

A conjunctive waw or vav conjunctive (Hebrew: ו' החיבור ''vav hakhivur'') is the use of Hebrew vav (letter) as a conjunction to join two parts of speech. It is distinct from
waw-consecutive The vav-consecutive or waw-consecutive (Hebrew וי״ו ההיפוך) is a grammatical construction in Biblical Hebrew. It involves prefixing a verb form with the letter waw in order to change its tense or aspect. Prefix vs. suffix conjugations B ...
which is a
verb A verb () is a word ( part of speech) that in syntax generally conveys an action (''bring'', ''read'', ''walk'', ''run'', ''learn''), an occurrence (''happen'', ''become''), or a state of being (''be'', ''exist'', ''stand''). In the usual descr ...

Conjunction of two nouns

Primarily two
noun A noun () is a word that generally functions as the name of a specific object or set of objects, such as living creatures, places, actions, qualities, states of existence, or ideas.Example nouns for: * Living creatures (including people, alive, ...
s may be joined by conjunctive vav without equation, for example ''Moshe v-Aron'' ("Moses and Aaron"). Conjunctive vav may however indicate hendiadys where two nouns are equated. An example is found in two examples from Leviticus 25 where the nouns ''ger'' "stranger," and ''toshav'' "sojourner," are joined by conjunctive waw and usually construed as a hendiadys. However, in Numbers 35:15, each noun is accompanied by the repeated prepositional prefix ''lo-'' "to," as in "to-the stranger and (''vav'') to-the sojourner," which indicates two distinct concepts.

Conjunction of two verbs

Waw-conjunctive may also be used or omitted between two verbs. In imperative sentences such as "sit and wait" the use of the waw between the two verbs is particularly common in maskilic literature, but there are no clear cut semantic considerations regulating the use of vav conjunctive.Lily Kahn ''The verbal system in late enlightenment Hebrew'' p271


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