List of California Institute of Technology people



California Institute of Technology The California Institute of Technology (branded as Caltech or CIT)The university itself only spells its short form as "Caltech"; the institution considers other spellings such a"Cal Tech" and "CalTech" incorrect. The institute is also occasional ...
has had numerous notable alumni and faculty.

Notable alumni

Alumni who went on to become members of the faculty are listed only in this category.

Physics and astronomy

Chemistry and chemical engineering

Biology, biological engineering, and medicine

Mathematics and computer science

Engineering and applied science

Geological, environmental, and planetary sciences


Economics, finance, and social science

Government and politics

Other fields

Notable faculty

Members of the faculty are listed under the name of the academic division to which they belong.

Physics, mathematics, and astronomy

Chemistry and chemical engineering

Biology and biological engineering

Engineering and applied science

Geological and planetary sciences

Humanities and social sciences

See also

List of Nobel laureates affiliated with California Institute of Technology This list of Nobel laureates by university affiliation shows the university affiliations of individual winners of the Nobel Prize since 1901 and the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences since 1969. The affiliations are those at the time of th ...


{{DEFAULTSORT:California Institute of Technology * Lists of people by university or college in California