Tauric Chersonese



The recorded history of the Crimean Peninsula, historically known as ''Tauris'', ''Taurica'' ( gr, Ταυρική or Ταυρικά), and the ''Tauric Chersonese'' ( gr, Χερσόνησος Ταυρική, "Tauric Peninsula"), begins around the 5th century BCE when several Greeks in pre-Roman Crimea, Greek colonies were established along its coast, the most important of which was Chersonesos near modern day Sevastopol, with Scythians and Tauri in the hinterland to the north. The southern coast gradually consolidated into the Bosporan Kingdom which was annexed by Kingdom of Pontus, Pontus and then became a client kingdom of Roman Crimea, Rome (63 BCE – 341 AD). The south coast remained Greek in culture for almost two thousand years including under Roman successor states, the Cherson (theme), Byzantine Empire (341 AD – 1204 AD), the Empire of Trebizond (1204 AD – 1461 AD), and the independent Principality of Theodoro (ended 1475 AD). In the 13th century, some Crimean port cities were controlled by the Republic of Venice, Venetians and by the Republic of Genoa, Genovese, but the interior was much less stable, enduring a The Crimean Steppe, long series of conquests and invasions. In the medieval period, it was partially conquered by Kievan Rus' whose prince Vladimir the Great was baptised at Chersonesus Cathedral, Sevastopol, which marked the beginning of the Christianization of Kievan Rus'. During the Mongol invasion of Europe, the north and centre of Crimea fell to the Mongol Golden Horde, and in the 1440s the Crimean Khanate formed out of the collapse of the horde but quite rapidly itself became subject to the Ottoman Empire, which also conquered the coastal areas which had kept independent of the Khanate. A major source of prosperity in these times was Crimean–Nogai slave raids in Eastern Europe, frequent raids into Russia for slaves. In 1774, the Ottoman Empire was Russo-Turkish War (1768–1774), defeated by Catherine the Great. After two centuries of conflict, the Russian fleet had destroyed the Ottoman navy and the Russian army had inflicted heavy defeats on the Ottoman land forces. The ensuing Treaty of Küçük Kaynarca forced the Sublime Porte to recognize the Tatars of the Crimea as politically independent. Catherine the Great's Annexation of Crimea by the Russian Empire, incorporation of the Crimea in 1783 from the defeated Ottoman Empire into the Russian Empire increased Russia's power in the Black Sea area. The Crimea was the first Muslim territory to slip from the sultan's suzerainty. The Ottoman Empire's frontiers would gradually shrink, and Russia would proceed to push her frontier westwards to the Dniester. From 1853 to 1856, the strategic position of the peninsula in controlling the Black Sea meant that it was the site of the principal engagements of the Crimean War, where Russia lost to a French-led alliance. During the Russian Civil War, Crimea Crimea during the Russian Civil War, changed hands many times and was where Pyotr Nikolayevich Wrangel, Wrangel's anti-Bolshevik White movement, White Army made their last stand in 1920, with tens of thousands of those who remained being murdered as part of the Red Terror. In 1921, the Crimean Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, Crimean ASSR was created as an autonomous republic of the Russian SFSR. During World War II, Crimea was Crimean campaign, occupied by Germany until 1944. The ASSR was downgraded to Crimean Oblast, an oblast in 1945 following the deportation of the Crimean Tatars, and in 1954, Crimea was 1954 transfer of Crimea, transferred to the Ukrainian SSR on the 300th anniversary of the Treaty of Pereyaslav. Following the dissolution of the Soviet Union, the Republic of Crimea (1992–1995), Republic of Crimea was formed in 1992, although the republic was abolished in 1995 with the Autonomous Republic of Crimea established firmly under Ukrainian authority and Sevastopol being administered as a city with special status. A 1997 Partition Treaty on the Status and Conditions of the Black Sea Fleet, treaty partitioned the Black Sea Fleet, Soviet Black Sea Fleet allowing Russia to continue basing its fleet in Sevastopol with the lease Kharkiv Pact, extended in 2010. status of Crimea, Crimea's status is disputed. In 2014 Crimea saw intense demonstrations against the Revolution of Dignity, removal of the President of Ukraine, Ukrainian president Viktor Yanukovych culminating in pro-Russian forces 2014 Crimean crisis, occupying strategic points in Crimea and the Republic of Crimea Declaration of Independence of the Republic of Crimea, declared independence from Ukraine following a disputed 2014 Crimean status referendum, referendum supporting reunification. Russia then Annexation of Crimea by the Russian Federation, formally annexed Crimea although most countries recognise Crimea as part of Ukraine.


Archaeological evidence of human settlement in Crimea dates back to the Middle Paleolithic. Neanderthal remains found at Kiyik-Koba Cave have been dated to about 80,000 Before Present, BP. Late Neanderthal occupations have also been found at Starosele (c. 46,000 BP) and Buran Kaya III (c. 30,000 BP). Archaeologists have found some of the earliest anatomically modern human remains in Europe in the Buran-Kaya caves in the Crimean Mountains (east of Simferopol). The fossils are about 32,000 years old, with the artifacts linked to the Gravettian culture. During the Last Glacial Maximum, along with the northern coast of the Black Sea in general, Crimea was an important Last Glacial Maximum refugia, refuge from which north-central Europe was re-populated after the end of the Ice Age. The East European Plain during this time was generally occupied by periglacial loess-steppe environments, although the climate was slightly warmer during several brief interstadials and began to warm significantly after the beginning of the Late Glacial Maximum. Human site occupation density was relatively high in the Crimean region and increased as early as c. 16,000 years before the present. Proponents of the Black Sea deluge hypothesis believe Crimea did not become a peninsula until relatively recently, with the rising of the Black Sea level in the 6th millennium BC. The beginning of the Neolithic in Crimea is not associated with agriculture, but instead with the beginning of pottery production, changes in flint tool-making technologies, and local domestication of pigs. The earliest evidence of domesticated wheat in the Crimean peninsula is from the Chalcolithic Ardych-Burun site, dating to the middle of the 4th millennium BC By the 3rd millennium BC, Crimea had been reached by the Yamna culture, Yamna or "pit grave" culture, assumed to correspond to a late phase of Proto-Indo-Europeans, Proto-Indo-European culture in the Kurgan hypothesis.


Tauri and Scythians

Early Iron Age Crimea was settled by two groups separated by the Crimean Mountains, the Tauri to the south and the East Iranian languages, Iranic Scythians in the north. Taurians intermixed with the Scythians starting from the end of 3rd century BC were mentioned as "Tauroscythians" and "Scythotaurians" in the works of ancient Greek writers. In Geographica, Strabo refers to the Tauri as a Scythian tribe. However, Herodotus states that the Tauri tribes were geographically inhabited by the Scythians, but they are not Scythians. Also, the Taurians inspired the Greek mythology, Greek myths of Iphigenia and Orestes. The ancient Greeks, Greeks, who eventually established Greeks in pre-Roman Crimea, colonies in Crimea during the Archaic Greece, Archaic Period, regarded the Tauri as a savage, warlike people. Even after centuries of Greek and Ancient Rome, Roman settlement, the Tauri were not pacified and continued to engage in piracy on the Black Sea. By the 2nd century BC they had become subject-allies of the Scythian king Scilurus. The Crimean Peninsula north of the Crimean Mountains was occupied by Scythian tribes. Their center was the city of Scythian Neapolis on the outskirts of present-day Simferopol. The town ruled over a small kingdom covering the lands between the lower Dnieper River and northern Crimea. In the 3rd and 2nd centuries BC, Scythian Neapolis was a city "with a mixed Scythian-Greek population, strong defensive walls and large public buildings constructed using the orders of Greek architecture". The city was eventually destroyed in the mid-3rd century AD by the Goths.

Greek settlement

The ancient Greeks were the first to name the region ''Taurica'' after the Tauri. As the Tauri inhabited only the mountainous regions of southern Crimea, the name Taurica was originally used only for this southern part, but was later extended to refer to the whole peninsula. Greek city-states began establishing Greek colonies, colonies along the Black Sea coast of Crimea in the 7th or 6th century BC. Feodosiya, Theodosia and Panticapaeum were established by Miletus, Milesians. In the 5th century BC, Dorians from Heraclea Pontica founded the sea port of Chersonesus (Crimea), Chersonesos (in modern Sevastopol). The Persian Achaemenid Empire under Darius I expanded to Crimea as part of European Scythian campaign of Darius I, his campaigns against the Scythians in 513 BCE. In 438 BC, the Archon (ruler) of Panticapaeum assumed the title of the Kings of Cimmerian Bosporus, King of Cimmerian Bosporus, a state that maintained close relations with Athens, supplying the city with wheat, honey and other commodities. The last of that line of kings, Paerisades V, being hard-pressed by the Scythians, put himself under the protection of Mithridates VI of Pontus, Mithridates VI, the king of Kingdom of Pontus, Pontus, in 114 BC. After the death of this sovereign, his son, Pharnaces II of Pontus, Pharnaces II, was invested by Pompey with the Kingdom of the Bosporus, Kingdom of the Cimmerian Bosporus in 63 BC as a reward for the assistance rendered to the Roman Republic, Romans in their war against his father. In 15 BC, it was once again restored to the king of Pontus, but from then ranked as a tributary state of Rome.

Roman Empire

In the 2nd century BC, the eastern part of Taurica became part of the Bosporan Kingdom, before becoming a client kingdom of the Roman Empire in the 1st century BC. During the AD 1st, 2nd and 3rd centuries, Taurica was host to Roman legions and colonists in Charax, Crimea. The Charax colony was founded under Vespasian with the intention of protecting Chersonesus (Crimea), Chersonesos and other Bosporean trade emporiums from the Scythians. The Roman colony was protected by a vexillatio of the Legio I Italica; it also hosted a detachment of the Legio XI Claudia at the end of the 2nd century. The camp was abandoned by the Romans in the mid-3rd century. This de facto province would have been controlled by the legatus of one of the Legions stationed in Charax. Throughout the later centuries, Crimea was invaded or occupied successively by the Crimean Goths, Goths (AD 250), the Huns (376), the Bulgars (4th–8th century), the Khazars (8th century). Crimean Gothic, an East Germanic language, was spoken by the Crimean Goths in some isolated locations in Crimea until the late 18th century.

Middle Ages

Rus' and Byzantium

In the 9th century CE, Byzantium established the Theme of Cherson to defend against incursions by the Rus' Khaganate. The Crimean peninsula from this time was contested between Byzantium, Rus' and Khazaria. The area remained the site of overlapping interests and contact between the early medieval Slavic, Turkic and Greek spheres. It became a center of Saqaliba, slave trade. Early Slavs, Slavs were sold to Byzantium and other places in Anatolia and the Middle East during this period. In the mid-10th century, the eastern area of Crimea was conquered by Prince Sviatoslav I of Kiev and became part of the Kievan Rus' principality of Tmutarakan. The peninsula was wrested from the Byzantines by the Kievan Rus' in the 10th century; a major Byzantine outpost, Chersonesus was taken in 988 CE. A year later, Vladimir the Great, Grand Prince Vladimir of Kiev accepted the hand of Emperor Basil II's sister Anna Porphyrogenita, Anna in marriage, and was baptized by the local Byzantine priest at Chersonesus, thus marking the entry of Rus' (later Russia) Christianization of Kievan Rus', into the Christian world. Chersonesus Cathedral marks the location of this historic event. During the collapse of the Byzantine state some cities fell to its creditor the Republic of Genoa who also conquered cities controlled by its rival the Republic of Venice, Venice. During the entirety of this period, the urban areas were Greek-speaking and Ecumenical Patriarch, eastern Christian.

The Crimean Steppe

Throughout the ancient and medieval period the interior and north of Crimea was occupied by a changing cast of invading steppe nomads, such as the Tauri, Cimmerians, Scythians, Sarmatians, Crimean Goths, Alans, Bulgars, Huns, Khazars, Kipchaks and Mongol Empire, Mongols. The Bosporan Kingdom had exercised some control of the majority of the peninsula at the height of its power, with Kievan Rus' also having some control of the interior of Crimea after the tenth century.

Mongol invasion and later medieval period

The overseas territories of Empire of Trebizond, Trebizond, Perateia, had already been subjected to pressure from the Genoese and Kipchaks by the time Alexios I of Trebizond died in 1222, before the Mongol invasions began its western sweep through Volga Bulgaria in 1223. Kiev lost its hold on the Crimean interior in the early 13th century due to the Mongol invasion of Rus', Mongol invasions. In the summer of 1238 Batu Khan devastated the Crimean peninsula and pacified Mordovia, reaching Kiev by 1240. The Crimean interior came under the control of the Turco-Mongol Golden Horde from 1239 to 1441. The name of Crimea, name ''Crimea'' (via Italian, from Turkic ''Qirim'') originates as the name of the provincial capital of the Golden Horde, the city now known as Staryi Krym. Trebizond's Perateia soon became the Principality of Theodoro and Gazaria (Genoese colonies), Genoese Gazaria, respectively sharing control of the south of Crimea until the Ottoman Turks, Ottoman intervention of 1475. In the 13th century the Republic of Genoa seized the settlements that their rivals, the Republic of Venice, Venetians, had built along the Crimean coast and established themselves at Balaklava, Cembalo (present-day Balaklava), Sudak, Soldaia (Sudak), Kerch, Cherco (Kerch) and Feodosiya#Caffa, Caffa (Feodosiya), gaining control of the Crimean economy and the Black Sea commerce for two centuries. Genoa and its colonies fought a Genoese–Mongol Wars, series of wars with the Mongol states between the 13th and 15th centuries. In 1346 the Golden Horde army besieging Genoese Feodosiya, Kaffa (present-day Feodosiya) catapulted the bodies of Mongol warriors who had died of Plague (disease), plague over the walls of the city. Historians have speculated that Genoese refugees from this engagement may have brought the Black Death to Western Europe.

Crimean Khanate (1443–1783)

After Timur destroyed a Mongol Golden Horde army in 1399, the Crimean Tatars founded an independent Crimean Khanate under Hacı I Giray (a descendant of Genghis Khan) by 1443. Hacı I Giray and his successors reigned first at Çufut Qale, Qırq Yer, then - from the beginning of the 15th century - at Bakhchisaray. The Crimean Tatars controlled the steppes that stretched from the Kuban to the Dniester River, however, they were unable to take control of the commercial Genoa, Genoese towns in the Crimea. After the Crimean Tatars asked for help from the Ottoman Empire, Ottomans, an Ottoman invasion of the Genoese towns led by Gedik Ahmed Pasha in 1475 brought Feodosiya, Kaffa and the other trading towns under their control. After the capture of the Genoese towns, the Ottoman Sultan held Khan Meñli I Giray captive, later releasing him in return for accepting Ottoman suzerainty over the Crimean Khans and allowing them rule as Vassal and tributary states of the Ottoman Empire, tributary princes of the Ottoman Empire. However, the Crimean Khans still had a large amount of autonomy from the Ottoman Empire, and followed the rules they thought best for them. Crimean Tatars introduced the practice of Crimean–Nogai raids into East Slavic lands, raids into Ukrainian lands (the Wild Fields), in which they captured slavery, slaves for sale. For example, from 1450 to 1586, eighty-six Tatar invasions, Tatar raids were recorded, and from 1600 to 1647, seventy. In the 1570s close to 20,000 slaves a year went on sale in Feodosiya, Kaffa. Slaves and freedmen formed approximately 75% of the Crimean population. In 1769 a last major Tatar raid, which took place during the Russo-Turkish War (1768–74), Russo-Turkish War of 1768-1774, saw the capture of 20,000 slaves.

Tatar society

The Crimean Tatars as an ethnic group dominated the Crimean Khanate from the 15th to the 18th centuries. They descend from a complicated mixture of Turkic peoples who settled in the Crimea from the 8th century, presumably also absorbing remnants of the Crimean Goths and the Republic of Genoa, Genoese. Linguistically, the Crimean Tatars are related to the Khazars, who invaded the Crimea in the mid-8th century; the Crimean Tatar language forms part of the Kipchak languages, Kipchak or Northwestern branch of the Turkic languages, although it shows substantial Oghuz languages, Oghuz influence due to historical Ottoman Turkish presence in the Crimea. A small enclave of Crimean Karaites, a people of Jewish descent practising Karaism who later adopted a Turkic language, formed in the 13th century. It existed among the Muslim Crimean Tatars, primarily in the mountainous Çufut Qale area.

Cossack incursions

In 1553–1554 Cossack Hetman Dmytro Vyshnevetsky (in office: 1550-1557) gathered together groups of Cossacks and constructed a fort designed to obstruct Tatar raids into Ukraine. With this action, he founded the Zaporozhian Sich, with which he would launch a series of attacks on the Crimean Peninsula and the Ottoman Turks. In 1774, the Ottoman Empire was Russo-Turkish War (1768–1774), defeated by Catherine the Great. After two centuries of conflict, the Russian fleet had destroyed the Ottoman navy and the Russian army had inflicted heavy defeats on the Ottoman land forces. The ensuing Treaty of Küçük Kaynarca forced the Sublime Porte to recognize the Tatars of the Crimea as politically independent, meaning that the Crimean Khans fell under Russian Empire, Russian influence with the Treaty of Küçük Kaynarca. but did suffered a gradual internal collapse, particularly after a pogrom created a Russian aided exodus of Christian subjects who were overwhelmingly among the urban classes and created cities such as Mariupol. Catherine the Great's later Annexation of Crimea by the Russian Empire, incorporation of the Crimea in 1783 into the Russian Empire increased Russia's power in the Black Sea area. The Crimea was the first Muslim territory to slip from the sultan's suzerainty. The Ottoman Empire's frontiers would gradually shrink, and Russia would proceed to push her frontier westwards to the Dniester.

Russian Empire (1783–1917)

On 28 December 1783 the Ottoman Empire signed an agreement negotiated by the Russian diplomat Yakov Bulgakov, Bulgakov that recognised the loss of Crimea and other territories that had been held by the Khanate. Crimea went through a number of administrative reforms after Russian annexation, first as the Taurida Oblast in 1784 but in 1796 it was divided into two counties and attached it to the Novorossiysk Governorate, with a new Taurida Governorate established in 1802 with its capital at Simferopol. The governorate included both Crimea as well as larger adjacent areas of the mainland. In 1826 Adam Mickiewicz published his seminal work ''The Crimean Sonnets'' after travelling through the Black Sea Coast. By the late 19th century, Crimean Tatars, Crimean Tatars continued to form a slight plurality of Crimea's still largely rural population and were the predominant portion of the population in the mountainous area and about half of the steppe population. There were large numbers of Russians in Ukraine, Russians concentrated in the Feodosiya district and Ukrainians as well as smaller numbers of Jews (including Krymchaks and Crimean Karaites), Belarusians in Ukraine, Belarusians, Turks in Ukraine, Turks, Armenians in Ukraine, Armenians, and Greeks in Ukraine, Greeks and Roma. Crimea Germans, Germans and Bulgarians in Ukraine, Bulgarians settled in the Crimea at the beginning of the 19th century, receiving a large allotment and fertile land and later wealthy colonists began to buy land, mainly in Perekopsky and Evpatoria uyezds.

Crimean War

The Crimean War (1853–1856), a conflict fought between the Russian Empire and an alliance of the Second French Empire, French Empire, the British Empire, the Ottoman Empire, the Kingdom of Sardinia, and the Duchy of Nassau, was part of a long-running contest between the major European powers for influence over territories of the Decline of the Ottoman Empire, declining Ottoman Empire. Russia and the Ottoman Empire went to war in October 1853 over Russia's rights to protect History of the Eastern Orthodox Church under the Ottoman Empire, Orthodox Christians; to stop Russia's conquests France and Britain entered in March 1854. While some of the war was fought elsewhere, the principal engagements were in Crimea. The immediate cause of the war involved the rights of Christian minorities in Palestine, which was part of the Ottoman Empire. The French promoted the rights of Roman Catholics, and Russia promoted those of the Eastern Orthodox Church. Longer-term causes involved the decline of the Ottoman Empire, the expansion of the Russian Empire in the preceding Russo-Turkish Wars, and the British and French preference to preserve the Ottoman Empire to maintain the balance of power in the Concert of Europe. It has widely been noted that the causes, in one case involving an argument over a key, had never revealed a "greater confusion of purpose" but led to a war that stood out for its "notoriously incompetent international butchery". Following action in the Danubian Principalities and in the Black Sea, allied troops landed in Crimea in September 1854 and Siege of Sevastopol (1854–1855), besieged the city of Sevastopol, home of the Tsar's Black Sea Fleet and the associated threat of potential Russian penetration into the Mediterranean. After extensive fighting throughout Crimea, the city fell on 9 September 1855. The war ended with a Russian loss in February 1856. The war devastated much of the economic and social infrastructure of Crimea. The Crimean Tatars had to flee from their homeland ''en masse'', forced by the conditions created by the war, persecution, and land expropriations. Those who survived the trip, famine, and disease, resettled in Dobruja, Anatolia, and other parts of the Ottoman Empire. Finally, the Russian government decided to stop the process, as agriculture began to suffer due to the unattended fertile farmland.

Russian Civil War (1917–1922)

Following the Russian Revolution of 1917, the military and political situation in Crimea was chaotic like that in much of Russia. During the ensuing Russian Civil War, Crimea changed hands numerous times and was for a time a stronghold of the anti-Bolshevik White movement, White Army. It was in Crimea that the White Russians led by Pyotr Nikolayevich Wrangel, General Wrangel made their last stand against Nestor Makhno and the Red Army in 1920. When resistance was crushed, many of the anti-Bolshevik fighters and civilians escaped by ship to Istanbul. Approximately 50,000 White prisoners of war and civilians were summarily executed by shooting or hanging after the defeat of General Wrangel at the end of 1920. This is considered one of the largest Red Terror, massacres in the Civil War. Between 56,000 and 150,000 of the Whites were murdered as part of the Red Terror, organized by Béla Kun. Crimea changed hands several times over the course of the conflict and several political entities were set up on the peninsula. These included:

Soviet Union (1922–1991)


Crimea became part of the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic on 18 October 1921 as the Crimean Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, which became part of the Soviet Union in 1922, with a degree of autonomy and run as a Crimean Tatar enclave. However, this did not protect the Crimean Tatars, who constituted about 25% of the Crimean population, from Joseph Stalin's repressions of the 1930s. The Greeks in Ukraine, Greeks were another cultural group that suffered. Their lands were lost during the process of Collective farming, collectivisation, in which farmers were not compensated with wages. Schools which taught Greek language, Greek were closed and Greek literature was destroyed, because the Soviets considered the Greeks as "counter-revolutionary" with their links to capitalism, capitalist state Greece, and their independent culture. From 1923 until 1944 there was an effort to create History of the Jews in Ukraine#Jewish settlement in Crimea, Jewish settlements in Crimea. There were two attempts to establish Jewish autonomy in Crimea, but both were ultimately unsuccessful. Crimea experienced two severe famines in the 20th century, the Russian famine of 1921, Famine of 1921–1922 and the Holodomor of 1932–1933. A large Slavic population influx occurred in the 1930s as a result of the Soviet policy of regional development. These demographic changes permanently altered the ethnic balance in the region.

World War II

During World War II, Crimea was a scene of some of the bloodiest battles. The leaders of the Nazi Germany, Third Reich were anxious to conquer and colonize the fertile and beautiful peninsula as part of their policy of resettling the Germans in Eastern Europe at the expense of the Slavs. In the Crimean campaign, German and Romanian troops suffered heavy casualties in the summer of 1941 as they tried to advance through the narrow Isthmus of Perekop linking Crimea to the Soviet mainland. Once the German army broke through (Battle of the Kerch Peninsula, Operation Trappenjagd), they occupied most of Crimea, with the exception of the city of Sevastopol, which was Siege of Sevastopol (1941–1942), besieged and later awarded the honorary title of Hero City (Soviet Union), Hero City after the war. The Red Army lost over 170,000 men killed or taken prisoner, and three armies (44th, 47th, and 51st) with twenty-one divisions. Sevastopol held out from October 1941 until 4 July 1942 when the Germans finally captured the city. From 1 September 1942, the peninsula was administered as the ''Generalbezirk Krim'' (general district of Crimea) ''und Teilbezirk'' (and sub-district) ''Taurien'' by the Nazi ''Generalkommissar'' Alfred Eduard Frauenfeld (1898–1977), under the authority of the three consecutive Reichskommissare for the entire Ukraine. In spite of heavy-handed tactics by the Nazis and the assistance of the Kingdom of Romania, Romanian and Kingdom of Italy (1861–1946), Italian troops, the Crimean mountains remained an unconquered stronghold of the native resistance (the partisans) until the day when the peninsula was freed from the occupying force. The History of the Jews in Ukraine, Crimean Jews were targeted for annihilation during the Nazi occupation. According to Yitzhak Arad, "In January 1942 a company of Tatar volunteers was established in Simferopol under the command of ''Einsatzgruppen, Einsatzgruppe 11''. This company participated in anti-Jewish manhunts and murder actions in the rural regions." Around 40,000 Crimean Jew were murdered. The successful Crimean offensive meant that in 1944 Sevastopol came under the control of troops from the Soviet Union. The so-called "City of Russian Glory" once known for its beautiful architecture was entirely destroyed and had to be rebuilt stone by stone. Due to its enormous historical and symbolic meaning for the Russians, it became a priority for Stalin and the Soviet government to have it restored to its former glory within the shortest time possible. The Crimean port of Yalta hosted the Yalta Conference of Roosevelt, Stalin and Churchill which was later seen as dividing Europe between the Communist and democratic spheres.

Deportation of the Crimean Tatars

On 18 May 1944, the entire population of the Crimean Tatars were Involuntary settlements in the Soviet Union#"Punitive" deportations of nationalities in 1943–1944, forcibly deported in the "Sürgün" (Crimean Tatar for exile) to Central Asia by Joseph Stalin's Soviet government as a form of collective punishment on the grounds that they allegedly had collaborated with the Nazism, Nazi occupation forces and formed pro-German Tatar Legions. On 26 June of the same year Armenians, Armenian, Bulgarians, Bulgarian and Greeks, Greek population was also deported to Central Asia, and partially to Ufa and its surroundings in the Ural mountains. A total of more than 230,000 people – about a fifth of the total population of the Crimean Peninsula at that time – were deported, mainly to Uzbekistan. 14,300 Greeks, 12,075 Bulgarians, and about 10,000 Armenians were also expelled. By the end of summer 1944, the ethnic cleansing of Crimea was complete. In 1967, the Crimean Tatars were rehabilitated, but they were banned from legally returning to their homeland until the last days of the Soviet Union. The deportation was formally recognized as a genocide by Ukraine and three other countries between 2015 and 2019. The Crimean Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic was abolished on 30 June 1945 and transformed into the Crimean Oblast (oblast, province) of the Russian SFSR. A process of De-Tatarization of Crimea was started to remove the memory of the Tartars.

1954 Transfer to Ukraine SSR

On 19 February 1954, the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR under Nikita Khrushchev issued 1954 transfer of Crimea, a decree on the transfer of the Crimean region of the RSFSR to the Ukrainian SSR. The action was attributed to Nikita Khrushchev, then-General Secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, First Secretary of the Communist Party. This Supreme Soviet Decree states that this transfer was motivated by "the commonality of the economy, the proximity, and close economic and cultural relations between the Crimean region and the Ukrainian SSR". The year 1954 happened to mark the 300th anniversary of the Treaty of Pereyaslav, which was signed in 1654 by representatives of the Ukrainian Cossack Hetmanate and Alexis of Russia, Tsar Alexis of Russia. The construction of North Crimean Canal, a land improvement canal for irrigation and watering of Kherson Oblast in southern Ukraine, and the Crimean peninsula, was started in 1957 soon after the transfer of Crimea. The canal also has multiple branches throughout Kherson Oblast and the Crimean peninsula. The main project works took place between 1961 and 1971 and had three stages. The construction was conducted by the Komosomol members sent by the Komsomol travel ticket (Komsomolskaya putyovka) as part of shock construction projects and accounted for some 10,000 "volunteer" workers. In the post-war years, Crimea thrived as a tourist destination, with new attractions and sanatoriums for tourists. Tourists came from all around the Soviet Union and aligned countries, particularly from the German Democratic Republic. In time the peninsula also became a major tourist destination for cruises originating in Greece and Turkey. Crimea's infrastructure and manufacturing also developed, particularly around the sea ports at Kerch and Sevastopol and in the oblast's landlocked capital, Simferopol. Populations of Ukrainians and Russians alike doubled, with more than 1.6 million Russians and 626,000 Ukrainians living on the peninsula by 1989.

Post Soviet Union

Ukraine (de jure since 1991, de facto 1991–2014)

With the dissolution of the Soviet Union and Ukrainian Declaration of Independence, Ukrainian independence the majority ethnic Russian Crimean peninsula was reorganized as the Republic of Crimea (1992-1995), Republic of Crimea,,''National Identity and Ethnicity in Russia and the New States of Eurasia'' edited by Roman Szporluk (page 174) after a referendum in Crimea in January 1991, 1991 referendum with the Crimean authorities pushing for more independence from Ukraine and closer links with Russia. In 1995 the Republic was forcibly abolished by Ukraine with the Autonomous Republic of Crimea established firmly under Ukrainian authority. There were also intermittent tensions with Russia over the Soviet Fleet, although a 1997 Partition Treaty on the Status and Conditions of the Black Sea Fleet, treaty partitioned the Black Sea Fleet, Soviet Black Sea Fleet allowing Russia to continue basing its fleet in Sevastopol with the lease Kharkiv Pact, extended in 2010. As a result of the Revolution of Dignity, overthrow of the relatively pro Russian President of Ukraine, president Viktor Yanukovych, Yanukovych, Annexation of Crimea by the Russian Federation, Russian annexed Crimea in 2014.

Russian annexation

The Revolution of Dignity, events in Kyiv that ousted Ukrainian president Viktor Yanukovych sparked Timeline of the 2014 Crimean crisis#23 February, demonstrations against the First Yatsenyuk Government, new Ukrainian government.In Yalta was organized Euromaidan, in Sevastopol were demanding to imprison the opposition
. Ukrayinska Pravda. 19 February 2014
At the same time Russian president Vladimir Putin discussed Ukrainian events with security service chiefs remarking that "we must start working on returning Crimea to Russia". On 27 February, Little green men (Russo-Ukrainian War), Russian troops captured strategic sites across Crimea. This led to the installation of the pro-Russian Sergey Aksyonov, Aksyonov government in Crimea, the 2014 Crimean status referendum, Crimean status referendum and the declaration of Declaration of Independence of the Republic of Crimea, Crimea's independence on 16 March 2014. Although Russia initially claimed their military was not involved in the events, it later admitted that they were.
Russia formally incorporated Crimea on 18 March 2014. Following the annexation, Russia escalated its military presence on the peninsula and made Russia and weapons of mass destruction, nuclear threats to solidify the new status quo on the ground. Ukraine and International reactions to the annexation of Crimea by the Russian Federation, many other countries condemned the annexation and consider it to be a violation of international law and Russian agreements safeguarding the territorial integrity of Ukraine. The annexation led to the other members of the then-Group of Eight, G8 suspending Russia from the group and introducing International sanctions during the Ukrainian crisis, sanctions. The United Nations General Assembly also rejected the referendum and annexation, adopting United Nations General Assembly Resolution 68/262, a resolution affirming the "territorial integrity of Ukraine within its internationally recognised borders". The Russian government opposes the "annexation" label, with Putin defending the referendum as complying with the principle of the self-determination of peoples.


Within days of the signing of the accession treaty, the process of integrating Crimea into the Russian federation began with the Russian ruble going into official circulation and later to be the sole currency for legal tender with clocks also moved to Moscow time. A revision of the Constitution of Russia, Russian Constitution was officially released with the Republic of Crimea and the federal city of Sevastopol added to the federal subjects of the Russian Federation, and the Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev stated that Crimea had been fully integrated into Russia. Since the annexation Russia has supported large migration into Crimea. Once Ukraine lost control of the territory in 2014, it shut off the water supply of the North Crimean Canal which supplies 85% of the peninsula's freshwater needs from the Dnieper river, the nation's main waterway. Development of new sources of water was undertaken, with huge difficulties, to replace closed Ukrainian sources. In 2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine, 2022, Russia Southern Ukraine offensive, conquered portions of Kherson Oblast, which allowed it to unblock the North Crimean canal by force, resuming water supply into Crimea.

2022 Crimea attacks

Beginning in July 2022, a series of explosions and fires occurred on the Russian occupation of Crimea, Russian-occupied Crimean Peninsula from where the Russian Army had launched its Southern Ukraine campaign, offensive on Southern Ukraine during the 2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine, Russian invasion of Ukraine. Occupied Crimea was a base for the subsequent Russian occupation of Kherson Oblast and Russian occupation of Zaporizhzhia Oblast. The Ukrainian government has not accepted responsibility for all of the attacks.

See also

*Kizil-Koba culture *Cimmerians *Tauri *Scythian Neapolis *Greeks in pre-Roman Crimea *Chersonesus *Bosporan Kingdom *Kingdom of Pontus *Crimea in the Roman era *Akatziri *Crimean Goths *Crimean Tatars *Crimean Khanate *Khazars *Crimean Karaites *Annexation of Crimea by the Russian Empire *Taurida Oblast *Novorossiya Governorate *Taurida Governorate *Crimean War *Crimean People's Republic *Taurida Soviet Socialist Republic *Crimean Regional Government *Crimean Socialist Soviet Republic *South Russian Government *Government of South Russia *Soviet-era Crimea *Crimean ASSR (1991-1992) *Republic of Crimea (1992-1995) *Autonomous Republic of Crimea


Further reading

* Allworth, Edward, ed. ''Tatars of the Crimea. Return to the Homeland'' (Duke University Press. 1998), articles by scholars * * Cordova, Carlos. ''Crimea and the Black Sea: An environmental history.'' (Bloomsbury Publishing, 2015.) * Dickinson, Sara. "Russia's First 'Orient': Characterizing the Crimea in 1787." ''Kritika: Explorations in Russian and Eurasian History'' 3.1 (2002): 3-25
* * Kent, Neil (2016). ''Crimea: A History''. Hurst Publishers. . * * Kirimli, Hakan. ''National Movements and National Identity Among the Crimean Tatars (1905 - 1916)'' (E.J. Brill. 1996) * Paul Robert Magocsi, Magocsi, Paul Robert (2014). ''This Blessed Land: Crimea and the Crimean Tatars''. University of Toronto Press. . * Milner, Thomas. ''The Crimea: Its Ancient and Modern History: the Khans, the Sultans, and the Czars. ''Longman, 1855
* O'Neill, Kelly. ''Claiming Crimea: A History of Catherine the Great's Southern Empire'' (Yale University Press, 2017). * Ozhiganov, Edward. "The Crimean Republic: Rivalries for Control." in ''Managing Conflict in the Former Soviet Union: Russian and American Perspectives'' (MIT Press. 1997). pp. 83–137. * Pleshakov, Constantine. ''The Crimean Nexus: Putin's War and the Clash of Civilizations'' (Yale University Press, 2017). * Sasse, Gwendolyn. ''The Crimea Question: Identity, Transition, and Conflict'' (2007) * * , recent developments * Williams, Brian Glyn. ''The Crimean Tatars: The Diaspora Experience and the Forging of a Nation'' (Brill 2001


* Mikhail Kizilov, Kizilov, Mikhail; Prokhorov, Dmitry. "The Development of Crimean Studies in the Russian Empire, the Soviet Union, and Ukraine," ''Acta Orientalia Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae'' (Dec 2011), Vol. 64 Issue 4, pp437–452.

Primary sources

*; complete text online * Wood, Evelyn. ''The Crimea in 1854, and 1894: With Plans, and Illustrations from Sketches Taken on the Spot by Colonel W. J. Colville'' (2005
excerpt and text search

External links

Historical footage of Crimea, 1918
Filmportal, filmportal.de
On the role of Crimea in the Russian discourse
The Crimean Archipelago: A Multimedia Dossier
{{DEFAULTSORT:History Of Crimea History of Crimea,