Venacio Coñoepán



Venacio Coñoepán or simply Coñoepán was a
Mapuche The Mapuche ( (Mapuche & Spanish: )) are a group of indigenous inhabitants of south-central Chile and southwestern Argentina, including parts of Patagonia. The collective term refers to a wide-ranging ethnicity composed of various groups who s ...
chief active in the Mapuche resistance to the
Occupation of Araucanía The Occupation of Araucanía or Pacification of Araucanía (1861–1883) was a series of military campaigns, agreements and penetrations by the Chilean army and settlers into Mapuche territory which led to the incorporation of Araucanía into Ch ...
(1861-1883). At the founding of
Temuco Temuco () is a List of cities in Chile, city and Communes of Chile, commune, capital (political), capital of the Cautín Province and of the Araucanía Region in southern Chile. The city is located south of Santiago de Chile, Santiago. The city ...
in 1881 in the northern shores of
Cautín River The Cautín (Rio Cautín) is a river in Chile. It rises on the western slopes of the Cordillera de Las Raíces and flows in La Araucanía Region. The river's main tributary is the Quepe River. The city of Temuco Temuco () is a List of citi ...
Venacio Coñoepán and other chiefs from Choll-Choll met with minister Manuel Recabarren and asked him to not advance further.Bengoa 2000, p. 281. Later in the same year Venacio Coñoepán headed a parliament that united different Mapuche factions against Chile.Bengoa 2000, p. 287.



* 19th-century Mapuche people People of the Occupation of Araucanía Indigenous leaders of the Americas People from Araucanía Region Year of birth missing {{Chile-bio-stub