

Zero- to ultralow-field (ZULF) NMR is the acquisition of
nuclear magnetic resonance Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) is a physical phenomenon in which nuclei in a strong constant magnetic field are perturbed by a weak oscillating magnetic field (in the near field) and respond by producing an electromagnetic signal with a ...
(NMR) spectra of chemicals with magnetically active nuclei ( spins 1/2 and greater) in an environment carefully screened from
magnetic fields A magnetic field is a vector field that describes the magnetic influence on moving electric charges, electric currents, and magnetic materials. A moving charge in a magnetic field experiences a force perpendicular to its own velocity and to ...
(including from the Earth's field). ZULF NMR experiments typically involve the use of passive or active shielding to attenuate Earth’s magnetic field. This is in contrast to the majority of NMR experiments which are performed in high magnetic fields provided by
superconducting magnets A superconducting magnet is an electromagnet made from coils of superconducting wire. They must be cooled to cryogenic temperatures during operation. In its superconducting state the wire has no electrical resistance and therefore can conduct much ...
. In ZULF experiments the dominant interactions are nuclear spin-spin couplings, and the coupling between spins and the external magnetic field is a perturbation to this. There are a number of advantages to operating in this regime: magnetic-susceptibility-induced line broadening is attenuated which reduces inhomogeneous broadening of the spectral lines for samples in heterogeneous environments. Another advantage is that the low frequency signals readily pass through conductive materials such as metals due to the increased skin depth; this is not the case for high-field NMR for which the sample containers are usually made of glass, quartz or ceramic. High-field NMR employs inductive detectors to pick up the radiofrequency signals, but this would be inefficient in ZULF NMR experiments since the signal frequencies are typically much lower (on the order of hertz to kilohertz). The development of highly sensitive magnetic sensors in the early 2000s including
SQUID True squid are molluscs with an elongated soft body, large eyes, eight arms, and two tentacles in the superorder Decapodiformes, though many other molluscs within the broader Neocoleoidea are also called squid despite not strictly fitting t ...
s, magnetoresistive sensors, and SERF atomic magnetometers made it possible to detect NMR signals directly in the ZULF regime. Previous ZULF NMR experiments relied on indirect detection where the sample had to be shuttled from the shielded ZULF environment into a high magnetic field for detection with a conventional inductive pick-up coil. One successful implementation was using atomic magnetometers at zero magnetic field working with
rubidium Rubidium is the chemical element with the symbol Rb and atomic number 37. It is a very soft, whitish-grey solid in the alkali metal group, similar to potassium and caesium. Rubidium is the first alkali metal in the group to have a density higher ...
vapor cells to detect zero-field NMR. Without a large magnetic field to induce nuclear spin polarization, the nuclear spins must be polarized externally using hyperpolarization techniques. This can be as simple as polarizing the spins in a magnetic field followed by shuttling to the ZULF region for signal acquisition, and alternative chemistry-based hyperpolarization techniques can also be used. It is sometimes but inaccurately referred to as
nuclear quadrupole resonance Nuclear quadrupole resonance spectroscopy or NQR is a chemical analysis technique related to nuclear magnetic resonance ( NMR). Unlike NMR, NQR transitions of nuclei can be detected in the absence of a magnetic field, and for this reason NQR spectro ...

Zero-field NMR experiments

Spin Hamiltonians

Free evolution of nuclear spins is governed by a
Hamiltonian Hamiltonian may refer to: * Hamiltonian mechanics, a function that represents the total energy of a system * Hamiltonian (quantum mechanics), an operator corresponding to the total energy of that system ** Dyall Hamiltonian, a modified Hamiltonian ...
(\hat), which in the case of liquid-state nuclear magnetic resonance may be split into two major terms. The first term (\hat_z) corresponds to the Zeeman interaction between spins and the external magnetic field, which includes
chemical shift In nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy, the chemical shift is the resonant frequency of an atomic nucleus relative to a standard in a magnetic field. Often the position and number of chemical shifts are diagnostic of the structure of ...
(\sigma). The second term (\hat_J) corresponds to the indirect spin-spin, or
J-coupling In nuclear chemistry and nuclear physics, ''J''-couplings (also called spin-spin coupling or indirect dipole–dipole coupling) are mediated through chemical bonds connecting two spins. It is an indirect interaction between two nuclear spins that ...
, interaction. \hat=\hat_z+\hat_J, where: \hat_z=-\hbar\sum_a\gamma_a(1-\sigma_a)\hat_a\cdot B_0, and \hat_J=-\hbar 2\pi\sum_ J_\hat_a\cdot\hat_b. Here the summation is taken over the whole system of coupled spins; \hbar denotes the reduced Planck constant; \gamma_a denotes the gyromagnetic ratio of spin a; \sigma_a denotes the isotropic part of the chemical shift for the a-th spin; I_a denotes the spin operator of the a-th spin; B_0 is the external magnetic field experienced by all considered spins, and; J_ is the J-coupling constant between spins a and b. Importantly, the relative strength of \hat_z and \hat_J (and therefore the spin dynamics behavior of such a system) depends on the magnetic field. For example, in conventional NMR, , B_0, is typically larger than 1 T, so the Larmor frequency \nu_0=-\gamma B_0/2\pi of 1H exceeds tens of MHz. This is much larger than J-coupling values which are typically Hz to hundreds of Hz. In this limit, \hat_J is a perturbation to \hat_z. In contrast, at nanotesla fields, Larmor frequencies can be much smaller than J-couplings, and \hat_J dominates.


Before signals can be detected in a ZULF NMR experiment, it is first necessary to polarize the nuclear spin ensemble, since the signal is proportional to the nuclear spin magnetization. There are a number of methods to generate nuclear spin polarization. The most common is to allow the spins to thermally equilibrate in a magnetic field, and the nuclear spin alignment with the magnetic field due to the Zeeman interaction leads to weak spin polarization. The polarization generated in this way is on the order of 10−6 for tesla field-strengths. An alternative approach is to use hyperpolarization techniques, which are chemical and physical methods to generate nuclear spin polarization. Examples include
parahydrogen-induced polarization Parahydrogen-induced polarization (PHIP) is a technique used in magnetic resonance imaging. The technique relies on the incorporation of hyperpolarized H2 into molecules, usually by hydrogenation Hydrogenation is a chemical reaction between ...
, spin-exchange optical pumping of noble gas atoms, dissolution dynamic nuclear polarization, and chemically-induced dynamic nuclear polarization.

Excitation and spin manipulation

NMR experiments require creating a transient non-stationary state of the spin system. In conventional high-field experiments, radio frequency pulses tilt the magnetization from along the main magnetic field direction to the transverse plan. Once in the transverse plan, the magnetization is no longer in a stationary state (or
eigenstate In quantum physics, a quantum state is a mathematical entity that provides a probability distribution for the outcomes of each possible measurement on a system. Knowledge of the quantum state together with the rules for the system's evolution in t ...
) and so it begins to precess about the main magnetic field creating a detectable oscillating magnetic field. In ZULF experiments, constant magnetic field pulses are used to induce non-stationary states of the spin system. The two main strategies consist of (1) switching of the magnetic field from pseudo-high field to zero (or ultra-low) field, or (2) of ramping down the magnetic field experienced by the spins to zero field in order to convert the Zeeman populations into zero-field eigenstates adiabatically and subsequently in applying a constant magnetic field pulse to induce a coherence between the zero-field eigenstates. In the simple case of a heteronuclear pair of J-coupled spins, both these excitation schemes induce a transition between the singlet and triplet-0 states, which generates a detectable oscillatory magnetic field. More sophisticated pulse sequences have been reported including selective pulses, two-dimensional experiments and decoupling schemes.

Signal detection

NMR signals are usually detected inductively, but the low frequencies of the electromagnetic radiation emitted by samples in a ZULF experiment makes inductive detection impractical at low fields. Hence, the earliest approach for measuring zero-field NMR in solid samples was via field-cycling techniques. The field cycling involves three steps: preparation, evolution and detection. In the preparation stage, a field is applied in order to magnetize the nuclear spins. Then the field is suddenly switched to zero to initiate the evolution interval and the magnetization evolves under the zero-field Hamiltonian. After a time period, the field is again switched on and the signal is detected inductively at high field. In a single field cycle, the magnetization observed corresponds only to a single value of the zero-field evolution time. The time-varying magnetization can be detected by repeating the field cycle with incremented lengths of the zero-field interval, and hence the evolution and decay of the magnetization is measured point by point. The Fourier transform of this magnetization will result to the zero-field absorption spectrum. The emergence of highly sensitive magnetometry techniques has allowed for the detection of zero-field NMR signals in situ. Examples include superconducting quantum interference devices (
SQUID True squid are molluscs with an elongated soft body, large eyes, eight arms, and two tentacles in the superorder Decapodiformes, though many other molluscs within the broader Neocoleoidea are also called squid despite not strictly fitting t ...
s), magnetoresistive sensors, and SERF atomic magnetometers. SQUIDs have high sensitivity, but require cryogenic conditions to operate, which makes them practically somewhat difficult to employ for the detection of chemical or biological samples. Magnetoresistive sensors are less sensitive, but are much easier to handle and to bring close to the NMR sample which is advantageous since proximity improves sensitivity. The most common sensors employed in ZULF NMR experiments are optically-pumped magnetometers, which have high sensitivity and can be placed in close proximity to an NMR sample.

Definition of the ZULF regime

The boundaries between zero-, ultralow-, low- and high-field NMR are not rigorously defined, although approximate working definitions are in routine use for experiments involving small molecules in solution. The boundary between zero and ultralow field is usually defined as the field at which the nuclear spin precession frequency matches the spin relaxation rate, i.e., at zero field the nuclear spins relax faster than they precess about the external field. The boundary between ultralow and low field is usually defined as the field at which Larmor frequency differences between different nuclear spin species match the spin-spin (J or dipolar) couplings, i.e., at ultralow field spin-spin couplings dominate and the Zeeman interaction is a perturbation. The boundary between low and high field is more ambiguous and these terms are used differently depending on the application or research topic. In the context of ZULF NMR, the boundary is defined as the field at which chemical shift differences between nuclei of the same isotopic species in a sample match the spin-spin couplings. Note that these definitions strongly depend on the sample being studied, and the field regime boundaries can vary by orders of magnitude depending on sample parameters such as the nuclear spin species, spin-spin coupling strengths, and spin relaxation times.

See also

Earth's field NMR Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) in the geomagnetic field is conventionally referred to as Earth's field NMR (EFNMR). EFNMR is a special case of low field NMR. When a sample is placed in a constant magnetic field and stimulated (perturbed) by a t ...
Low field NMR Low field NMR spans a range of different nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) modalities, going from NMR conducted in permanent magnets, supporting magnetic fields of a few tesla (unit), tesla (T), all the way down to zero field NMR, where the Earth's ...



Further reading

*M. P. Ledbetter, C. Crawford, A. Pines, D. Wemmer, S. Knappe, J. Kitching, D. Budker
Optical detection of NMR J-spectra at zero magnetic field
J. Magn. Reson. (2009), 199, 25-29. *T. Theis, P. Ganssle, G. Kervern, S. Knappe, J. Kitching, M. P. Ledbetter, D. Budker and A. Pines;
Parahydrogen-enhanced zero-field nuclear magnetic resonance
Nature Physics (2011), 7, 571–575.

External links

* https://pines.berkeley.edu/research/ultra-low-field-zero-field-nmr * https://pines.berkeley.edu/publications/chemical-analysis-using-j-coupling-multiplets-zero-field-nmr-0 Nuclear magnetic resonance