

Wayne Arthurson is a
Canadian Canadians (french: Canadiens) are people identified with the country of Canada. This connection may be residential, legal, historical or cultural. For most Canadians, many (or all) of these connections exist and are collectively the source of ...
writer from
Alberta Alberta ( ) is one of the thirteen provinces and territories of Canada. It is part of Western Canada and is one of the three prairie provinces. Alberta is bordered by British Columbia to the west, Saskatchewan to the east, the Northwest Ter ...
. He is the author of several novels and several books related to
First Nations peoples Indigenous peoples are culturally distinct ethnic groups whose members are directly descended from the earliest known inhabitants of a particular geographic region and, to some extent, maintain the language and culture of those original people ...
. His parents are of
Cree The Cree ( cr, néhinaw, script=Latn, , etc.; french: link=no, Cri) are a Indigenous peoples of the Americas, North American Indigenous people. They live primarily in Canada, where they form one of the country's largest First Nations in Canada ...
French Canadian French Canadians (referred to as Canadiens mainly before the twentieth century; french: Canadiens français, ; feminine form: , ), or Franco-Canadians (french: Franco-Canadiens), refers to either an ethnic group who trace their ancestry to Fren ...
descent. He grew up on an army base. Arthurson's first novel, ''Final Season'', published in 2002, is set in a First Nations community that faces profound environmental change, due to a new hydroelectric project. Arthurson has two mystery series with the recurring hero Leo Desroches, a
metis Metis or Métis may refer to: Ethnic groups * Métis, recognized Indigenous communities in Canada and America whose distinct culture and language emerged after early intermarriage between First Nations peoples and early European settlers, primar ...
journalist, who has had his own run-ins with the law. ''Fall from Grace'' was published in 2011, ''A Killing Winter'' was published in 2012, and ''Blood Red Summer'' was published in 2015. His second series starts with ''Dishonour in Camp 133'' is set in a
POW A prisoner of war (POW) is a person who is held captive by a belligerent power during or immediately after an armed conflict. The earliest recorded usage of the phrase "prisoner of war" dates back to 1610. Belligerents hold prisoners of war ...
camp for captured Germans, in Alberta. The hero of Arthurson's sixth novel, '' The Red Chesterfield'', published in 2019, is ''"M"'', a by-law enforcement officer.


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{{DEFAULTSORT:Arthurson, Wayne Writers from Alberta Living people Year of birth missing (living people)