2003 term United States Supreme Court opinions of Stephen Breyer



{{SCOTUS-justice-listframe , firstname=Stephen , lastname=Breyer , image=File:Stephen Breyer, SCOTUS photo portrait.jpg , term=2003 , tenurecount=tenth , startdate=October 6, 2003 , enddate=October 3, 2004 , majority=7 , concurrence=5 , concurrencedissent=0 , dissent=11 , other=1 , benchcount=22 , relatingtoorders=1 , inchambers=1 , unanimous=0 , mostjoinedby=Ginsburg (11) , leastjoinedby=Scalia (3) , url-courtopinions=https://www.supremecourt.gov/opinions/slipopinions.aspx?Term=03 , archiveurl-courtopinions=https://web.archive.org/web/20120516151532/https://www.supremecourt.gov/opinions/slipopinions.aspx?Term=03 , archivedate-courtopinions=May 16, 2012 , url-relatingtoorders=http://www.supremecourtus.gov/opinions/03relatingtoorders.html , archiveurl-relatingtoorders=https://web.archive.org/web/20050309004225/http://www.supremecourtus.gov/opinions/03relatingtoorders.html , archivedate-relatingtoorders=March 9, 2005 , url-inchambers=http://www.supremecourtus.gov/opinions/03in-chambers.html , archiveurl-inchambers=https://web.archive.org/web/20050214171136/http://www.supremecourtus.gov/opinions/03in-chambers.html , archivedate-inchambers=February 14, 2005 , accessdate=December 23, 2016 , opinionstemplate=Stephen Breyer opinions , courttemplate=SCOTUSterm1994-2004 , entries= {{SCOTUS-justice-listentry , #=01 , case=McConnell v. Federal Election Commission , type=majority , volume=540 , page=93 , year=2003 , wikisource= , issues=Campaign finance reform , joined=Stevens, O'Connor, Souter, Ginsburg , otheropinion1author=Stevens and O'Connor , , otheropinion1type=majority , , otheropinion1link=2003 term United States Supreme Court opinions of John Paul Stevens#McConnell v. Federal Election Commission , otheropinion2author=Rehnquist , , otheropinion2type=majority , , otheropinion2link=2003 term United States Supreme Court opinions of William Rehnquist#McConnell v. Federal Election Commission , otheropinion4author=Scalia , , otheropinion4type=concurrencedissent , , otheropinion4link=2003 term United States Supreme Court opinions of Antonin Scalia#McConnell v. Federal Election Commission , otheropinion5author=Kennedy , , otheropinion5type=concurrencedissent , , otheropinion5link=2003 term United States Supreme Court opinions of Anthony Kennedy#McConnell v. Federal Election Commission , otheropinion6author=Thomas , , otheropinion6type=concurrencedissent , , otheropinion6link=2003 term United States Supreme Court opinions of Clarence Thomas#McConnell v. Federal Election Commission , otheropinion7author=Rehnquist , , otheropinion7type=dissent , , otheropinion7link=2003 term United States Supreme Court opinions of William Rehnquist#McConnell v. Federal Election Commission , otheropinion8author=Stevens , , otheropinion8type=dissent , , otheropinion8link=2003 term United States Supreme Court opinions of John Paul Stevens#McConnell v. Federal Election Commission , summary= {{SCOTUS-justice-listentry , #=02 , case=Castro v. United States , type=majority , volume=540 , page=375 , year=2003 , wikisource= , issues= , joined=Rehnquist, Stevens, O'Connor, Kennedy, Souter, Ginsburg; Scalia, Thomas (in part) , otheropinion2author=Scalia , , otheropinion2type=concurrence , , otheropinion2link=2003 term United States Supreme Court opinions of Antonin Scalia#Castro v. United States , summary= {{SCOTUS-justice-listentry , #=03 , case=Illinois v. Lidster , type=majority , volume=540 , page=419 , year=2004 , wikisource= , issues= , joined=Rehnquist, O'Connor, Scalia, Kennedy, Thomas; Stevens, Souter, Ginsburg (in part) , otheropinion2author=Stevens , , otheropinion2type=concurrencedissent , , otheropinion2link=2003 term United States Supreme Court opinions of John Paul Stevens#Illinois v. Lidster , summary= {{SCOTUS-justice-listentry , #=04 , case=Doe v. Chao , type=dissent , volume=540 , page=614 , year=2004 , wikisource= , issues=Privacy Act of 1974 , joined= , otheropinion1author=Souter , , otheropinion1type=majority , , otheropinion1link=2003 term United States Supreme Court opinions of John Paul Stevens#Doe v. Chao , otheropinion2author=Ginsburg , , otheropinion2type=dissent , , otheropinion2link=2003 term United States Supreme Court opinions of Ruth Bader Ginsburg#Doe v. Chao , summary= {{SCOTUS-justice-listentry , #=05 , case1=Torres v. Mullin , type=dissent , volume=540 , page=1035 , year=2004 , wikisource= , issues=Vienna Convention on Consular Relations , joined= , otheropinion1author=Stevens , , otheropinion1type=other , , otheropinion1link=2003 term United States Supreme Court opinions of John Paul Stevens#Torres v. Mullin , summary=Breyer dissented from the Court's denial of ''certiorari''. {{SCOTUS-justice-listentry , #=06 , case=Baldwin v. Reese , type=majority , volume=541 , page=27 , year=2004 , wikisource= , issues= , joined=Rehnquist, O'Connor, Scalia, Kennedy, Souter, Thomas, Ginsburg , otheropinion2author=Stevens , , otheropinion2type=dissent , , otheropinion2link=2003 term United States Supreme Court opinions of John Paul Stevens#Baldwin v. Reese , summary= {{SCOTUS-justice-listentry , #=07 , case=United States v. Flores-Montano , type=concurrence , volume=541 , page=149 , year=2004 , wikisource= , issues= , joined= , otheropinion1author=Rehnquist , , otheropinion1type=majority , , otheropinion1link=2003 term United States Supreme Court opinions of William Rehnquist#United States v. Flores-Montano , summary= {{SCOTUS-justice-listentry , #=08 , case=United States v. Lara , type=majority , volume=541 , page=193 , year=2004 , wikisource= , issues= , joined=Rehnquist, Stevens, O'Connor, Ginsburg , otheropinion2author=Stevens , , otheropinion2type=concurrence , , otheropinion2link=2003 term United States Supreme Court opinions of John Paul Stevens#United States v. Lara , otheropinion3author=Kennedy , , otheropinion3type=concurrence , , otheropinion3link=2003 term United States Supreme Court opinions of Anthony Kennedy#United States v. Lara , otheropinion4author=Thomas , , otheropinion4type=concurrence , , otheropinion4link=2003 term United States Supreme Court opinions of Clarence Thomas#United States v. Lara , otheropinion5author=Souter , , otheropinion5type=dissent , , otheropinion5link=2003 term United States Supreme Court opinions of David Souter#United States v. Lara , summary= {{SCOTUS-justice-listentry , #=09 , case=Vieth v. Jubelirer , type=dissent , volume=541 , page=267 , year=2004 , wikisource= , issues= , joined= , otheropinion1author=Scalia , , otheropinion1type=majority , , otheropinion1link=2003 term United States Supreme Court opinions of Antonin Scalia#Vieth v. Jubelirer , otheropinion2author=Kennedy , , otheropinion2type=concurrence , , otheropinion2link=2003 term United States Supreme Court opinions of Anthony Kennedy#Vieth v. Jubelirer , otheropinion3author=Stevens , , otheropinion3type=dissent , , otheropinion3link=2003 term United States Supreme Court opinions of John Paul Stevens#Vieth v. Jubelirer , otheropinion4author=Souter , , otheropinion4type=dissent , , otheropinion4link=2003 term United States Supreme Court opinions of David Souter#Vieth v. Jubelirer , summary= {{SCOTUS-justice-listentry , #=10 , case=Yarborough v. Alvarado , type=dissent , volume=541 , page=652 , year=2004 , wikisource= , issues= , joined=Stevens, Souter, Ginsburg , otheropinion1author=Kennedy , , otheropinion1type=majority , , otheropinion1link=2003 term United States Supreme Court opinions of Anthony Kennedy#Yarborough v. Alvarado , otheropinion2author=O'Connor , , otheropinion2type=concurrence , , otheropinion2link=2003 term United States Supreme Court opinions of Sandra Day O'Connor#Yarborough v. Alvarado , summary= {{SCOTUS-justice-listentry , #=11 , case=Republic of Austria v. Altmann , type=concurrence , volume=541 , page=677 , year=2004 , wikisource= , issues=Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act , joined=Souter , otheropinion1author=Stevens , , otheropinion1type=majority , , otheropinion1link=2003 term United States Supreme Court opinions of John Paul Stevens#Republic of Austria v. Altmann , otheropinion2author=Scalia , , otheropinion2type=concurrence , , otheropinion2link=2003 term United States Supreme Court opinions of Antonin Scalia#Republic of Austria v. Altmann , otheropinion4author=Kennedy , , otheropinion4type=dissent , , otheropinion4link=2003 term United States Supreme Court opinions of Anthony Kennedy#Republic of Austria v. Altmann , summary= {{SCOTUS-justice-listentry , #=12 , case=Central Laborers' Pension Fund v. Heinz , type=concurrence , volume=541 , page=739 , year=2004 , wikisource= , issues= , joined=Rehnquist, O'Connor, Ginsburg , otheropinion1author=Souter , , otheropinion1type=majority , , otheropinion1link=2003 term United States Supreme Court opinions of John Paul Stevens#Central Laborers' Pension Fund v. Heinz , summary= {{SCOTUS-justice-listentry , #=13 , case=City of Littleton v. Z. J. Gifts D-4, L.L.C. , type=majority , volume=541 , page=774 , year=2004 , wikisource= , issues= , joined=Rehnquist, O'Connor, Thomas, Ginsburg; Stevens, Kennedy, Souter (in part) , otheropinion2author=Stevens , , otheropinion2type=concurrence , , otheropinion2link=2003 term United States Supreme Court opinions of John Paul Stevens#City of Littleton v. Z. J. Gifts D-4, L.L.C. , otheropinion3author=Scalia , , otheropinion3type=concurrence , , otheropinion3link=2003 term United States Supreme Court opinions of Antonin Scalia#City of Littleton v. Z. J. Gifts D-4, L.L.C. , otheropinion4author=Souter , , otheropinion4type=concurrence , , otheropinion4link=2003 term United States Supreme Court opinions of David Souter#City of Littleton v. Z. J. Gifts D-4, L.L.C. , summary= {{SCOTUS-justice-listentry , #=14 , case=F. Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd v. Empagran S. A. , type=majority , volume=542 , page=155 , year=2004 , wikisource= , issues= , joined=Rehnquist, Stevens, Kennedy, Souter, Ginsburg , otheropinion2author=Scalia , , otheropinion2type=concurrence , , otheropinion2link=2003 term United States Supreme Court opinions of Antonin Scalia#F. Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd v. Empagran S. A. , summary= {{SCOTUS-justice-listentry , #=15 , case=Hiibel v. Sixth Judicial District Court of Nevada , type=dissent , volume=542 , page=177 , year=2004 , wikisource= , issues=Fourth Amendment , joined=Souter, Ginsburg , otheropinion1author=Kennedy , , otheropinion1type=majority , , otheropinion1link=2003 term United States Supreme Court opinions of Anthony Kennedy#Hiibel v. Sixth Judicial District Court of Nevada , otheropinion2author=Stevens , , otheropinion2type=dissent , , otheropinion2link=2003 term United States Supreme Court opinions of John Paul Stevens#Hiibel v. Sixth Judicial District Court of Nevada , summary= {{SCOTUS-justice-listentry , #=16 , case=Pliler v. Ford , type=dissent , volume=542 , page=225 , year=2004 , wikisource= , issues= , joined= , otheropinion1author=Thomas , , otheropinion1type=majority , , otheropinion1link=2003 term United States Supreme Court opinions of Clarence Thomas#Pliler v. Ford , otheropinion2author=Stevens , , otheropinion2type=concurrence , , otheropinion2link=2003 term United States Supreme Court opinions of John Paul Stevens#Pliler v. Ford , otheropinion3author=O'Connor , , otheropinion3type=concurrence , , otheropinion3link=2003 term United States Supreme Court opinions of Sandra Day O'Connor#Pliler v. Ford , otheropinion4author=Ginsburg , , otheropinion4type=dissent , , otheropinion4link=2003 term United States Supreme Court opinions of Ruth Bader Ginsburg#Pliler v. Ford , summary= {{SCOTUS-justice-listentry , #=17 , case=Intel Corp. v. Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. , type=dissent , volume=542 , page=241 , year=2004 , wikisource= , issues=Discovery aid by U.S. district courts to foreign tribunals , joined= , otheropinion1author=Ginsburg , , otheropinion1type=majority , , otheropinion1link=2003 term United States Supreme Court opinions of Ruth Bader Ginsburg#Intel Corp. v. Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. , otheropinion2author=Scalia , , otheropinion2type=concurrence , , otheropinion2link=2003 term United States Supreme Court opinions of Antonin Scalia#Intel Corp. v. Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. , summary= {{SCOTUS-justice-listentry , #=18 , case=Blakely v. Washington , type=dissent , volume=542 , page=296 , year=2004 , wikisource= , issues=Right to jury trial , joined=O'Connor , otheropinion1author=Scalia , , otheropinion1type=majority , , otheropinion1link=2003 term United States Supreme Court opinions of Antonin Scalia#Blakely v. Washington , otheropinion2author=O'Connor , , otheropinion2type=dissent , , otheropinion2link=2003 term United States Supreme Court opinions of Sandra Day O'Connor#Blakely v. Washington , otheropinion3author=Kennedy , , otheropinion3type=dissent , , otheropinion3link=2003 term United States Supreme Court opinions of Anthony Kennedy#Blakely v. Washington , summary= {{SCOTUS-justice-listentry , #=19 , case=Schriro v. Summerlin , type=dissent , volume=542 , page=348 , year=2004 , wikisource= , issues= , joined=Stevens, Souter, Ginsburg , otheropinion1author=Scalia , , otheropinion1type=majority , , otheropinion1link=2003 term United States Supreme Court opinions of Antonin Scalia#Schriro v. Summerlin , summary= {{SCOTUS-justice-listentry , #=20 , case=Missouri v. Seibert , type=concurrence , volume=542 , page=600 , year=2004 , wikisource= , issues= , joined= , otheropinion1author=Souter , , otheropinion1type=majority , , otheropinion1link=2003 term United States Supreme Court opinions of John Paul Stevens#Missouri v. Seibert , otheropinion2author=Kennedy , , otheropinion2type=concurrence , , otheropinion2link=2003 term United States Supreme Court opinions of Anthony Kennedy#Missouri v. Seibert , otheropinion4author=O'Connor , , otheropinion4type=dissent , , otheropinion4link=2003 term United States Supreme Court opinions of Sandra Day O'Connor#Missouri v. Seibert , summary= {{SCOTUS-justice-listentry , #=21 , case=United States v. Patane , type=dissent , volume=542 , page=630 , year=2004 , wikisource= , issues= , joined= , otheropinion1author=Thomas , , otheropinion1type=majority , , otheropinion1link=2003 term United States Supreme Court opinions of Clarence Thomas#United States v. Patane , otheropinion2author=Kennedy , , otheropinion2type=concurrence , , otheropinion2link=2003 term United States Supreme Court opinions of Anthony Kennedy#United States v. Patane , otheropinion3author=Souter , , otheropinion3type=dissent , , otheropinion3link=2003 term United States Supreme Court opinions of David Souter#United States v. Patane , summary= {{SCOTUS-justice-listentry , #=22 , case=Ashcroft v. American Civil Liberties Union , type=dissent , volume=542 , page=656 , year=2004 , wikisource= , issues= , joined=Rehnquist, O'Connor , otheropinion1author=Kennedy , , otheropinion1type=majority , , otheropinion1link=2003 term United States Supreme Court opinions of Anthony Kennedy#Ashcroft v. American Civil Liberties Union , otheropinion2author=Stevens , , otheropinion2type=concurrence , , otheropinion2link=2003 term United States Supreme Court opinions of John Paul Stevens#Ashcroft v. American Civil Liberties Union , otheropinion3author=Scalia , , otheropinion3type=dissent , , otheropinion3link=2003 term United States Supreme Court opinions of Antonin Scalia#Ashcroft v. American Civil Liberties Union , summary= {{SCOTUS-justice-listentry , #=23 , case=Sosa v. Alvarez-Machain , type=concurrence , volume=542 , page=692 , year=2004 , wikisource= , issues= , joined= , otheropinion1author=Souter , , otheropinion1type=majority , , otheropinion1link=2003 term United States Supreme Court opinions of John Paul Stevens#Sosa v. Alvarez-Machain , otheropinion2author=Scalia , , otheropinion2type=concurrence , , otheropinion2link=2003 term United States Supreme Court opinions of Antonin Scalia#Sosa v. Alvarez-Machain , otheropinion3author=Ginsburg , , otheropinion3type=concurrence , , otheropinion3link=2003 term United States Supreme Court opinions of Ruth Bader Ginsburg#Sosa v. Alvarez-Machain , summary= {{SCOTUS-justice-listentry , #=24 , case1=Associated Press v. District Court for Fifth Judicial Dist. of Colo. , type=other , volume=542 , page=1301 , year=2004 , wikisource= , issues= , joined= , summary=Breyer denied the application for a stay.