

The Women's Society of Belgrade (Београдско женско друштво) was a Serbian women's rights organisation, founded in 1875 and active until 1941. Its purpose was to work for the emancipation of women as well as patriotic charity.


The society was founded in 1875 by
Katarina Milovuk Katarina Milovuk (1844–1913), was a Serbs, Serbian educator and women's rights activist. She was the principal and director of the first institution of Female education, higher learning for women in Serbia, the Women's Grandes écoles in Belgrade ...
. The society was primarily focused on humanitarian issues such as helping poor women and children (particularly war orphans), but it combined it with women's issues. It supported women's emancipation and suffrage and included work shops, schooling and vocational training and employment agencies for women and girls, and founded the first women's magazine in Serbia. It was to be the dominating women's organisation in Serbia until the establishment of the
Circle of Serbian Sisters The Circle of Serbian Sisters ( sr-Latn, Kolo Srpskih Sestara) was a women's charitable society established in Belgrade in 1903. Among the founders of the society were Mabel Grujić, wife of Slavko J. Grujić, Blanš Vesnić, wife of Milenko Ve ...
in 1903. After the second world war, both women's societies were replaced by the
Women's Antifascist Front of Yugoslavia The Women's Antifascist Front ( sh, Antifašistička fronta žena, Антифашистички фронт жена, abbreviated AFŽ/AФЖ; sl, Protifašistična fronta žensk; mk, Антифашистички фронт на жените), was ...

See also

Circle of Serbian Sisters The Circle of Serbian Sisters ( sr-Latn, Kolo Srpskih Sestara) was a women's charitable society established in Belgrade in 1903. Among the founders of the society were Mabel Grujić, wife of Slavko J. Grujić, Blanš Vesnić, wife of Milenko Ve ...
Women's Antifascist Front of Yugoslavia The Women's Antifascist Front ( sh, Antifašistička fronta žena, Антифашистички фронт жена, abbreviated AFŽ/AФЖ; sl, Protifašistična fronta žensk; mk, Антифашистички фронт на жените), was ...


{{Serbia-hist-stub Voter rights and suffrage organizations 1875 establishments in Europe Women's organizations based in Serbia Women's rights organizations Feminism in Serbia