorance. For example, if we know that Specimen A is a moth if specimen A does not fly during daylight. but we do not know whether or not specimen ''A'' ... [...More Info...]       [...Related Items...]     OR:     [Wikipedia]   [Google]   [Baidu]   |
Negation As Failure
Negation as failure (NAF, for short) is a non-monotonic inference rule in logic programming, used to derive \mathrm~p (i.e. that ~p is assumed not to hold) from failure to derive ~p. Note that \mathrm ~p can be different from the statement \neg p of the logical negation of ~p, depending on the completeness of the inference algorithm and thus also on the formal logic system. Negation as failure has been an important feature of logic programming since the earliest days of both Planner and Prolog. In Prolog, it is usually implemented using Prolog's extralogical constructs. More generally, this kind of negation is known as weak negation, in contrast with the strong (i.e. explicit, provable) negation. Planner semantics In Planner, negation as failure could be implemented as follows: :''if'' (''not'' (''goal'' p)), ''then'' (''assert'' ¬p) which says that if an exhaustive search to prove p fails, then assert ¬p. This states that proposition p shall be assumed as "not true" in any ... [...More Info...]       [...Related Items...]     OR:     [Wikipedia]   [Google]   [Baidu]   |
SIGMOD is the Association for Computing Machinery's Special Interest Group on Management of Data, which specializes in large-scale data management problems and databases. The annual ACM SIGMOD Conference, which began in 1975, is considered one of the most important in the field. While traditionally this conference had always been held within North America, it took place in Paris in 2004, Beijing in 2007, Athens in 2011, and Melbourne in 2015. The acceptance rate of the ACM SIGMOD Conference, averaged from 1996 to 2012, was 18%, and it was 17% in 2012. In association with SIGACT and SIGART, SIGMOD also sponsors the annual ACM Symposium on Principles of Database Systems (PODS) conference on the theoretical aspects of database systems. PODS began in 1982, and has been held jointly with the SIGMOD conference since 1991. Each year, the group gives out several awards to contributions to the field of data management. The most important of these is the SIGMOD Edgar F. Codd Innovations A ... [...More Info...]       [...Related Items...]     OR:     [Wikipedia]   [Google]   [Baidu]   |
Journal Of The ACM
The ''Journal of the ACM'' is a peer-reviewed scientific journal covering computer science in general, especially theoretical aspects. It is an official journal of the Association for Computing Machinery. Its current editor-in-chief An editor-in-chief (EIC), also known as lead editor or chief editor, is a publication's editorial leader who has final responsibility for its operations and policies. The highest-ranking editor of a publication may also be titled editor, managing ... is Venkatesan Guruswami. The journal was established in 1954 and "computer scientists universally hold the ''Journal of the ACM'' in high esteem". See also * '' Communications of the ACM'' References External links * Publications established in 1954 Computer science journals Association for Computing Machinery academic journals Bimonthly journals English-language journals {{compu-journal-stub ... [...More Info...]       [...Related Items...]     OR:     [Wikipedia]   [Google]   [Baidu]   |
is a type of audience hall in Japanese architecture that was developed during the Muromachi period. The term originally meant a study and a place for lectures on the sūtra within a temple, but later it came to mean just a drawing room or study.Iwanami Japanese dictionary, 6th Edition (2008), DVD version From this room takes its name the '' shoin-zukuri'' style. In a shoin-zukuri building, the ''shoin'' is the ''zashiki'', a tatami-room dedicated to the reception of guests. The emerging architecture of the Muromachi period was subsequently influenced by the increasing use and appearance of ''shoin''. One of the most noticeable changes in architecture to arise from the ''shoin'' came from the practice of lining their floors with tatami mats. Since ''tatami'' mats have a standardized size the floor plans for ''shoin'' rooms had to be developed around the proportions of the ''tatami'' mat; this in turn affected the proportions of doors, the height of rooms, and other aspects o ... [...More Info...]       [...Related Items...]     OR:     [Wikipedia]   [Google]   [Baidu]   |
Undecidable Problem
In computability theory and computational complexity theory, an undecidable problem is a decision problem for which it is proved to be impossible to construct an algorithm that always leads to a correct yes-or-no answer. The halting problem is an example: it can be proven that there is no algorithm that correctly determines whether arbitrary programs eventually halt when run. Background A decision problem is any arbitrary yes-or-no question on an infinite set of inputs. Because of this, it is traditional to define the decision problem equivalently as the set of inputs for which the problem returns ''yes''. These inputs can be natural numbers, but also other values of some other kind, such as strings of a formal language. Using some encoding, such as a Gödel numbering, the strings can be encoded as natural numbers. Thus, a decision problem informally phrased in terms of a formal language is also equivalent to a set of natural numbers. To keep the formal definition simple, it i ... [...More Info...]       [...Related Items...]     OR:     [Wikipedia]   [Google]   [Baidu]   |
Open World Assumption
In a Mathematical logic, formal system of logic used for knowledge representation, the open-world assumption is the assumption that the truth value of a statement (logic), statement may be true irrespective of whether or not it is ''known'' to be true. It is the opposite of the closed-world assumption, which holds that any statement that is true is also known to be true. Origin An open-world assumption was first developed by Ancient Greek philosophers as a means to explain varying degrees of validity amongst mathematical and philosophical concepts proposed at the time of inception. Logical implication The open-world assumption (OWA) codifies the informal notion that in general no single agent or observer has complete knowledge, and therefore cannot make the closed-world assumption. The OWA limits the kinds of inference and deductions an agent can make to those that follow from statements that are known to the agent to be true. In contrast, the closed world assumption allows an agen ... [...More Info...]       [...Related Items...]     OR:     [Wikipedia]   [Google]   [Baidu]   |