Oxford History of Wales



The ''Oxford History of Wales'' is a history series on the history of Wales, written by leading historians for each period. One of the volumes in the series ''Conquest, Coexistence and Change: Wales 1063–1416'' was joint winner of the Wolfson History Prize in 1987. The series was commissioned by The Oxford University Press, with the first volume (volume 6 in the series) published in 1980. The Series General Editor was the late Glanmor Williams The series is as yet incomplete with five out of the six planned volumes having so far been published.

Volumes and Authors

The volumes published or announced for the series are as follows: *''Wales and the Britons, 350–1064'' — Thomas Charles-Edwards, T. M. Charles-Edwards (29 November 2012) *''Conquest, Coexistence and Change: Wales 1063–1416'' — Rees Davies, R. R. Davies (1987) (republished under the title ''The Age of Conquest'') *''Recovery, Reorientation and Reformation: Wales c.1416''–1642 — Glanmor Williams (1987) (republished under the title ''Renewal and Reformation'') *''The Foundations of Modern Wales: Wales 1642–1780'' — Geraint H. Jenkins (1987) *''Rebirth of a Nation: Wales 1880–1980'' — Kenneth O Morgan (26 March 1980)





* http://ukcatalogue.oup.com/category/academic/series/history/hw.do (retrieved 11.04.2012) Series of history books Oxford University Press books, History of Wales, Oxford