

Hypermastigia (hypermastigids) within microbiology, is the name used for a group of flagellate parasites which were placed under the
excavata Excavata is a major supergroup of unicellular organisms belonging to the domain Eukaryota. It was first suggested by Simpson and Patterson in 1999 and introduced by Thomas Cavalier-Smith in 2002 as a formal taxon. It contains a variety of free- ...
class. They are now treated as belonging to one of the groups Tritrichomonadea, Hypotrichomonadea, or Trichomonadea within the
Parabasalia The parabasalids are a group of flagellated protists within the supergroup Excavata. Most of these eukaryotic organisms form a symbiotic relationship in animals. These include a variety of forms found in the intestines of termites and cockroaches ...


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