Hiroaki Kashiwagi



is a Japanese male curler. At the international level, he is a , a three-time Pacific bronze medallist (2000, 2002, 2004) and a two-time Asian Winter Games silver medallist (2003, 2007). At the national level, he is a four-time Japan men's champion curler (2000, 2001, 2002, 2003) and a 2013 Japan mixed doubles champion.




Mixed doubles


External links

* *Video: Living people 1982 births Japanese male curlers Pacific-Asian curling champions Japanese curling champions Asian Games medalists in curling Curlers at the 2003 Asian Winter Games Curlers at the 2007 Asian Winter Games Medalists at the 2003 Asian Winter Games Medalists at the 2007 Asian Winter Games Asian Games silver medalists for Japan Place of birth missing (living people) 21st-century Japanese people {{Japan-curling-bio-stub