Vitaliy Boiko (30 September 1937 – 30 January 2020
The UNIAN or Ukrainian Independent Information Agency of News ( uk, Українське Незалежне Інформаційне Агентство Новин, УНІАН, translit=Ukrayins'ke Nezalezhne Informatsiyne Ahentstvo Novyn) is a ...
. 30 January 2020) was a Ukrainian lawyer, diplomat, and Minister of Justice.
Boiko was from Chernihiv Oblast
Chernihiv Oblast ( uk, Черні́гівська о́бласть, translit=Chernihivska oblast; also referred to as Chernihivshchyna, uk, Черні́гівщина, translit=Chernihivshchyna) is an oblast (province) of northern Ukraine. T ...
. He graduated from Yaroslav Mudryi National Law University
The Yaroslav Mudryi National Law University ( uk, Національний юридичний університет імені Ярослава Мудрого» (НЮУ), ''Natsional'nyi yurydychnyi universytet imeni Yaroslava Mudroho'') is a ...
in 1963 and until 1976 worked as a judge in Dnipropetrovsk
Dnipro, previously called Dnipropetrovsk from 1926 until May 2016, is Ukraine's fourth-largest city, with about one million inhabitants. It is located in the eastern part of Ukraine, southeast of the Ukrainian capital Kyiv on the Dnieper Rive ...
and then until 1986 as a judge in Donetsk
Donetsk ( , ; uk, Донецьк, translit=Donets'k ; russian: Донецк ), formerly known as Aleksandrovka, Yuzivka (or Hughesovka), Stalin and Stalino (see also: Names of European cities in different languages (C–D), cities' alternat ...
In 1986 to 1992 Boiko worked in Ministry of Justice and held ministerial post. Concurrently with that he also headed the Central Electoral Commission. In 1993–1994 Boiko served as an Ambassador of Ukraine to Moldova. In 1994–2002 he was a chairman of the Supreme Court of Ukraine
The Supreme Court of Ukraine ( uk, Верховний Суд України, ) is the highest judicial body in the system of courts of general jurisdiction in Ukraine
Ukraine ( uk, Україна, Ukraïna, ) is a country in Eastern Europ ...
He was awarded the Honorary Award of the President of Ukraine, the forerunner of the Order of Merit.
External links
History of Ministry of Justice
Ministry of Justice of Ukraine website.
Vitaliy Boiko
at the Official Ukraine Today
1937 births
2020 deaths
People from Chernihiv Oblast
Yaroslav Mudryi National Law University alumni
20th-century Ukrainian lawyers
21st-century Ukrainian lawyers
Ambassadors of Ukraine to Moldova
Justice ministers of Ukraine
Central Election Commission (Ukraine)
Judges of the Supreme Court of Ukraine
Interregional Academy of Personnel Management faculty
Recipients of the Order of Prince Yaroslav the Wise, 5th class
Chevaliers of the Order of Merit (Ukraine)
Laureates of the Honorary Diploma of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine