


Jucati is a city located in the state of Pernambuco, Brazil. Located at 217 km away from Recife, capital of the state of Pernambuco. Has an estimated (Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics, IBGE 2020) population of 11,485 inhabitants.


* State - Pernambuco * Region - Agreste, Agreste Pernambucano * Boundaries - São Bento do Una (N); Garanhuns and São João, Pernambuco, São João (S); Jupi (E); Capoeiras (W) * Area - 120.65 km2 * Elevation - 820 m * Hydrography - Una River (Pernambuco), Una and Mundaú River, Mundaú rivers * Vegetation - Caatinga Hiperxerófila * Clima - Hot and Humid * Annual average temperature - 20.8 c * Distance to Recife - 217.6 km


The main economic activities in Jucati are based in food & beverage industry, commerce and agribusiness, especially manioc, beans; and livestock such as cattle and poultry.

Economic indicators

Economy by Sector 2006

Health indicators

PE State site - City by city profile


Municipalities in Pernambuco {{Pernambuco-geo-stub