Catherine Woronzow

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Catherine Woronzow
Catherine Herbert, Countess of Pembroke (''née'' Yekaterina Semyonovna Vorontsova; russian: Екатерина Семёновна Воронцова; 24 October 1784 – 27 March 1856), was a Russian noblewoman who married the Earl of Pembroke. She was born in Saint Petersburg, the daughter of Count Semyon Vorontsov (sometimes spelt Woronzow), the Russian ambassador in Britain from 1785. She was the only sister of Prince Mikhail Vorontsov, Viceroy of New Russia and Caucasus (1782–1856).Woronzow
Humphrys genealogy, accessed April 4, 2012
She was also a niece of Princess Dashkova, a friend of