Stanislav Ianevski



Stanislav Ianevski (; born Stanislav Rumenov Yanevski, bg, Станислав Руменов Яневски; on 16 May 1985), is a Bulgaria, Bulgarian actor best known for playing Viktor Krum in the 2005 fantasy film ''Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (film), Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire''. Ianevski was born in Sofia. He lived in England for five years, as well as in Israel.Douglas, Edward (25 July 2005)
"The New Blood From Goblet of Fire"
While attending Mill Hill School in the United Kingdom with fellow Harry Potter actor Harry Melling (actor), Harry Melling, Ianevski had no particular acting aspirations and was not a drama student. He had only auditioned for ''Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (film), Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire'' after being spotted by Fiona Weir, a casting director who prompted him to attend an acting workshop, which resulted in his casting as Viktor Krum, a Bulgarian character in the Harry Potter series. He was selected from 650 others, most of whom had auditioned in Sofia. He also starred in ''Hostel: Part II'', the sequel to Eli Roth's film ''Hostel (2005 film), Hostel''.




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* {{DEFAULTSORT:Ianevski, Stanislav 1985 births Bulgarian male film actors Living people People educated at Mill Hill School Male actors from Sofia Bulgarian expatriates in the United Kingdom 21st-century Bulgarian male actors Bulgarian male television actors Bulgarian emigrants to England