Tc (Linux)



tc (traffic control) is the user-space system administration utility program used to configure the Linux kernel packet scheduler. Tc is usually packaged as part of the
iproute2 iproute2 is a collection of userspace utilities for controlling and monitoring various aspects of networking in the Linux kernel, including routing, network interfaces, tunnels, traffic control, and network-related device drivers. iproute ...


tc filter add dev pppoe-dsl parent 1: prio 1 protocol ip handle 202 fw flowid 1:202

See also

cgroups cgroups (abbreviated from control groups) is a Linux kernel feature that limits, accounts for, and isolates the resource usage (CPU, memory, disk I/O, network, etc.) of a collection of processes. Engineers at Google started the work on this ...


External links

Traffic Control HOWTO
Dated but still very relevant HOWTO from the Linux Documentation Project.

More up-to-date HOWTO for advanced networking topics, including traffic control
Linux TC Notes
brief note of various parts of linux traffic control. English is sometimes broken, but the information is still good.
tc: Linux HTTP Outgoing Traffic Shaping
Example use of tc for shaping tcp/80 traffic.
Advanced Traffic Control
ArchLinux wiki entry for traffic control with tc.
A proposed alternative to the regular tc program, however it appear to have stalled. Linux network-related software Utilities for Linux {{linux-stub