18th Century In Georgia (U.S. State)

18th Century In Georgia (U.S. State)
18 (eighteen) is the natural number following 17 and preceding 19. In mathematics * Eighteen is a composite number, its divisors being 1, 2, 3, 6 and 9. Three of these divisors (3, 6 and 9) add up to 18, hence 18 is a semiperfect number. Eighteen is the first inverted square-prime of the form ''p''ยท''q''2. * In base ten, it is a Harshad number. * It is an abundant number, as the sum of its proper divisors is greater than itself (1+2+3+6+9 = 21). It is known to be a solitary number, despite not being coprime to this sum. * It is the number of one-sided pentominoes. * It is the only number where the sum of its written digits in base 10 (1+8 = 9) is equal to half of itself (18/2 = 9). * It is a Fine number. In science Chemistry * Eighteen is the atomic number of argon. * Group 18 of the periodic table is called the noble gases. * The 18-electron rule is a rule of thumb in transition metal chemistry for characterising and predicting the stability of metal complexes. In re ...
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There are many different numeral systems, that is, writing systems for expressing numbers. By culture / time period By type of notation Numeral systems are classified here as to whether they use positional notation (also known as place-value notation), and further categorized by radix or base. Standard positional numeral systems The common names are derived somewhat arbitrarily from a mix of Latin and Greek, in some cases including roots from both languages within a single name. There have been some proposals for standardisation. Non-standard positional numeral systems Bijective numeration Signed-digit representation Negative bases The common names of the negative base numeral systems are formed using the prefix ''nega-'', giving names such as: Complex bases Non-integer bases ''n''-adic number Mixed radix * Factorial number system * Even double factorial number system * Odd double factorial number system * Primorial number system * Fibonorial n ...
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