
In Greek mythology, the name Evaechme, Euaechme or Euaichme (Ancient Greek: Εὐαίχμη) may refer to: *Evaechme, a Megarian princess as daughter of King Megareus and Iphinoe, daughter of King Nisus, thus sister of Evippus and Timalcus. She was the second wife of Alcathous, son of Pelops and by him, became the mother of Ischepolis, Callipolis, Iphinoe and Periboea. Otherwise, the mother of these children was Pyrgo. Pausanias, 1.43.4 *Evaechme, daughter of Hyllus and Iole, wife of Polycaon, the son of the Argonaut Butes In Greek mythology, the name Butes (; Ancient Greek: Βούτης, ''Boútēs'') referred to several different people. *Butes, an Athenian prince as the son of King Pandion I and the naiad Zeuxippe. He was a priest of Poseidon and Athena and was .... Pausanias4.2.1with a reference to the '' Megalai Ehoiai'' Notes References * Pausanias, ''Description of Greece'' with an English Translation by W.H.S. Jones, Litt.D., and H.A. Ormerod, M.A., in 4 ...
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Iphinoe (mythology)
In Greek mythology, the name Iphinoe ( grc, Ἰφινόη) may refer to: *Iphinoe, an Argive princess as one of the daughters of King Proetus and Stheneboea. She and her sisters Lysippe and Iphianassa were driven mad (either because they didn't accept the rites of Dionysus, or else because they disparaged a wooden statue of Hera) and ran off into the wilderness like maenads. Melampus had to pursue them in order to provide a cure; Iphinoe died in the pursuit, but her sisters did eventually recover their wits through purification rites. *Iphinoe, a Megarian princess as daughter of King Nisos and Abrota of Onchestus, thus sister to Eurynome and Scylla. She was the mother of Timalcus, Evippus and Evaechme by Megareus, her maternal uncle. *Iphinoe, also a Megarian princess as daughter of King Alcathous by either Pyrgo or Evaechme (daughter of the precedent). She died a maiden, and it was a custom for the girls of Megara to bring libations to her tomb and to dedicate a l ...
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__NOTOC__ In Greek mythology, the name Periboea (; Ancient Greek: Περίβοια "surrounded by cattle" derived from ''peri'' "around" and ''boes'' "cattle") refers to multiple figures: *Periboea, one of the 3,000 Oceanids, water-nymph daughters of the Titans Oceanus and his sister-wife Tethys. She was the mother of Aura by Lelantos. *Periboea, daughter of the Giant Eurymedon and the mother of Nausithous with Poseidon. *Periboea, daughter of either King Cychreus of Salamis or of King Alcathous of Megara, her mother in the latter case being either Pyrgo or Evaechme, daughter of King Megareus of Onchestus. She was ravished by Telamon who then fled away; when her father learned of that, he ordered for her to be cast in the sea, but the guard who was to perform that took pity on her and sold her away; the one who bought her happened to be Telamon. She became by him mother of Ajax. She was among the would-be sacrificial victims of Minotaur; while on board the ship, Minos a ...
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Pyrgo (mythology)
In Greek mythology, Pyrgo (Ancient Greek: Πυργώ) was the first wife of the Pisatian prince Alcathous, son of King Pelops of Pisa and Hippodamia, daughter of Oenomaus. She may be the mother of some or all of Alcathous children: Ischepolis, Callipolis, IphinoePausanias, ''Graeciae Descriptio'' 1.43.4 and Periboea.Pausanias, ''Graeciae Descriptio'' 1.42.2 & 4 Otherwise, they were by Alcathous' second wife, Euaechme, daughter of King Megareus of Megara. Notes References * Pausanias, ''Description of Greece'' with an English Translation by W.H.S. Jones, Litt.D., and H.A. Ormerod, M.A., in 4 Volumes. Cambridge, MA, Harvard University Press; London, William Heinemann Ltd. 1918. Online version at the Perseus Digital Library* Pausanias, ''Graeciae Descriptio.'' ''3 vols''. Leipzig, Teubner. 1903.Greek text available at the Perseus Digital Library * Pseudo-Apollodorus The ''Bibliotheca'' (Ancient Greek: grc, Βιβλιοθήκη, lit=Library, translit=Bibliothēkē, l ...
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In Greek mythology, the name Polycaon (; Ancient Greek: Πολυκάων means ''"much-burning"'') may refer to the following individuals: *Polycaon, son of Lelex, king of Laconia, by the Naiad nymph, Cleochareia. Polycaon married an ambitious woman named Messene, daughter of King Triopas, of Argos. After his father's death, his brother Myles inherited the throne of Laconia. Messene, not wanting to be the wife of a simple anonymous man, collected an armed force from both Argos and Laconia. The newly married couple invaded the territory of which would be named after Polycaon's wife, Messenia. After establishing the newly conquered kingdom, they founded the city Andania, where they built their palace. *Polycaon, son of Butes. He married Evaechme, daughter of Hyllus and Iole (thus a granddaughter of Heracles Heracles ( ; grc-gre, Ἡρακλῆς, , glory/fame of Hera), born Alcaeus (, ''Alkaios'') or Alcides (, ''Alkeidēs''), was a divine hero in Greek mythology, the so ...
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In Greek mythology, Iole (; grc, Ἰόλη ) was the daughter of King Eurytus of Oechalia. According to the brief epitome in the '' Bibliotheca'', Eurytus had a beautiful young daughter named Iole who was eligible for marriage. Iole was claimed by Heracles for a bride, but Eurytus refused her hand in marriage. Iole was indirectly the cause of Heracles' death because of his wife's jealousy of her. There are different versions of the mythology of Iole from many ancient sources. The ''Bibliotheca'' gives the most complete story followed by slight variations of this from Seneca and Ovid. Other ancient sources (i.e. Diodorus Siculus, Gaius Julius Hyginus, and Pseudo-Plutarch) have similar information on Iole with additional variations. Mythology Heracles' love for Iole leads to his death Apollodorus recounted the tale in his ''Bibliotheca''. King Eurytus was an expert archer who taught his sons his knowledge of the bow and arrow. He promised his daughter Iole to whoever could ...
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In Greek mythology, Hyllus (; Ancient Greek: Ὕλλος) or Hyllas (Ὕλᾱς) was son of Heracles and Deianira, husband of Iole, nursed by Abia. Mythology Heracles, whom Zeus had originally intended to be ruler of Argos, Lacedaemon and Messenian Pylos, had been supplanted by the cunning of Hera, and his intended possessions had fallen into the hands of Eurystheus, king of Mycenae. After the death of Heracles, his children, after many wanderings, found refuge from Eurystheus at Athens. Eurystheus, on his demand for their surrender being refused, attacked Athens, but was defeated and slain. Hyllus and his brothers invaded Peloponnesus, but after a year's stay were forced by a pestilence to quit. They withdrew to Thessaly, where Aegimius, the mythical ancestor of the Dorians, whom Heracles had assisted in war against the Lapidae, adopted Hyllus and made over to him a third part of his territory. After the death of Aegimius, his two sons, Pamphylus and Dymas, voluntarily su ...
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The Heracleidae (; grc, Ἡρακλεῖδαι) or Heraclids were the numerous descendants of Heracles (Hercules), especially applied in a narrower sense to the descendants of Hyllus, the eldest of his four sons by Deianira (Hyllus was also sometimes thought of as Heracles' son by Melite). Other Heracleidae included Macaria, Lamos, Manto, Bianor, Tlepolemus, and Telephus. These Heraclids were a group of Dorian kings who conquered the Peloponnesian kingdoms of Mycenae, Sparta and Argos; according to the literary tradition in Greek mythology, they claimed a right to rule through their ancestor. Since Karl Otfried Müller's ''Die Dorier'' (1830, English translation 1839), I. ch. 3, their rise to dominance has been associated with a " Dorian invasion". Though details of genealogy differ from one ancient author to another, the cultural significance of the mythic theme, that the descendants of Heracles, exiled after his death, returned some generations later to reclaim lan ...
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Megalai Ehoiai
The ''Megalai Ehoiai'' ( grc, Μεγάλαι Ἠοῖαι, ), or ''Great Ehoiai'', is a fragmentary Greek epic poem that was popularly, though not universally, attributed to Hesiod during antiquity. Like the more widely read Hesiodic ''Catalogue of Women'', the ''Megalai Ehoiai'' was a genealogical poem structured around the exposition of heroic family trees among which myths concerning many of their members were narrated. At least seventeen fragments of the poem are transmitted by quotations in other ancient authors and two second-century CE papyri Papyrus ( ) is a material similar to thick paper that was used in ancient times as a writing surface. It was made from the pith of the papyrus plant, ''Cyperus papyrus'', a wetland sedge. ''Papyrus'' (plural: ''papyri'') can also refer to a d ..., but given the similarities between the ''Megalai Ehoiai'' and ''Catalogue of Women'' it is possible that some fragments attributed to the ''Catalogue'' actually derive from the less popu ...
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In Greek mythology, the name Butes (; Ancient Greek: Βούτης, ''Boútēs'') referred to several different people. *Butes, an Athenian prince as the son of King Pandion I and the naiad Zeuxippe. He was a priest of Poseidon and Athena and was worshipped as a hero by the Athenians. He was married to Chthonia, daughter of his brother Erechtheus. Butes other siblings were Philomela, Procne and possibly Teuthras. *Butes, an Argonaut, son of Teleon and Zeuxippe (daughter of Eridanus). In some accounts, his father was called Aeneus. When the Argonauts were sailing past the Sirens, he was the only one who was unable resist the charm of their singing, swimming off to them. But Aphrodite saved Butes by transferring him to Lilybaeum in Sicily, where he became her lover. Other accounts call him a famous bee keeper and a native Sicilian king. He was the father of Eryx by Aphrodite, and also of Polycaon. *Butes, a Thracian, Boreas's son, who was hostile towards his stepbrother Lycu ...
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The Argonauts (; Ancient Greek: ) were a band of heroes in Greek mythology, who in the years before the Trojan War (around 1300 BC) accompanied Jason to Colchis in his quest to find the Golden Fleece. Their name comes from their ship, '' Argo'', named after its builder, Argus. They were sometimes called Minyans, after a prehistoric tribe in the area. Mythology The Golden Fleece After the death of King Cretheus, the Aeolian Pelias usurped the throne from his half-brother Aeson and became king of Iolcus in Thessaly (near the modern city of Volos). Because of this unlawful act, an oracle warned him that a descendant of Aeolus would seek revenge. Pelias put to death every prominent descendant of Aeolus he could, but spared Aeson because of the pleas of their mother Tyro. Instead, Pelias kept Aeson prisoner and forced him to renounce his inheritance. Aeson married Alcimede, who bore him a son named Jason. Pelias intended to kill the baby at once, but Alcimede summoned ...
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Pausanias (geographer)
Pausanias ( /pɔːˈseɪniəs/; grc-gre, Παυσανίας; c. 110 – c. 180) was a Greek traveler and geographer of the second century AD. He is famous for his ''Description of Greece'' (, ), a lengthy work that describes ancient Greece from his firsthand observations. ''Description of Greece'' provides crucial information for making links between classical literature and modern archaeology. Biography Not much is known about Pausanias apart from what historians can piece together from his own writing. However, it is mostly certain that he was born c. 110 AD into a Greek family and was probably a native of Lydia in Asia Minor. From c. 150 until his death in 180, Pausanias travelled through the mainland of Greece, writing about various monuments, sacred spaces, and significant geographical sites along the way. In writing ''Description of Greece'', Pausanias sought to put together a lasting written account of "all things Greek", or ''panta ta hellenika''. Living in th ...
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Greek Mythology
A major branch of classical mythology, Greek mythology is the body of myths originally told by the ancient Greeks, and a genre of Ancient Greek folklore. These stories concern the origin and nature of the world, the lives and activities of deities, heroes, and mythological creatures, and the origins and significance of the ancient Greeks' own cult and ritual practices. Modern scholars study the myths to shed light on the religious and political institutions of ancient Greece, and to better understand the nature of myth-making itself. The Greek myths were initially propagated in an oral-poetic tradition most likely by Minoan and Mycenaean singers starting in the 18th century BC; eventually the myths of the heroes of the Trojan War and its aftermath became part of the oral tradition of Homer's epic poems, the '' Iliad'' and the '' Odyssey''. Two poems by Homer's near contemporary Hesiod, the '' Theogony'' and the '' Works and Days'', contain accounts of the genes ...
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