

The Nancy School was a French hypnosis-centered school of psychotherapy. The origins of the thoughts were brought about by
Ambroise-Auguste Liébeault Ambroise-Auguste Liébeault (1823–1904) was a French physician and is considered the father of modern hypnotherapy. Ambroise-Auguste Liébeault was born in Favières, a small town in the Lorraine region of France, on September 16, 1823. He compl ...
in 1866, in Nancy, France. Through his publications and therapy sessions he was able to gain the attention/support from
Hippolyte Bernheim Hippolyte Bernheim (17 April 1840, in Mulhouse – 2 February 1919, in Paris) was a French physician and neurologist. He is chiefly known for his theory of suggestibility in relation to hypnotism. Life Born into a Jewish family, Bernheim receiv ...
: another Nancy Doctor that further evolved Liébeault's thoughts and practices to form what is known as the Nancy School. It is referred to as the Nancy School to distinguish it from the antagonistic "
Paris School The School of Paris (french: École de Paris) refers to the French and émigré artists who worked in Paris in the first half of the 20th century. The School of Paris was not a single art movement or institution, but refers to the importance ...
" that was centred on the hysteria-centred hypnotic research of Jean-Martin Charcot at the Salpêtrière Hospital in Paris.


;Ambroise-Auguste Liébeault (1823–1904)Fancher, Raymond E., and Alexandra Rutherford. "Chapter 10: Social Influence and Social Psychology." Pioneers of Psychology: A History. New York: W.W. Norton, 2012. 415-29. Print. Liébeault was born to a peasant family in Farrières France.Carlos S. Alvarado (2009) "Ambroise August Liébeault and Psychic Phenomena", ''American Journal of Clinical Hypnosis'', 52:2, 111-121 While expected to become a priest, he rather started his medical studies at Strasbourg, where he obtained his medical degree in 1850. At Strasbourg, he stumbled upon an old book about animal magnetism and became fascinated with it. He moved to Nancy, France in 1860 and opened up his own clinic. Having finally established a successful practice, his thoughts turned back to that book on animal magnetism and he decided to start experimenting with hypnotic therapies. He did this by offering his patients a strange bargain: they could either continue their standard methods of treatment and continue their usual fee or they could be treated hypnotically, through suggestion, for free. Naturally, at first, many patients stuck by their standard methods because hypnosis at that time was still controversial. As more and more patients started receiving the hypnotic treatment and spreading news of its success, Liébeault became known as "Good Father Liébeault." In 1866 he published his first book titled ''Du sommeil et des états analogues, considérés surtout du point de vue de l'action du moral sur le physique'' (Sleep and its analogous states considered from the perspective of the action of the mind upon the body)Carrer, L., ''Ambroise-Auguste Liébeault: The Hypnological Legacy of a Secular Saint'', Virtualbookwork.com, (College Station), 2002 that focused on the similarities between induced sleep (or
trance Trance is a state of semi-consciousness in which a person is not self-aware and is either altogether unresponsive to external stimuli (but nevertheless capable of pursuing and realizing an aim) or is selectively responsive in following the dir ...
) and natural sleep, the features of the hypnotic state, how the induction of sleep relates to the nervous system, and the phenomena of hallucinations. Within this theory, he labeled the key difference between sleep and the hypnotic state to be "produced by suggestion and concentration on the idea of sleep and that the patient was "en rapport" with the hypnotist."Lynn, S. J., & Rhue, J. W. (1991). ''Theories of hypnosis: Current models and perspectives''. New York: Guilford Press. This book was largely ignored by the medical profession due to the fact that it was obscurely written and sold very few copies. However, Liébeault's theory on the hypnotic state that he devised in this book attracted the attention of a prominent Nancy doctor, and soon to be student of Liébeault himself,
Hippolyte Bernheim Hippolyte Bernheim (17 April 1840, in Mulhouse – 2 February 1919, in Paris) was a French physician and neurologist. He is chiefly known for his theory of suggestibility in relation to hypnotism. Life Born into a Jewish family, Bernheim receiv ...
. ;Hippolyte Bernheim (1840–1919) Bernheim, born in
Alsace Alsace (, ; ; Low Alemannic German/ gsw-FR, Elsàss ; german: Elsass ; la, Alsatia) is a cultural region and a territorial collectivity in eastern France, on the west bank of the upper Rhine next to Germany and Switzerland. In 2020, it had ...
, received his medical degree from Strasbourg for internal medicine, specializing in heart diseases and typhoid fever. From hearing of the reputation Liébeault was establishing with his work in hypnosis and from reading his first publication, Bernheim skeptically visited the "hypnotic clinic" to see for himself if all of the stories he had been hearing were true. His amazement of what was happening led him to regularly visit the clinic to learn Liébeault's methods, and eventually abandoned his practice with internal medicine to become a full-time hypnotherapist. Bernheim at first humbly became a student of Liébeault, and eventually came to study the hypnotic state on par with him as a colleague. Bernheim was able to bring Liébeault's ideas about suggestibility to the attention of the medical world. His focus was on the patients rather than the hypnotist because he believed that the patients held the important factors to be hypnotized. He believed that every human being has the trait of
suggestibility Suggestibility is the quality of being inclined to accept and act on the suggestions of others. One may fill in gaps in certain memories with false information given by another when recalling a scenario or moment. Suggestibility uses cues to dist ...
but each just varied in the degree of suggestibility. This idea became a staple in the train of thought of the Nancy doctors. He wrote these thoughts and others, such as how "suggestible patients could be successfully treated by straightforward persuasion techniques as well as by hypnosis," in his book ''De la Suggestion et de ses Applications à la Thérapeutique'' (Suggestive Therapeutics). Although Bernheim was the leading proponent of suggestion accounting for hypnotic phenomena, he never took full credit for it all. He argued that "while suggestion was proposed by Abbé Faria, and was applied by James Braid, it was perfected by Liébeault."


Liébeault and his followers did not agree with the views of Charcot and the Salpêtrière hospital's school of thought. In fact they were opposed to the ideas of the hysteria-centered school of thought that was the hallmark of Jean-Martin Charcot's Paris school. Instead they believed that: *Hypnosis is a physiological condition, which can be induced in healthy individuals. The Nancy school believed the state of mind of hypnosis was a "nonpathological psychological state of mind". This view was in direct opposition to the hysteria-centered view of hypnosis by the Paris school, which stated that hypnosis was a mental disorder. *Everyone has a tendency to respond to suggestion, but while under hypnosis this condition is artificially increased. They believed that suggestion was a trait that could be measured and varied within the subject. *Suggestion explains all. It is a form of automatism. They believed that the deeply hypnotized subject responds automatically to suggestion before his intellectual centers have had time to bring their inhibitory action into play. Liebeault, Bernheim, and the school in Nancy believed that hypnosis was due to the physiological property in the brain of suggestibility.Ernest R. Hypnotic Phenomena: The Struggle for Scientific Acceptance: Modern experiments are bringing hypnotic phenomena out of the fringe area of pseudoscience into the domain of normal psychological science Bernheim discovered that if he gave a subject a suggestion to return to him at ten o'clock in 13 days while under hypnosis, the subject would show up at the exact time Bernheim had suggested. The subject showed no recollection of receiving a suggestion, and stated that the "idea presented itself to his mind only at the moment at which he was required to execute it."Bernheim, H. (1883–1884). De la suggestion dans l'état hypnotique et dans l'état de veille. Revue Médicale de l'Est In Bernheim's ''Latent Memories and Long-Term Suggestions'', he proposed that post-hypnotic suggestions were a result of his subjects periodically falling into a hypnotic state and remembering the suggestions they received from him while previously under hypnosis.Bernheim, H. (1886). Souvenirs latents et suggestions à longue échéance. Revue Médicale de l'Est, 17, 97–111 Below is a description of one of his experiments on post-hypnotic suggestion. "To one, I tell her during her sleep:—"Next Thursday (in five days) you will take the glass that is on the night table and put it in the suitcase that is at the foot of your bed." Three days later, having put her back to sleep, I say to her: "Do you remember what I ordered you to do?" She answers: "Yes, I must put the glass in my suitcase Thursday morning, at eight o'clock."—"Have you thought about it since I told you?"—"No"—"Think hard."—"I thought about it the following morning at eleven o'clock."—"Were you awake or asleep?"—"I was in a drowsy state." (Bernheim, 1886a, pp. 109–110)" Bernheim theorized that memories of suggestions subjects received under hypnosis were not unconscious, instead they were latent, or dormant until it is revived when the subject drifts into a hypnotic state. On the other hand Charcot was the director of the Paris's large Salpetriere Hospital. He claimed that "hypnotizability and hysteria were aspects of the same underlying abnormal neurological condition."Fancher, Raymond E. ''The Nancy-Salpetriere Controversy''. 4th ed. W.W Norton & Company, Inc., 1996. 416. Print. Therefore, he doubted the view of the Nancy school: that hypnotic susceptibility was a normal characteristic. Instead, "Charcot speculated that the root cause of hysteria lay in a hereditary, progressive, and generalized degeneracy of the nervous system that interferes with the ability to integrate and interconnect memories and ideas in the normal way." While studying hysteria in Charcot's famous patient Lucie, Charcot and Pierre Janet theorized that all post-hypnotic suggestions were performed by a "dissociated consciousness". They came to this conclusion because when Lucie would have symptoms of hysteria, she would recall childhood fears. Janet then used this research as evidence that traumatic events of the past led to the onset of symptoms of hysteria which resulted in a dissociated consciousness that was expressed in hypnotic neurosis. Charcot believed that hypnotic neurosis could be described as to follow three stages:
catalepsy Catalepsy (from Ancient Greek , , "seizing, grasping") is a nervous condition characterized by muscular rigidity and fixity of posture regardless of external stimuli, as well as decreased sensitivity to pain. Signs and symptoms Symptoms in ...
lethargy Lethargy is a state of tiredness, sleepiness, weariness, fatigue, sluggishness or lack of energy. It can be accompanied by depression, decreased motivation, or apathy. Lethargy can be a normal response to inadequate sleep, overexertion, overwo ...
, and
somnambulism Sleepwalking, also known as somnambulism or noctambulism, is a phenomenon of combined sleep and wakefulness. It is classified as a sleep disorder belonging to the parasomnia family. It occurs during slow wave stage of sleep, in a state of lo ...
. These ideas were implemented into Charcot's grand theory of hypnotism.LeBlanc, A. (2004), Thirteen days: Joseph Delboeuf versus Pierre Janet on the nature of hypnotic suggestion. J. Hist. Behav. Sci., 40: 123–147. doi: 10.1002/jhbs.20000 The theory of grand hypnotism was presented by Charcot to the French scientific establishment and was accepted as a legitimate study. Bernheim countered Charcot, by stating that provoked sleep was simply a consequence of suggestion. This was the exact opposite of the belief held by Charcot that suggestion was due to provoked sleep from the disorder of hypnotic neurosis. Bernheim believed that the "..automatic execution of suggested acts could happen while awake and without somnambulism." He stated that "Sleep, which suspends the power of will and reasoning, merely facilitated the brain's acceptance of the suggested idea." This idea led Bernheim to accuse Charcot of "creating a cultural hysteria" at the Salpêtrière hospital that was in fact due to the suggestion and charisma of Charcot's showmanship. Bernheim pointed out that Charcot's subjects were aware of what was expected of them while under hypnosis, Charcot and his colleagues even discussed what they expected of the patient in front of them. This included Charcot's convulsions which he implemented as a hallmark symptom of hypnotic neurosis. Charcot's hysteria-stricken subjects gained much popularity in the hospital at Paris, and around the entire country. In the end, around 1891 the Salpetriere protagonists admitted openly that they have been wrong. "Charcot too, admitted his errors on hypnotism and privately predicted that his theories of hysteria would not long survive him". Besides his mistakes, "Charcot was among the first to explore interactions between emotional and physical factors, and he raised the important subjects of hysteria and hypnosis out of scientific obscurity".


One of the first influential researchers of hypnotism was Indo-Portuguese monk, Abbé Faria. He was a pioneer of the scientific study of hypnotism who believed hypnosis worked purely through the power of suggestion. The Scottish surgeon James Braid, focused on the susceptibility of the subjects and not on what the hypnotist was doing. By doing this Braid was able to make a revolutionary observation and conclusion by having his subjects stare at and concentrate on a shiny object.Conis, Elena. "MEDICINE; ESOTERICA MEDICA; Under its Spell; from Sideshows to Scientific Studies, Hypnosis Still Intrigues." Los Angeles Times: 0. Oct 02 2006. ProQuest. Web. 24 Nov. 2013 He noticed that "the staring paralyzed the eye muscles, he concluded, and the fixed attention weakened the mind, resulting in an unusual state of the nervous system, halfway between sleep and wakefulness." From this conclusion Braid announced this discovery as being neurohypnology, or nervous sleep. Braid also proposed that hypnosis would and could have a number of clinical uses, including being useful for surgical anaesthesia; all of which helped pave the way for the establishment of scientific hypnotism, and, because Braid approached hypnotism as a scientist and natural philosopher, he was able to move hypnotism beyond controversy and mystery, and give it a respectable face. Bernheim was a great asset to Liébeault's studies and research on hypnotism. Unlike Liébeault, Bernheim was proficient at writing effectively and communicating all of their elaborate ideas. In the book ''Pioneers of Psychology'', Raymond E. Fancher and Alexandra Rutherford state that "Bernheim was effective at elaborating these ideas in several books and articles that came to be identified as the main statements of the Nancy school."


The research and theories produced by the Nancy School have had a great impact on our society today. Multiple research studies have shown that these techniques are safe and effective in certain situations. D. Barrett stated that it is also "becoming clear that the skills one needs to respond to hypnosis are similar to those necessary to experience trance-like states in daily life." According to K. Cherry, "the technique has also been clinically proven to provide medical and therapeutic benefits, most notably in the reduction of pain and anxiety. It has even been suggested that hypnosis can reduce the symptoms of dementia." Various articles and research indicate that hypnosis can affect people differently depending on their state of mind. Experiments today have given us enough information to show that hypnosis and the power of suggestion can help with certain problems in daily life; whether it be trying to quit smoking or to relieve the pain of consistent headaches. There were many influential people in the history of psychology that have been themselves influenced by the Nancy School and the concept that it believed in. With this influence many of these psychology figures have been able to accomplish great things for psychology. These figures include, but are not limited to: *
Morton Prince Morton Henry Prince (December 22, 1854 – August 31, 1929) was an American physician who specialized in neurology and abnormal psychology, and was a leading force in establishing psychology as a clinical and academic discipline. He was part o ...
who has become known for his work with
dissociative disorders Dissociative disorders (DD) are conditions that involve disruptions or breakdowns of memory, awareness, identity, or perception. People with dissociative disorders use dissociation as a defense mechanism, pathologically and involuntarily. The in ...
, or multiple personality disorders. *
Auguste Forel Auguste-Henri Forel (1 September 1848 – 27 July 1931) was a Swiss myrmecologist, neuroanatomist, psychiatrist and eugenicist, notable for his investigations into the structure of the human brain and that of ants. For example, he is considere ...
was a Swiss myrmecologist, neuroanatomist, and psychiatrist who is most known for his "investigations into the structure of the human brain and that of ants." *
Josef Breuer Josef Breuer ( , ; 15 January 1842 – 20 June 1925) was a distinguished physician who made key discoveries in neurophysiology, and whose work in the 1880s with his patient Bertha Pappenheim, known as Anna O., developed the talking cure (cathar ...
who was an Austrian physician who made crucial discoveries in neurophysiology, and also helped to lay the foundation for Freud's theory of
psychoanalysis PsychoanalysisFrom Greek: + . is a set of theories and therapeutic techniques"What is psychoanalysis? Of course, one is supposed to answer that it is many things — a theory, a research method, a therapy, a body of knowledge. In what might b ...
with his work with
Bertha Pappenheim Bertha Pappenheim (27 February 1859 – 28 May 1936) was an Austrian-Jewish feminist, a social pioneer, and the founder of the Jewish Women's Association (''). Under the pseudonym Anna O., she was also one of Josef Breuer's best-documented pat ...
, more commonly known as
Anna O Bertha Pappenheim (27 February 1859 – 28 May 1936) was an Austrian-Jewish feminist, a social pioneer, and the founder of the Jewish Women's Association (''). Under the pseudonym Anna O., she was also one of Josef Breuer's best-documented pat ...
. *
Sigmund Freud Sigmund Freud ( , ; born Sigismund Schlomo Freud; 6 May 1856 – 23 September 1939) was an Austrian neurologist and the founder of psychoanalysis, a clinical method for evaluating and treating pathologies explained as originating in conflicts ...
who was an Austrian neurologist, and studied with Bernheim, has become to be known as "the founding father of psychoanalysis." Freud was able to translate Bernheim's first two books on hypnotism and suggestion, arguing in his preface to the first (1888) that hypnotism linked up with "familiar phenomena of normal psychological life and sleep".Quoted in Peter Gay, Freud (1988) p. 52 His visit to Nancy to see what he called "Bernheim's astonishing experiments" gave him "the profoundest impression of the possibility that there could be powerful mental processes which nevertheless remained hidden from the consciousness of man".Quoted in Ernest Jones, The Life and Work of Sigmund Freud () p. 211 Freud read about the ideas of both Charcot and Bernheim and used hypnosis as a therapeutic method in his and Breuer's Studies on Hysteria (1895). *
Émile Coué Émile Coué de la Châtaigneraie (; 26 February 1857 – 2 July 1926) was a French psychologist and pharmacist who introduced a popular method of psychotherapy and self-improvement based on optimistic autosuggestion. Considered by Charles B ...
developed the Coué Method, and is sometimes considered to have represented a second Nancy School.Henri Ellenberger, The Discovery of the Unconscious (1970) p. 842It is significant that Coué never adopted Baudouin’s designation "New Nancy School"; and, moreover, according to Bernard Glueck — Glueck, B., "New Nancy School", ''The Psychoanalytic Review'', Vol.10, (January 1923), pp.109-112; at p.112 — who had visited Coué at Nancy in 1922, Coué was “rather annoyed” with Baudouin’s unauthorized characterization of his enterprise.

See also

History of hypnosis The development of concepts, beliefs and practices related to hypnosis and hypnotherapy have been documented since prehistoric to modern times. Although often viewed as one continuous history, the term ''hypnosis'' was coined in the 1880s in Fr ...


Further reading

Works by members of the Nancy School

*Ambroise-Auguste Liébeault, ''Du sommeil et des états analogues considérés surtout du point de vue de l'action du moral sur le physique'', Paris, Masson, 1866 *Ambroise-Auguste Liébeault, ''Ébauche de psychologie'', 1873 *Ambroise-Auguste Liébeault, ''Étude du zoomagnétisme'', 1883 *Hippolyte Bernheim, ''De la Suggestion dans l'État Hypnotique et dans l'État de Veille'', Paris, Doin, 1884, (réed. L'Harmattan, 2004) *Jules Liégeois, « De la suggestion hypnotique dans ses rapports avec le droit civil et le droit criminel », ''Séances des travaux de l'Académie des sciences morales et politiques'', 1884, p. 155 *Ambroise-Auguste Liébeault, ''Confessions d'un médecin hypnotiseur'', 1886 *Hippolyte Bernheim, ''De la Suggestion et de son Application à la Thérapeutique'', Paris, 1886 (réed. L'Harmattan, 2005) *Henri Beaunis, ''Le Somnambulisme provoqué. Études physiologiques et psychologiques'', Paris, Baillière, 1886 (réed. L'Harmattan, 2007) *Jules Liégeois, ''La question des suggestions criminelles, ses origines, son état actuel'', 1897 *Jules Liégeois, ''La suggestion et le somnambulisme dans leurs rapports avec la jurisprudence et la médecine légale'', 1899 *Ambroise-Auguste Liébeault, ''Thérapeutique suggestive'', 1891 *Hippolyte Bernheim, ''Hypnotisme, suggestion, psychothérapie'', 1891 (réed. Fayard, 1995) *Hippolyte Bernheim, ''Le docteur Liébeault et la doctrine de la suggestion'', 1907

Contemporary studies

Clark Leonard Hull Clark Leonard Hull (May 24, 1884 – May 10, 1952) was an American psychologist who sought to explain learning and motivation by scientific laws of behavior. Hull is known for his debates with Edward C. Tolman. He is also known for his work in dr ...
, ''Hypnosis and Suggestibility'', New York, 1933 * Theodore Barber, ''Hypnosis: A Scientific Approach'', 1969 *
Léon Chertok Léon Chertok or Lejb Tchertok (31 October 1911 in Vilnius, Vilna Governorate – 6 July 1991 in Deauville), was a French psychiatrist known for his work on hypnosis and psychosomatic medicine. Biography Chertok obtained his doctorate in medicine ...
, ''Résurgence de l'hypnose'', 1984 * Mikkel Borch-Jacobsen et Léon Chertok, ''Hypnose et psychanalyse'', Dunod, 1987 * Jacqueline Carroy, ''Hypnose, suggestion et psychologie. L'invention de sujet'', Paris, PUF, 1991 * Daniel Bougnoux (Dir.), ''La suggestion. Hynose, influence, transe'', Les empêcheurs de penser en rond, 1991 * François Roustang, ''Influence'', Minuit, 1991 * François Duyckaerts, ''Joseph Delbœuf philosophe et hypnotiseur'', 1992 *
Bertrand Méheust Bertrand may refer to: Places * Bertrand, Missouri, US * Bertrand, Nebraska, US * Bertrand, New Brunswick, Canada * Bertrand Township, Michigan, US * Bertrand, Michigan * Bertrand, Virginia, US * Bertrand Creek, state of Washington * Saint- ...
, ''Somnambulisme et médiumnité'', Les Empêcheurs de penser en rond, 1999 *
Mikkel Borch-Jacobsen Mikkel Borch-Jacobsen (born 1951) is a Professor of Comparative Literature and French at the University of Washington in Seattle, and the author of many works on the history and philosophy of psychiatry, psychoanalysis and hypnosis. Born to Danis ...
, ''Folies à plusieurs. De l'hystérie à la dépression'', 2002 * Isabelle Stengers, ''L'hypnose entre magie et science'', 2002
Alexandre Klein, "Et Nancy devint la capitale de l'hypnose".
* Alexandre Klein,« Nouveau regard sur l'Ecole hypnologique de Nancy à partir d'archives inédites », ''Le Pays Lorrain'', 2010/4, p. 337-348. * Alexandre Klein,« "Lire le corps pour percer l'âme" : outils et appareils à l'aube de la psychologie scientifique à Nancy », Guignard, L., Raggi, P., Thévenin, E., (dir.), 2011, ''Corps et machines à l'âge industriel'', Rennes, PUR, p. 41-54. {{div col end Hypnosis