Telephone numbers in Honduras



Country Code: +504
International Call Prefix: 00 National Significant Numbers (NSN): eight digits. Format: +504 2ABC XXXX (fixed lines)
or +504 YABC XXXX for Y = 3,7,8,9 (mobile)

Number plan

In 2010 fixed telephone numbers in Honduras increased from seven to eight digits by adding the digit 2 at the beginning of all fixed line numbers.

Changes in 2007

Mobile telephone numbers in Honduras increased from seven (7) to eight (8) digits. The new dialling instructions are as follows: *Dial 9 + seven-digit number for calls placed to subscribers of Celtel (Tigo) *Dial 8 + seven-digit number for calls placed to subscribers of Digicel Honduras *Dial 7 + seven-digit number for calls placed to subscribers of Hondutel *Dial 3 + seven-digit number for calls placed to subscribers of Sercom (Claro) Fixed numbers in Honduras remained unchanged at seven digits in length until 2010.

See also

Telecommunications in Honduras Telecommunication in Honduras started in 1876 when the first telegraph was introduced, continued development with the telephone in 1891, radio in 1928, television in 1959, the Internet in the early 1990s, and cellphones in 1996. Radio * Radio st ...


{{North America topic, Telephone numbers in
Honduras Honduras, officially the Republic of Honduras, is a country in Central America. The republic of Honduras is bordered to the west by Guatemala, to the southwest by El Salvador, to the southeast by Nicaragua, to the south by the Pacific Oce ...
Communications in Honduras