353 (number)



353 (three hundred fifty-three) is the natural number following 352 (number), 352 and preceding 354 (number), 354. It is a prime number.

In mathematics

353 is the 71st prime number, a palindromic prime, an irregular prime, a super-prime, a Chen prime, a Proth prime, and an Eisenstein prime, Eisentein prime. In connection with Euler's sum of powers conjecture, 353 is the smallest number whose 4th Power (mathematics), power is equal to the sum of four other fourth power, 4th powers, as discovered by R. Norrie in 1911: :353^4=30^4+120^4+272^4+315^4. In a seven-team round robin tournament, there are 353 combinatorially distinct outcomes in which no subset of teams wins all its games against the teams outside the subset; mathematically, there are 353 strongly connected graph, strongly connected Tournament (graph theory), tournaments on seven nodes. 353 is one of the solutions to the Map folding, stamp folding problem: there are exactly 353 ways to fold a strip of eight blank stamps into a single flat pile of stamps. 353 in Mertens function, Mertens Function returns 0. 353 is an Index set, index of a Prime number, prime Lucas number.


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