

The World Summit for Social Development was a conference held in Copenhagen from 6–12 March 1995. It aimed to "establish a people-centered framework for social development, to build a culture of cooperation and partnership and to respond to the immediate needs of those who are most affected by human distress." Organisations whose representatives addressed the summit included Grameen Bank,
Soroptimist International Soroptimist International (SI) is a global volunteer service organization for women with nearly 72,000 members in 121 countries worldwide. According to Soroptimist.org, their mission statement says that, "Soroptimist is a global volunteer organiza ...
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Rotary International Rotary International is one of the largest service organizations in the world. Its stated mission is to "provide service to others, promote integrity, and advance world understanding, goodwill, and peace through hefellowship of business, prof ...


March 1995 events in Europe 1995 in Denmark United Nations conferences 1995 in women's history 1995 conferences 1995 in international relations 20th-century diplomatic conferences Denmark and the United Nations {{UN-stub