Jocelyn Castillo



Jocelyn Castillo Suárez (born 20 May 1991,
Barquisimeto Barquisimeto (; guc, Watkisimeeta) is a city in Venezuela. It is the capital of the state of Lara and head of Iribarren Municipality. It is an important urban, industrial, commercial and transportation center of the country, recognized as the f ...
) is a
Venezuela Venezuela (; ), officially the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela ( es, link=no, República Bolivariana de Venezuela), is a country on the northern coast of South America, consisting of a continental landmass and many islands and islets in th ...
n diver. She competed in the 3 m springboard at the 2012 Summer Olympics.London 2012 profile


1991 births Living people Divers at the 2012 Summer Olympics Olympic divers for Venezuela Venezuelan female divers Sportspeople from Barquisimeto 21st-century Venezuelan women {{Venezuela-acrobatics-diving-bio-stub