
is a yonkoma manga by Hisaichi Ishii serialized in the Kansai area information magazine beginning in 1972. This was Ishii's debut professional work. In addition to being a long-running series in the magazine, many of the characters from Ishii's later series first made their appearances in this series. Summary The story takes place at the fictional Higashi Yodogawa University, though it is modeled on Ishii's alma mater Kansai University. The main characters are poor students living at a boarding house (Nakano-sō), and follows their experiences at and as they travel to and from home, work, and school, covering everyday experiences. Characters Main ; :Kikuchi is one of the Three Idiots, and generally the main character. He has a long torso, is a little chubby, has small eyes, and blonde hair. ; :One of the Three Idiots. He is the skinny guy with glasses. He became friends with Kikuchi while on a summer trip during high school. He doesn't participate in the activities of the Yas ...
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Hisaichi Ishii
is a Japanese manga artist. He is best known outside Japan for his manga series '' Nono-chan'', which was adapted into the Studio Ghibli anime film ''My Neighbors the Yamadas''. Topics covered by Ishii's manga include baseball (in his debut work), politics, economics, current events and topics, philosophy, and so on. He is known for his extreme caricatures of well-known celebrities and well known people, including Kōichi Tabuchi (a pro baseball catcher in Japan), Kim Jong Il, and Tsuneo Watanabe (executive director of the Yomiuri Shimbun Holdings group, owner of the Yomiuri Shimbun). Ishii graduated with a degree in sociology at Kansai University. Works Listed alphabetically. * *'' Baito-kun'' (debut professional work) * * * * * *''Doughnuts Books A doughnut or donut () is a type of food made from leavened fried dough. It is popular in many countries and is prepared in various forms as a sweet snack that can be homemade or purchased in bakeries, supermarkets, food st ...
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