List of films by Edwin S. Porter



The following is a list of films by Edwin S. Porter, head producer at the Edison Manufacturing Company, owned by
Thomas A. Edison Thomas Alva Edison (February 11, 1847October 18, 1931) was an American inventor and businessman. He developed many devices in fields such as electric power generation, mass communication, sound recording, and motion pictures. These invention ...
, between 1901 and 1909. Other films were produced at Rex and Famous Players Film Company.


*''The Artist's Dilemma'' - (2 minutes) an artist asleep in his studio and his dream of a clock opening and a beautiful woman coming out of it *''Panorama of Esplanade by Night'' *''Execution of Czolgosz with Panorama of Auburn Prison'' - (3:24 minutes) reenactment of the execution of Leon Czolgosz by electric chair *''Trapeze Disrobing Act'' *''The Martyred Presidents'' - (1 minute) on the assassination U.S. Presidents—Abraham Lincoln, James A. Garfield, and William McKinley *''Rubes in the Theatre'' *''Sampson-Schley Controversy'' *''Circular Panorama of Electric Tower'' *''Soubrette's Troubles on a Fifth Avenue Stage Coach'' *''The Farmer and the Bad Boys'' *''The Reversible Divers'' *Weary Willie' and the Gardener'' *''What Happened on Twenty-third Street, New York City'' - (77 seconds) film depicting a woman walking over a grate, the hot air lifting her skirt *''How the Dutch Beat the Irish'' *''The Tramp's Strategy That Failed'' *''Another Job for the Undertaker'' - (2 minutes) fantasy-comedy film *''Laura Comstock's Bag-Punching Dog'' *''Pie, Tramp and the Bulldog'' *''Happy Hooligan April-Fooled'' *''Happy Hooligan Surprised'' *''The Automatic Weather Prophet'' *''Love by the Light of the Moon'' - (1 minute) the moon smiles down on two lovers *''The Donkey Party'' *''Kansas Saloon Smashers'' - (1 minute) a satire of American activist Carrie Nation *''The Old Maid Having Her Picture Taken'' *''Why Mr. Nation Wants a Divorce'' *''The Finish of Bridget McKeen'' *''Terrible Teddy, the Grizzly King'' (61 seconds) political satire on vice-president Theodore Roosevelt *''Day at the Circus (1901 film), Day at the Circus'' - (50 seconds) depicts a parade of the Great Forepaugh and Sells Bros. Combined Circus followed by a horse race in the tent *''The Old Maid in the Horsecar'' *''The Tramp's Unexpected Skate''


*''How They Do Things on the Bowery'' *''Rock of Ages (1902 film), Rock of Ages'' *''The Interrupted Bathers'' *''Jack and the Beanstalk (1902 film), Jack and the Beanstalk'' *''Appointment by Telephone'' *''Babies Rolling Eggs'' *''Fun in a Bakery Shop'' *''Great Bull Fight'' *''The Golden Chariots'' *''The Burlesque Suicide, No. 2'' *''Burning of Durland's Riding Academy'' *''Chinese Shaving Scene'' *''The Weary Hunters and the Magician'' *''Uncle Josh at the Moving Picture Show''


*''The Great Train Robbery (1903 film), The Great Train Robbery'' *''What Happened in the Tunnel'' *''A Romance of the Rail'' *''The Extra Turn'' *''The Heavenly Twins at Lunch'' *''The Heavenly Twins at Odds'' *''The Messenger Boy's Mistake'' *''Rube and Fender'' *''Uncle Tom's Cabin (1903 film)'' *''Little Lillian, Toe Danseuse'' *''Rube and Mandy at Coney Island'' *''Subub Surprises the Burglar'' *''The Gay Shoe Clerk'' *''New York City Dumping Wharf'' *''New York City 'Ghetto' Fish Market'' *''Life of an American Fireman'' *''The Unappreciated Joke'' *''Electrocuting an Elephant'' (possibly with or by Jacob Blair Smith) - film of the execution of Topsy (elephant), Topsy the elephant by the owners of Luna Park (Coney Island, 1903), Luna Park on Coney island.


*''The Ex-Convict'' *''The Strenuous Life; or, Anti-Race Suicide'' *''Scarecrow Pump'' *''A Rube Couple at a County Fair'' *''Love Will Find a Way (1904 film), Love Will Find a Way'' *''Parsifal (1904 film), Parsifal'' *''Capture of the 'Yegg' Bank Burglars'' *''The European Rest Cure'' *''How a French Nobleman Got a Wife Through the 'New York Herald' Personal Columns'' *''Nervy Nat Kisses the Bride'' *'''Weary Willie' Kidnaps a Child'' *''Dog Factory'' *''Western Stage Coach Hold Up'' *''Pranks of Buster Brown and His Dog Tige'' *''Animated Painting'' *''Casey's Frightful Dream'' *''Midnight Intruder (1904 film), Midnight Intruder'' *''Maniac Chase'' *''Rector's to Claremont''


*''The Night Before Christmas (1905 film), The Night Before Christmas'' *''Police Chasing Scorching Auto'' *''Life of an American Policeman'' *''The Train Wreckers'' *''Phoebe Snow (film), Phoebe Snow'' *''Everybody Works But Father (film), Everybody Works But Father'' *''Down on the Farm (1905 film), Down on the Farm'' *''The Miller's Daughter (1905 film), The Miller's Daughter'' *''The Watermelon Patch'' *''Poor Algy'' *''The White Caps'' (with Wallace McCutcheon Sr.) *''Boarding School Girls'' *''The Little Train Robbery'' *''The Electric Mule'' *''Scenes and Incidents, Russo-Japanese Peace Conference, Portsmouth, N. H.'' *''Mystic Shriner's Day'' *''Stolen by Gypsies'' *''June's Birthday Party'' *''Coney Island at Night'' *''Hippodrome Races, Dreamland, Coney Island'' *''The Whole Dam Family and the Dam Dog'' *''Start of Ocean Race for Cup' *''A Five Cent Trolley Ride'' *''Opening of Belmont Park Race Course'' *''The Burglar's Slide for Life *''How Jones Lost His Roll'' *''President Roosevelt's Inauguration'' *''The Kleptomaniac'' *''The Seven Ages (film), The Seven Ages''


*''The Honeymoon at Niagara Falls'' *''Getting Evidence'' *''How the Office Boy Saw the Ball Game'' *''Kathleen Mavourneen (1906 film), Kathleen Mavourneen'' *''Waiting at the Church (1906 film), Waiting at the Church *''Life of a Cowboy (1906 film), Life of a Cowboy'' *''Three American Beauties'' *''The Terrible Kids'' *''A Winter Straw Ride'' *''Dream of a Rarebit Fiend (1906 film), Dream of a Rarebit Fiend''


*''A Little Girl Who Did Not Believe in Santa Claus'' *''Laughing Gas (film), Laughing Gas'' *''College Chums'' *''The Trainer's Daughter or A Race for Love'' *''Midnight Ride of Paul Revere'' *''Three American Beauties, No. 2'' *''Jack the Kisser'' *''A Race for Millions'' *''The Rivals'' *''Stage Struck (1907 film), Stage Struck'' *''The Nine Lives of a Cat'' *''Cohen's Fire Sale'' *''Lost in the Alps'' *''The 'Teddy' Bears (1907 film), The 'Teddy' Bears'', with Wallace McCutcheon Sr., Wallace McCutcheon *''Vesta Victoria Singing "Poor John"'' *''Vesta Victoria Singing "Waiting at the Church"'' *''Daniel Boone (1907 film), Daniel Boone''


*''Under Northern Skies'', directed by J. Searle Dawley under Porter's supervision *''A Persistent Suitor'' *''The Lost New Year's Dinner'', directed by J. Searle Dawley under Porter's supervision *''Turning Over a New Leaf'', directed by J. Searle Dawley under Porter's supervision *''An Unexpected Santa Claus'' *''A Street Waif's Christmas'', directed by J. Searle Dawley under Porter's supervision *''The Angel Child'' *''The Tale the Ticker Told'', directed by J. Searle Dawley under Porter's supervision *''Miss Sherlock Holmes'' *''Old Maid's Temperance Club'' *''Lord Feathertop'', directed by J. Searle Dawley under Porter's supervision *''The King's Pardon'' *''The Lady or the Tiger (film), The Lady or the Tiger'', directed by J. Searle Dawley under Porter's supervision *''Colonial Virginia, Historical Scenes and Incidents Connected with the Founding of Jamestown, VA'' *''The New Stenographer'' *''She (1908 film), She'', directed by J. Searle Dawley under Porter's supervision *''The Lovers' Telegraphic Code'' *''The Jester (1908 film), The Jester'', directed by J. Searle Dawley under Porter's supervision *''Saved by Love (film), Saved by Love'' *''A Football Warrior'', directed by J. Searle Dawley under Porter's supervision *''The Army of Two (An Incident During the American Revolution)'' *''A Fool for Luck; or, Nearly a Policeman'', directed by J. Searle Dawley under Porter's supervision *''Minstrel Mishaps'' *''Ex-Convict No. 900'' *''The Bridge of Sighs'', directed by J. Searle Dawley under Porter's supervision *''A Voice from the Dead'' *''The Lover's Guide'', directed by J. Searle Dawley under Porter's supervision *''The Pickanimmies'' *''Sandy MCherson's Quiet Fishing Trip'' *''Pocahontas: A Child of the Forest'' *''The Leprechaun: An Irish Fairy Story'', directed by J. Searle Dawley under Porter's supervision *''Ingomar (1908 film), Ingomar'', directed by J. Searle Dawley under Porter's supervision *''Buying a Title'' *''Wifey's Strategy'' *''The Devil (1908 film), The Devil'' *''Heard Over the Phone'' *''A Comedy in Black and White'' *''Life's a Game of Cards'', directed by J. Searle Dawley under Porter's supervision *''Tales the Searchlight Told'' *''Romance of a War Nurse'' *''When Ruben Comes to Town'', directed by J. Searle Dawley under Porter's supervision *''A Dumb Hero'', directed by J. Searle Dawley under Porter's supervision *''The Face on the Bar Room Floor (1908 film), The Face on the Bar-Room Floor'' *''Fly Paper'' *''The Boston Tea Party (film), The Boston Tea Party'', directed by J. Searle Dawley under Porter's supervision *''The Little Conswain of the Varsity 8'' *''Pioneers Crossing the Pains in '49'' *''Love Will Find a Way (1908 film), Love Will Find a Way'' *''Honesty Is the Best Policy'' *''The Blue and the Gray; or, The Days of '61'' *''Skiny's Finish'' *''The Painter's Revenge'' *''Curious Mr. Curio'' *''The Gentleman Burglar'' *''Bridal Couple Dodging Cameras'' *''The Merry Widow Waltz Craze'' *''Nero and the Burning of Rome (1908 film), Nero and the Burning of Rome'' *''Tale the Autumn Leaves Told'' *''The Cowboy and the Schoolmarm'' *''A Country Girl's Life and Experiences'' *''Stage Memories of an Old Theatrical Trunk'' *''Animated Snowballs'' *''Nellie, the Pretty Typewriter'' *''Playmates (1908 film), Playmates'' *''Cupid's Pranks'' *''A Sculptor's Welsh Rarebit'' *''A Yankee Man-o-Warsman's Fight for Love'' *''Fireside Reminiscences'' *''Rescued from an Eagle's Nest'' *''A Suburbanite's Ingenious Alarm''


*''Faust (1909 film), Faust'' *''A Gift from Santa Claus'' *''The House of Cards'' *''The Heart of a Clown'' *''The Three Kisses'' *''A Great Game (film), A Great Game'' *''The Temptation'' *''A Child of the Forest'' *''The Price of a Soul'' *''A Coward'' *''Love's Sacrifice (1909 film), Love's Sacrifice'' *''A Child's Prayer (film), A Child's Prayer'' *''See a Pin and Pick It Up, All That Day You'll Have Good Luck'' *''The Pony Express (1909 film), The Pony Express'' *''Fuss and Feathers (1909 film), Fuss and Feathers'' *''The Doctored Dinner Pail'' *''An Unsuccessful Substitution'' *''Uncle Tom Wins'' *''A Cup of Tea and She'' *''Father's First Half-Holiday'' *''Unappreciated Genius'' *''On the Western Frontier'' *''Hard to Beat (film), Hard to Beat'' *''Oh! Rats!'' *''A Cry from the Wilderness; or, A Tale of the Esquimaux and Midnight Sun'' *''A Midnight Supper'' *''Love Is Blind (1909 film), Love Is Blind'' *''Mary Jane's Lovers'' *''The Colored Stenographer'' *''A Bird in a Gilded Cage (film), A Bird in a Gilded Cage'' *''A Daughter of the Sun'' *''The Adventures of an Old Flirt'' *''A Modest Young Man'' *''A Burglar Cupid'' *''Where Is My Wandering Boy Tonight?''


*''The Winning of Miss Langdon'' *''The Cowpuncher's Glove'' *''The Greater Love'' *''His Mother's Thanksgiving'' *''The Toymaker, the Doll and the Devil'' *''The Stolen Claim'' *''Riders of the Plains (1910 film), Riders of the Plains'' *''The Farmer's Daughter (1910 film), The Farmer's Daughter'' *''Ononko's Vow'' *''Almost a Hero'' *''Alice's Adventures in Wonderland (1910 film), Alice's Adventures in Wonderland'' *''Love and the Law'' *''The Attack on the Mill'' *''Peg Woffington (1910 film), Peg Woffington'' *''The Old Loves and the New'' *''Out of the Night (film), Out of the Night'' *''Russia, the Land of Oppression'' *''All on Account of a Laundry Mark'' *''Her First Appearance'' *''For Her Sister's Sake'' *''The Heart of a Rose (1910 film), The Heart of a Rose'' *''Bradford's Claim'' *''A Western Romance'' *''Ranson's Folly (1910 film), Ranson's Folly'' *''The Livingston Case'' *''Luck of Roaring Camp'' *''The Engineer's Romance'' *''Pardners (1910 film), Pardners'' *''Too Many Girls (1910 film), Too Many Girls''


*''Leaves of a Romance'' *''Lost Illusions (1911 film), Lost Illusions'' *''A Cure for Crime'' *''The Rose and the Dagger'' *''The Lighthouse by the Sea (1911 film), The Lighthouse by the Sea'' *''The White Red Man'' *''Money to Burn (1911 film), Money to Burn'' *''Sherlock Holmes, Jr.'' *''A Famous Duel'' *''On the Brink (1911 film), On the Brink'' *''Madeline's Rebellion'' *''Captain Nell'' *''A Buried Past'' *''Silver Threads Among the Gold (1911 film), Silver Threads Among the Gold'' *''The Strike at the Mines'' *''The Test of Love (1911 film), The Test of Love'' *''A Night of Terror (1911 film), A Night of Terror'' *''By the Light of the Moon (film), By the Light of the Moon'' *''The Iron Master'' *''The Price of Victory'' *''A Heroine of '76'' *''The Lover and the Count''


*''The Convict's Parole''


*''The Count of Monte Cristo (1913 film), The Count of Monte Cristo'' *''His Neighbor's Wife'' *''In the Bishop's Carriage'' *''The Prisoner of Zenda (1913 film), The Prisoner of Zenda''


*''The Crucible (1914 film), The Crucible'' *''Such a Little Queen (1914 film), Such a Little Queen'' *''The Spitfire (1914 film), The Spitfire'' *''Tess of the Storm Country (1914 film), Tess of the Storm Country'' *''A Good Little Devil'' *''Hearts Adrift''


*''Lydia Gilmore'' *''The Prince and the Pauper (1915 film), The Prince and the Pauper'' *''Bella Donna (1915 film), Bella Donna'' *''Zaza (1915 film), Zaza'' *''The White Pearl (1915 film), The White Pearl'' *''Sold (1915 film), Sold'' *''Jim the Penman (1915 film), Jim the Penman'' *''The Eternal City (1915 film), The Eternal City'' *''When We Were Twenty-One'' *''Niobe (1915 film), Niobe'' *''The Morals of Marcus (1915 film), The Morals of Marcus''


External links

*{{IMDb name, nm0692105, Edwin S. Porter Films directed by Edwin S. Porter Director filmographies, Porter, Edwin S