Shah Abdul Ahad Afzali



Shah Abdul Ahad Afzali was the Governor of GhorISAF Press release
Accessed 2010 from 2005 to 2007, being the third governor after the fall of the
Taliban The Taliban (; ps, طالبان, ṭālibān, lit=students or 'seekers'), which also refers to itself by its state (polity), state name, the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan, is a Deobandi Islamic fundamentalism, Islamic fundamentalist, m ...
government. He was born in Badakhshan city of Daraim in northern Afghanistan and emigrated with many of his companions to neighbouring country Tajikistan in 1994 until 2003. He was very active in Tajikistan and created many schools and other opportunities for Afghan children and youths.


Living people Governors of Ghor Province Year of birth missing (living people) {{Afghanistan-bio-stub