Asian Carom Billiard Confederation



The Asian Carom Billiard Confederation (ACBC) is the Asian governing body of carom billiards and is affiliated to the world federation Union Mondiale de Billard (UMB).


The ACBC is responsible for the organisation of international tournaments in Asia. It has currently 11 members, which are responsible for the tournaments at the national level, like the national championships.


The ACBC has currently 11 members:Members of the ACBC
on Retrieved 1 October 2012. * CTBA – Chinese Taipei Billiard Association * BSFI – Billiards & Snooker Federation of India * AIBA – All Indonesian Billiards Association * NBA – Nippon Billiard Association * JBF – Jordan Billiard Federation * KBF – Korea Billiards Federation * LBF – Lebanese Billiard Federation * PB & SCP – Philippines Billiards & SCP * SAB & BSF – Syrian Arab Billiards & Bowling Sport Federation * BSAT – Billiard Sports Association of Thailand * VBSF – Vietnam Billiards & Snooker Federation

Federation structure

See also

* African Carom Confederation (ACC) * Confédération Européenne de Billard (CEB) * Confederación Panamericana de Billar (CPB)


{{Cue sports nav Carom billiards organizations Organizations based in Tokyo