

As it descends it diminishes in thickness, and is gradually lost. It is strengthened posteriorly by a strong fibrous band, which is attached above to the
pharyngeal spine The pharyngeal tubercle is a part of the occipital bone of the head and neck. It is located on the lower surface of the basilar part of occipital bone. It is the site of attachment of the pharyngeal raphe. Structure The pharyngeal tubercle i ...
on the under surface of the basilar portion of the occipital bone, and passes downward, forming a median raphé, which gives attachment to the
Constrictores pharyngis The pharyngeal muscles are a group of muscles that form the pharynx, which is posterior to the oral cavity, determining the shape of its lumen, and affecting its sound properties as the primary resonating cavity. The pharyngeal muscles (involunta ...

Additional images

File:Slide1kuku.JPG, Larynx, pharynx and tongue.Deep dissection, posterior view. File:Slide2kuku.JPG, Larynx, pharynx and tongue.Deep dissection, posterior view. File:Slide3kuku.JPG, Larynx, pharynx and tongue.Deep dissection, Posterior view.


External links

* * http://ect.downstate.edu/courseware/haonline/labs/l31/100101.htm * http://www.instantanatomy.net/headneck/areas/phpharyngobasilarfascia.html Fascial spaces of the head and neck {{Anatomy-stub