Hassan Veneziano



Hassan Veneziano (floruit, fl. 1587), was regent of Algiers from 1577 to 1580 and from 1582 to 1587.Henri-Delmas Grammont, Histoire d'Alger sous la domination turque (1515-1830), Ed. Bouchene, Paris, 2002, (). His successor was Djafer Pasha. A Venetian slave, he served Uluç Ali Reis, Uludj Ali, when he was governor of Algiers and Capitan Pasha in Constantinople. He later appointed by him to head of the Regency of Algiers.


{{Barbary Corsairs Pashas Slaves from the Ottoman Empire 16th-century Venetian people 16th-century slaves Rulers of the Regency of Algiers Algerian people of Italian descent Slavery in Algeria