radial distribution function



statistical mechanics In physics, statistical mechanics is a mathematical framework that applies statistical methods and probability theory to large assemblies of microscopic entities. It does not assume or postulate any natural laws, but explains the macroscopic be ...
, the radial distribution function, (or pair correlation function) g(r) in a system of
particles In the physical sciences, a particle (or corpuscule in older texts) is a small localized object which can be described by several physical or chemical properties, such as volume, density, or mass. They vary greatly in size or quantity, from s ...
(atoms, molecules, colloids, etc.), describes how density varies as a function of distance from a reference particle. If a given particle is taken to be at the origin O, and if \rho =N/V is the average number density of particles, then the local time-averaged density at a distance r from O is \rho g(r). This simplified definition holds for a
homogeneous Homogeneity and heterogeneity are concepts often used in the sciences and statistics relating to the uniformity of a substance or organism. A material or image that is homogeneous is uniform in composition or character (i.e. color, shape, siz ...
isotropic Isotropy is uniformity in all orientations; it is derived . Precise definitions depend on the subject area. Exceptions, or inequalities, are frequently indicated by the prefix ' or ', hence ''anisotropy''. ''Anisotropy'' is also used to describe ...
system. A more general case will be considered below. In simplest terms it is a measure of the probability of finding a particle at a distance of r away from a given reference particle, relative to that for an ideal gas. The general algorithm involves determining how many particles are within a distance of r and r+dr away from a particle. This general theme is depicted to the right, where the red particle is our reference particle, and blue particles are those whose centers are within the circular shell, dotted in orange. The radial distribution function is usually determined by calculating the distance between all particle pairs and binning them into a histogram. The histogram is then normalized with respect to an ideal gas, where particle histograms are completely uncorrelated. For three dimensions, this normalization is the number density of the system ( \rho ) multiplied by the volume of the spherical shell, which symbolically can be expressed as \rho \, 4\pi r^2 dr. Given a
potential energy In physics, potential energy is the energy held by an object because of its position relative to other objects, stresses within itself, its electric charge, or other factors. Common types of potential energy include the gravitational potentia ...
function, the radial distribution function can be computed either via computer simulation methods like the
Monte Carlo method Monte Carlo methods, or Monte Carlo experiments, are a broad class of computational algorithms that rely on repeated random sampling to obtain numerical results. The underlying concept is to use randomness to solve problems that might be determi ...
, or via the Ornstein-Zernike equation, using approximative closure relations like the Percus-Yevick approximation or the Hypernetted Chain Theory. It can also be determined experimentally, by radiation scattering techniques or by direct visualization for large enough (micrometer-sized) particles via traditional or confocal microscopy. The radial distribution function is of fundamental importance since it can be used, using the
Kirkwood–Buff solution theory The Kirkwood–Buff (KB) solution theory, due to John G. Kirkwood and Frank P. Buff, links macroscopic (bulk) properties to microscopic (molecular) details. Using statistical mechanics, the KB theory derives thermodynamic quantities from pair co ...
, to link the microscopic details to macroscopic properties. Moreover, by the reversion of the Kirkwood-Buff theory, it is possible to attain the microscopic details of the radial distribution function from the macroscopic properties.


Consider a system of N particles in a volume V (for an average number density \rho =N/V) and at a temperature T (let us also define \textstyle \beta = \frac). The particle coordinates are \mathbf_, with \textstyle i = 1, \, \ldots, \, N. The
potential energy In physics, potential energy is the energy held by an object because of its position relative to other objects, stresses within itself, its electric charge, or other factors. Common types of potential energy include the gravitational potentia ...
due to the interaction between particles is \textstyle U_ (\mathbf_\, \ldots, \, \mathbf_) and we do not consider the case of an externally applied field. The appropriate
averages In ordinary language, an average is a single number taken as representative of a list of numbers, usually the sum of the numbers divided by how many numbers are in the list (the arithmetic mean). For example, the average of the numbers 2, 3, 4, 7, ...
are taken in the
canonical ensemble In statistical mechanics, a canonical ensemble is the statistical ensemble that represents the possible states of a mechanical system in thermal equilibrium with a heat bath at a fixed temperature. The system can exchange energy with the heat b ...
(N,V,T), with \textstyle Z_ = \int \cdots \int \mathrm^ \mathrm \mathbf_1 \cdots \mathrm \mathbf_N the configurational integral, taken over all possible combinations of particle positions. The probability of an elementary configuration, namely finding particle 1 in \textstyle \mathrm \mathbf_1, particle 2 in \textstyle \mathrm \mathbf_2, etc. is given by The total number of particles is huge, so that P^ in itself is not very useful. However, one can also obtain the probability of a reduced configuration, where the positions of only n < N particles are fixed, in \textstyle \mathbf_\, \ldots, \, \mathbf_, with no constraints on the remaining N-n particles. To this end, one has to integrate () over the remaining coordinates \mathbf_\, \ldots, \, \mathbf_: : P^(\mathbf_1,\ldots,\mathbf_n) =\frac \int \cdots \int \mathrm^ \, \mathrm^3 \mathbf_ \cdots \mathrm^3 \mathbf_N \, . If the particles are non-interacting, in the sense that the potential energy of each particle does not depend on any of the other particles, U_N(\mathbf_1,\dots,\mathbf_N)=\sum_^N U_1(\mathbf_i), then the partition function factorizes, and the probability of an elementary configuration decomposes with independent arguments to a product of single particle probabilities, \begin Z_N &=\prod_^N \int \mathrm^3 \mathbf_e^=Z_1^N\\ P^(\mathbf_1,\dots,\mathbf_N)&=P^(\mathbf_1)\cdots P^(\mathbf_n) \end Note how for non-interacting particles the probability is symmetric in its arguments. This is not true in general, and the order in which the positions occupy the argument slots of P^matters. Given a set of positions, the way that the N particles can occupy those positions is N! The probability that those positions ARE occupied is found by summing over all configurations in which a particle is at each of those locations. This can be done by taking every
permutation In mathematics, a permutation of a set is, loosely speaking, an arrangement of its members into a sequence or linear order, or if the set is already ordered, a rearrangement of its elements. The word "permutation" also refers to the act or proc ...
, \pi, in the
symmetric group In abstract algebra, the symmetric group defined over any set is the group whose elements are all the bijections from the set to itself, and whose group operation is the composition of functions. In particular, the finite symmetric group \m ...
on N objects, S_N, to write \sum_ P^(\mathbf_,\ldots,\mathbf_) . For fewer positions, we integrate over extraneous arguments, and include a correction factor to prevent overcounting, \begin \rho^(\mathbf_1,\ldots,\mathbf_n) &=\frac\left(\prod_^N\int\mathrm^3\mathbf_i\right)\sum_ P^(\mathbf_,\ldots,\mathbf_) \\ \end This quantity is called the ''n-particle density'' function. For indistinguishable particles, one could permute all the particle positions, \forall i, \mathbf_i\rightarrow \mathbf_, without changing the probability of an elementary configuration, P(\mathbf_,\dots,\mathbf_)=P(\mathbf_,\dots,\mathbf_), so that the n-particle density function reduces to \begin \rho^(\mathbf_1,\ldots,\mathbf_n) &=\fracP^(\mathbf_1,\ldots,\mathbf_n) \end Integrating the n-particle density gives the permutation factor _NP_n, counting the number of ways one can sequentially pick particles to place at the n positions out of the total N particles. Now let's turn to how we interpret this functions for different values of n. For n=1, we have the one-particle density. For a crystal it is a periodic function with sharp maxima at the lattice sites. For a non-interacting gas, it is independent of the position \textstyle \mathbf_1 and equal to the overall number density, \rho, of the system. To see this first note that U_N = 0 in the volume occupied by the gas, and infinite without. The partition function in this case is : Z_N = \prod_^N\int\mathrm^3\mathbf_i \ 1=V^N from which the definition gives the desired result : \begin \rho^(\mathbf) &= \frac\frac\prod_^N\int\mathrm^3\mathbf_i 1\\ &=\frac \\ &=\rho \end In fact, for this special case every n-particle density is independent of coordinates, and can be computed explicitly \begin \rho^(\mathbf_1,\dots,\mathbf_n) &= \frac\frac\prod_^N\int\mathrm^3\mathbf_i 1\\ &=\frac\frac \endFor N\gg n, the non-interacting n-particle density is approximately \rho^_\text(\mathbf_1,\dots,\mathbf_N)= \left(1-n(n-1)/2N+\cdots \right)\rho^n\approx \rho^n. With this in hand, the ''n-point correlation'' function g^ is defined by factoring out the non-interacting contribution, \rho^(\mathbf_, \ldots, \, \mathbf_) = \rho^_\textg^(\mathbf_\, \ldots, \, \mathbf_) Explicitly, this definition reads \begin g^(\mathbf_, \ldots, \, \mathbf_) &=\frac\left(\prod_^N\frac\!\!\int \!\! \mathrm^3\mathbf_i\right)\frac\sum_ e^ \end where it is clear that the n-point correlation function is dimensionless.

Relations involving ''g''(r)

The structure factor

The second-order correlation function g^(\mathbf_,\mathbf_) is of special importance, as it is directly related (via a
Fourier transform A Fourier transform (FT) is a mathematical transform that decomposes functions into frequency components, which are represented by the output of the transform as a function of frequency. Most commonly functions of time or space are transformed, ...
) to the
structure factor In condensed matter physics and crystallography, the static structure factor (or structure factor for short) is a mathematical description of how a material scatters incident radiation. The structure factor is a critical tool in the interpretation ...
of the system and can thus be determined experimentally using X-ray diffraction or
neutron diffraction Neutron diffraction or elastic neutron scattering is the application of neutron scattering to the determination of the atomic and/or magnetic structure of a material. A sample to be examined is placed in a beam of thermal or cold neutrons to o ...
. If the system consists of spherically symmetric particles, g^(\mathbf_,\mathbf_) depends only on the relative distance between them, \mathbf_ = \mathbf_ - \mathbf_ . We will drop the sub- and superscript: \textstyle g(\mathbf)\equiv g^(\mathbf_). Taking particle 0 as fixed at the origin of the coordinates, \textstyle \rho g(\mathbf) d^3r = \mathrm n (\mathbf) is the ''average'' number of particles (among the remaining N-1) to be found in the volume \textstyle d^3r around the position \textstyle \mathbf. We can formally count these particles and take the average via the expression \textstyle \frac = \langle \sum_ \delta ( \mathbf - \mathbf_i) \rangle, with \textstyle \langle \cdot \rangle the ensemble average, yielding: where the second equality requires the equivalence of particles \textstyle 1, \, \ldots, \, N-1. The formula above is useful for relating g(\mathbf) to the static structure factor S(\mathbf), defined by \textstyle S(\mathbf) = \langle \sum_ \mathrm^ \rangle /N, since we have: : \begin S(\mathbf) &= 1 + \frac \langle \sum_ \mathrm^ \rangle = 1 + \frac \left \langle \int_V \mathrm \mathbf \, \mathrm^ \sum_ \delta \left \mathbf - (\mathbf_i - \mathbf_j) \right \right \rangle \\ &= 1+ \frac \int_V \mathrm \mathbf\, \mathrm^ \left \langle \delta ( \mathbf - \mathbf_1 ) \right \rangle \end , and thus: S(\mathbf) = 1 + \rho \int_V \mathrm \mathbf \, \mathrm^ g(\mathbf), proving the Fourier relation alluded to above. This equation is only valid in the sense of distributions, since g(\mathbf) is not normalized: \textstyle \lim_ g(\mathbf) = 1, so that \textstyle \int_V \mathrm \mathbf g(\mathbf) diverges as the volume V, leading to a Dirac peak at the origin for the structure factor. Since this contribution is inaccessible experimentally we can subtract it from the equation above and redefine the structure factor as a regular function: : S'(\mathbf) = S(\mathbf) - \rho \delta (\mathbf)= 1 + \rho \int_V \mathrm \mathbf \, \mathrm^ (\mathbf) - 1/math>. Finally, we rename S(\mathbf) \equiv S'(\mathbf) and, if the system is a liquid, we can invoke its isotropy:

The compressibility equation

Evaluating () in q=0 and using the relation between the isothermal
compressibility In thermodynamics and fluid mechanics, the compressibility (also known as the coefficient of compressibility or, if the temperature is held constant, the isothermal compressibility) is a measure of the instantaneous relative volume change of a f ...
\textstyle \chi _T and the structure factor at the origin yields the
compressibility equation In statistical mechanics and thermodynamics the compressibility equation refers to an equation which relates the isothermal compressibility (and indirectly the pressure) to the structure of the liquid. It reads:kT\left(\frac\right)=1+\rho \int_V \m ...

The potential of mean force

It can be shown that the radial distribution function is related to the two-particle
potential of mean force When examining a system computationally one may be interested in knowing how the free energy changes as a function of some inter- or intramolecular coordinate (such as the distance between two atoms or a torsional angle). The free energy surface alo ...
w^(r) by: In the dilute limit, the potential of mean force is the exact pair potential under which the equilibrium point configuration has a given g(r).

The energy equation

If the particles interact via identical pairwise potentials: \textstyle U_ = \sum_^N u(\left , \mathbf_i - \mathbf_j \right , ), the average internal energy per particle is:

The pressure equation of state

Developing the
virial equation In physics, chemistry, and thermodynamics, an equation of state is a thermodynamic equation relating state variables, which describe the state of matter under a given set of physical conditions, such as pressure, volume, temperature, or interna ...
yields the pressure equation of state:

Thermodynamic properties in 3D

The radial distribution function is an important measure because several key thermodynamic properties, such as potential energy and pressure can be calculated from it. For a 3-D system where particles interact via pairwise potentials, the potential energy of the system can be calculated as follows: PE=\frac4\pi\rho\int^_0r^2u(r)g(r)dr Where N is the number of particles in the system, \rho is the number density, u(r) is the
pair potential In physics, a pair potential is a function that describes the potential energy of two interacting objects solely as a function of the distance between them. Examples of pair potentials include the Coulomb's law in electrodynamics, Newton's law of ...
. The pressure of the system can also be calculated by relating the 2nd
virial coefficient Virial coefficients B_i appear as coefficients in the virial expansion of the pressure of a many-particle system in powers of the density, providing systematic corrections to the ideal gas law. They are characteristic of the interaction potential ...
to g(r) . The pressure can be calculated as follows: P = \rho k_BT-\frac\pi\rho^2\int_^dr\fracr^3g(r) Where T is the temperature and k_B is Boltzmann's constant. Note that the results of potential and pressure will not be as accurate as directly calculating these properties because of the averaging involved with the calculation of g(r).


For dilute systems (e.g. gases), the correlations in the positions of the particles that g(r) accounts for are only due to the potential u(r) engendered by the reference particle, neglecting indirect effects. In the first approximation, it is thus simply given by the Boltzmann distribution law: If u(r) were zero for all r – i.e., if the particles did not exert any influence on each other, then g(r) = 1 for all \mathbf and the mean local density would be equal to the mean density \rho: the presence of a particle at O would not influence the particle distribution around it and the gas would be ideal. For distances r such that u(r) is significant, the mean local density will differ from the mean density \rho, depending on the sign of u(r) (higher for negative interaction energy and lower for positive u(r)). As the density of the gas increases, the low-density limit becomes less and less accurate since a particle situated in \mathbf experiences not only the interaction with the particle in O but also with the other neighbours, themselves influenced by the reference particle. This mediated interaction increases with the density, since there are more neighbours to interact with: it makes physical sense to write a density expansion of g(r), which resembles the
virial equation In physics, chemistry, and thermodynamics, an equation of state is a thermodynamic equation relating state variables, which describe the state of matter under a given set of physical conditions, such as pressure, volume, temperature, or interna ...
: This similarity is not accidental; indeed, substituting () in the relations above for the thermodynamic parameters (Equations , and ) yields the corresponding virial expansions. The auxiliary function y(r) is known as the ''cavity distribution function''. It has been shown that for classical fluids at a fixed density and a fixed positive temperature, the effective pair potential that generates a given g(r) under equilibrium is unique up to an additive constant, if it exists. In recent years, some attention has been given to develop Pair Correlation Functions for spatially-discrete data such as lattices or networks.


One can determine g(r) indirectly (via its relation with the structure factor S(q)) using
neutron scattering Neutron scattering, the irregular dispersal of free neutrons by matter, can refer to either the naturally occurring physical process itself or to the man-made experimental techniques that use the natural process for investigating materials. Th ...
x-ray scattering X-ray scattering techniques are a family of non-destructive analytical techniques which reveal information about the crystal structure, chemical composition, and physical properties of materials and thin films. These techniques are based on observ ...
data. The technique can be used at very short length scales (down to the atomic level) but involves significant space and time averaging (over the sample size and the acquisition time, respectively). In this way, the radial distribution function has been determined for a wide variety of systems, ranging from liquid metals to charged colloids. Going from the experimental S(q) to g(r) is not straightforward and the analysis can be quite involved. It is also possible to calculate g(r) directly by extracting particle positions from traditional or confocal microscopy. This technique is limited to particles large enough for optical detection (in the micrometer range), but it has the advantage of being time-resolved so that, aside from the statical information, it also gives access to dynamical parameters (e.g.
diffusion constant Fick's laws of diffusion describe diffusion and were derived by Adolf Fick in 1855. They can be used to solve for the diffusion coefficient, . Fick's first law can be used to derive his second law which in turn is identical to the diffusion equ ...
s) and also space-resolved (to the level of the individual particle), allowing it to reveal the morphology and dynamics of local structures in colloidal crystals, glasses, gels, and hydrodynamic interactions. Direct visualization of a full (distance-dependent and angle-dependent) pair correlation function was achieved by a
scanning tunneling microscopy A scanning tunneling microscope (STM) is a type of microscope used for imaging surfaces at the atomic level. Its development in 1981 earned its inventors, Gerd Binnig and Heinrich Rohrer, then at IBM Zürich, the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1986. ...
in the case of 2D molecular gases.

Higher-order correlation functions

It has been noted that radial distribution functions alone are insufficient to characterize structural information. Distinct point processes may possess identical or practically indistinguishable radial distribution functions, known as the degeneracy problem. In such cases, higher order correlation functions are needed to further describe the structure. Higher-order distribution functions \textstyle g^ with \textstyle k > 2 were less studied, since they are generally less important for the thermodynamics of the system; at the same time, they are not accessible by conventional scattering techniques. They can however be measured by coherent X-ray scattering and are interesting insofar as they can reveal local symmetries in disordered systems.


{{Reflist * Widom, B. (2002). Statistical Mechanics: A Concise Introduction for Chemists. Cambridge University Press. * McQuarrie, D. A. (1976). Statistical Mechanics. Harper Collins Publishers.

See also

Ornstein–Zernike equation In statistical mechanics the Ornstein–Zernike (OZ) equation is an integral equation introduced by Leonard Ornstein and Frits Zernike that relates different correlation functions with each other. Together with a closure relation, it is used to c ...
Structure Factor In condensed matter physics and crystallography, the static structure factor (or structure factor for short) is a mathematical description of how a material scatters incident radiation. The structure factor is a critical tool in the interpretation ...
Statistical mechanics Mechanics Physical chemistry