

This is a list of Spanish viceroys (also called lieutenants) of the
Principality of Catalonia The Principality of Catalonia ( ca, Principat de Catalunya, la, Principatus Cathaloniæ, oc, Principat de Catalonha, es, Principado de Cataluña) was a Middle Ages, medieval and early modern state (polity), state in the northeastern Iberian P ...
from 1479 to 1713. *1479–1493: Enrique de Aragón *1493–1495:
Juan de Lanuza y Garabito Juan de Lanuza y Garabito (died 1498) was a Spanish noble from the 15th century. He was the youngest of the 3 sons of Ferrer de Lanuza I, 1st Sieur of Azaila, Cosculluela, Escuer, Arguisal and Esun de Basa. Juan's mother was Inés de Garabito y ...
*1495–1496: Juan Fernández de Heredia *1496–1501:
Juan de Aragón, Conde de Ribagorza Juan de Aragón y de Jonqueras, Count of Ribagorza (27 March 1457 in , Spain – 5 July 1528 in Monzón, Spain) was Viceroy of Catalonia (1496–1501) and Viceroy of Naples (1507–1509), replacing Gonzalo Fernández de Córdoba. Born at Benabar ...
*1501–1514: Jaime de Luna *1514–1521: Alonso de Aragón, Archbishop of Zaragoza *1521–1523: Pere Folc de Cardona, Archbishop of Tarragona *1523–1525:
Antonio de Zúñiga Antonio de Zúñiga y Guzman,(c.1458 – 1533), Prior of Castile, Order of Saint John of Jerusalem, Plasencia, Spain, was the general of the Royal Army against the Revolt of the Comuneros and a Viceroy of Catalonia from 1523 - 1525. Fami ...
, Prior of Castile,
Order of Saint John of Jerusalem The Order of Knights of the Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem ( la, Ordo Fratrum Hospitalis Sancti Ioannis Hierosolymitani), commonly known as the Knights Hospitaller (), was a medieval and early modern Catholic military order. It was headqu ...
*1525–1539: Fadrique de Portugal y Noroña, Bishop of Sigüenza *1539–1543:
Saint Francis Borgia, 4th Duke of Gandia, 3rd General Father of the Jesuit Order Francis Borgia ( ca-valencia, Francesc de Borja; es, Francisco de Borja; 28 October 1510 – 30 September 1572) was a Spanish Jesuit priest. The great-grandson of Pope Alexander VI, he was Duke of Gandía and a grandee of Spain. After th ...
Juan Fernández Manrique de Lara, Marqués de Aguilar de Campoo ''Juan'' is a given name, the Spanish and Manx versions of '' John''. It is very common in Spain and in other Spanish-speaking communities around the world and in the Philippines, and also (pronounced differently) in the Isle of Man. In Spanish, ...
*1554–1558: Pedro Afán de Ribera, Duque de Alcalá *1558–1564: García Álvarez de Toledo, 4th Marquis of Villafranca del Bierzo *1564–1571: Diego Hurtado de Mendoza y de la Cerda *1571–1580:
Fernando de Toledo Fernando de Toledo, (''ca.'' 1528–1591) was a Spanish nobleman. He was the illegitimate and first son of Don Fernando Álvarez de Toledo, 3rd Duke of Alba, "The Iron Duke", who fathered Fernando de Toledo upon the daughter of a miller of La Al ...
*1580–1581: Francisco de Moncada y Folc de Cardona, Marqués de Aytona *1581–1583: Carlo d'Aragona Tagliavia *1583–1586: Juan de Zúñiga y Avellaneda, Conde de Miranda del Castañar *1586–1590: Manrique de Lara y Girón, Conde de Valencia de Don Juan *1590–1592: Pedro Luis Galcerán de Borja y de Castro-Pinós *1592–1596:
Bernardino de Cárdenas y Portugal, Duque de Maqueda Bernardino is a name of Italian, Hispanic, or Portuguese origin, which can refer to: Given name * Bernardino Baldi (1533–1617), Italian mathematician and writer *Bernardino Bertolotti (born 1547), Italian composer and instrumentalist *Bernard ...
*1596–1602: Lorenzo Suárez de Figueroa y Córdoba, Duque de Feria *1602–1603: Joan Terès i Borrull, Archbishop of Tarragona *1603–1611: Héctor de Pignatelli y Colonna, Duque de Monteleón *1611–1611:
Pedro Manrique, Bishop of Tortosa Pedro is a masculine given name. Pedro is the Spanish, Portuguese, and Galician name for ''Peter''. Its French equivalent is Pierre while its English and Germanic form is Peter. The counterpart patronymic surname of the name Pedro, meaning " ...
*1611–1615: Francisco Hurtado de Mendoza, Marqués de Almazán *1615–1619:
Francisco Fernández de la Cueva, 7th Duke of Alburquerque Francisco Fernández de la Cueva y de la Cueva, 7th Duke of Alburquerque (in full, es, Don Francisco Fernández de la Cueva y de la Cueva, séptimo duque de Alburquerque, séptimo conde de Ledesma, séptimo conde de Huelma, cuarto marqués de Cu ...
*1619–1622: Fernando Afán de Ribera y Téllez-Girón, 3rd Duke of
Alcalá de los Gazules Alcalá de los Gazules is a city and municipality located in the province of Cádiz, Spain. According to the 2006 census, the town has a population of 5,633 inhabitants. Alcalá de los Gazules is situated in the Sierra de Cádiz. Although not o ...
Juan Sentís, Bishop of Barcelona ''Juan'' is a given name, the Spanish and Manx versions of '' John''. It is very common in Spain and in other Spanish-speaking communities around the world and in the Philippines, and also (pronounced differently) in the Isle of Man. In Spanish, ...
Luis Diez de Aux de Armendáriz, Bishop of Urgel Luis is a given name. It is the Spanish form of the originally Germanic name or . Other Iberian Romance languages have comparable forms: (with an accent mark on the i) in Portuguese and Galician, in Aragonese and Catalan, while is archa ...
*1627–1629: Miguel Santos de San Pedro, Bishop of Solsona *1629–1630: Gómez Suárez de Figueroa, 3rd Duke of Feria *1630–1632:
Enrique de Aragón Folc de Cardona y Córdoba Enrique de Aragón Folc de Cardona y Córdoba ( Lucena, 12 August 1588 – Perpignan, 22 July 1640), was 5th Duke of Segorbe, 6th Duke of Cardona and Viceroy of Catalonia. He was son of Luis Ramón de Aragón Folc de Cardona y Córdoba (died 15 ...
*1632–1633: Cardinal-Infante Fernando de Austria *1633–1638: Enrique de Aragón Folc de Cardona y Córdoba (2nd time) *1638–1640: Dalmau de Queralt, Count of Santa Coloma *1640–1640: García Gil Manrique, Bishop of Barcelona *1640–1640: Enrique de Aragón Folc de Cardona y Córdoba (3rd time) *1640–1642: Pedro Fajardo Requesens y Zúñiga, Marqués de los Vélez *1642–1644:
Pedro Antonio de Aragón Pedro Antonio de Aragón (7 November 1611 – 1 September 1690) was a Spanish nobleman, military figure and politician who served under Kings Philip IV and Charles II of Spain. He was the brother of Cardinal Pascual de Aragón, Viceroy of Na ...
*1642–1644: Felipe de Silva *1644–1645: Andrea Cantelmo *1645–1647: Diego Felipez de Guzmán, Marquis of Leganés *1647–1648: Guillermo Ramón de Moncada, Marqués de Aytona *1648–1650: Juan de Garay *1650–1653:
Francisco de Orozco, Marqués de Mortara Francisco is the Spanish and Portuguese form of the masculine given name ''Franciscus''. Nicknames In Spanish, people with the name Francisco are sometimes nicknamed "Paco". San Francisco de Asís was known as ''Pater Comunitatis'' (father of ...
*1653–1656: John of Austria the Younger *1656–1663: Francisco de Orozco, Marqués de Mortara (2nd time) *1663–1664: Francisco de Moura y Corterreal, Marqués de Castel Rodrigo *1664–1667:
Vicente de Gonzaga y Doria Vicente de Gonzaga y Doria, (1602 – 23 November 1694) was Viceroy of Valencia, 1663, Viceroy of Catalonia, 1664–1667 and Viceroy of Sicily, 1678, second of the 11 sons/daughters of Ferrante II Gonzaga, 1st Duke of Guastalla, (1563 – 5 Au ...
*1667–1669: Gaspar Téllez-Girón, 5th Duke de Osuna *1669–1673: Francisco Fernández de Córdoba, Duque de Sessa *1673–1675:
Francisco de Tutavilla y del Rufo, Duque de San Germán Francisco de Tutavilla y del Tufo, Duque de San Germán, (Naples, Italy, 1604 – Madrid, Spain, 30 January 1679), Commander of Peñausende from the Spanish Military Order of Santiago and Sieur of Campana de Albalá and Saucedilla, was an It ...
*1675–1676: Juan Antonio Pacheco Osorio Toledo, Marqués de Cerralbo *1676–1677: Alexander Farnese, Prince of Parma *1677–1678:
Juan Domingo Méndez de Haro y Fernández de Córdoba ''Juan'' is a given name, the Spanish and Manx versions of ''John''. It is very common in Spain and in other Spanish-speaking communities around the world and in the Philippines, and also (pronounced differently) in the Isle of Man. In Spanish, t ...
*1678–1678: Diego Dávila Mesía y Guzmán, 3rd Marquis of Leganés *1678–1685:
Alejandro de Bournonville, Duque de Bournonville Alexander von Bournonville, Alexander de Bournonville, Alexander II Hyppolite, Prince of Bournonville and third Count of Hénin-Liétard (Brussels, 5 January 1616 – Pamplona, 20 August 1690) was a Flemish military man. He held the titles of Fi ...
*1685–1688: Diego Dávila Mesía y Guzmán, 3rd Marquis of Leganés (2nd time) *1688–1688: Juan Tomás Enríquez de Cabrera, Conde de Melga *1688–1690: Carlos de Gurrea Aragón y Borja, Duque de Villahermosa *1690–1693: Juan Alonso Pérez de Guzmán, Duque de Medina Sidonia *1693–1694:
Juan Manuel Fernández Pacheco, 8th Marquis of Villena ''Juan'' is a given name, the Spanish and Manx versions of '' John''. It is very common in Spain and in other Spanish-speaking communities around the world and in the Philippines, and also (pronounced differently) in the Isle of Man. In Spanis ...
*1694–1696: Francisco Antonio de Agurto, Marquis of Gastañaga *1696–1698: Francisco de Velasco y Tovar, Conde de Melgar *1698–1701: Jorge de Hesse-Darmstadt, Landgrave of Hesse During the
War of the Spanish Succession The War of the Spanish Succession was a European great power conflict that took place from 1701 to 1714. The death of childless Charles II of Spain in November 1700 led to a struggle for control of the Spanish Empire between his heirs, Phili ...
, Catalonia was contested between the Bourbons and Habsburgs. Viceroys named by
Philip V of Spain Philip V ( es, Felipe; 19 December 1683 – 9 July 1746) was King of Spain from 1 November 1700 to 14 January 1724, and again from 6 September 1724 to his death in 1746. His total reign of 45 years is the longest in the history of the Spanish mon ...
: *1702–1703: Luis Fernández de Portocarrero, Conde de Palma *1703–1705: Francisco de Velasco y Tovar, Conde de Melgar (2nd time) *1705–1706: José Antonio de Mendoza, 3rd Marquis of Villagarcía *1706–1713: Claude François Bidal d'Asfeld Viceroys named by Archduke Charles: *1711–1712:
Elisabeth Christine of Brunswick-Wolfenbüttel Elisabeth Christine of Brunswick-Wolfenbüttel (28 August 1691 – 21 December 1750) was Princess of Brunswick-Wolfenbüttel, Holy Roman Empress, German Queen, Queen of Bohemia and Hungary; and Archduchess of Austria by her marriage to E ...
Guido von Starhemberg Guido Wald Rüdiger, count of Starhemberg (11 November 1657 – 7 March 1737) was an Austrian military officer (commander-in-chief) and by birth member of the House of Starhemberg. He was a cousin of Ernst Rüdiger von Starhemberg (1638–170 ...
In 1713, by the
Nueva Planta decrees The Nueva Planta decrees ( es, link=no, Decretos de Nueva Planta, ca, Decrets de Nova Planta, en, link=no, "Decrees of the New Plant") were a number of decrees signed between 1707 and 1716 by Philip V, the first Bourbon King of Spain, during ...
, King
Philip V of Spain Philip V ( es, Felipe; 19 December 1683 – 9 July 1746) was King of Spain from 1 November 1700 to 14 January 1724, and again from 6 September 1724 to his death in 1746. His total reign of 45 years is the longest in the history of the Spanish mon ...
replaced the function ''Viceroy of Catalonia'', with that of Captain General of Catalonia.

French viceroys during the Reapers' War

During the
Reapers' War The Reapers' War ( ca, Guerra dels Segadors, , es, Guerra de los Segadores), also known as the Catalan Revolt, was a conflict that affected a large part of the Principality of Catalonia between the years of 1640 and 1659. It had an enduring e ...
or Catalan Revolt, the French occupied Catalonia and appointed viceroys to govern the territory in the name of the King of France, recognized as Count of Barcelona by the Catalan institutions. *1641–1642: Urbain de Maillé-Brézé *1642–1645:
Philippe de La Mothe-Houdancourt Philippe, Comte de la Mothe-Houdancourt (1605 – 24 March 1657) was a French soldier and Marshal of France, who served as Viceroy of Catalonia when it was occupied by France during the Franco-Spanish War. He was awarded the Spanish title of ...
(1st time) *1645–1647: Henri, Count of Harcourt *1647–1647:
Louis II de Bourbon, Prince of Condé Louis may refer to: * Louis (coin) * Louis (given name), origin and several individuals with this name * Louis (surname) * Louis (singer), Serbian singer * HMS ''Louis'', two ships of the Royal Navy See also Derived or associated terms * Lewis (d ...
Cardinal Mazarin Cardinal Jules Mazarin (, also , , ; 14 July 1602 – 9 March 1661), born Giulio Raimondo Mazzarino () or Mazarini, was an Italian cardinal, diplomat and politician who served as the chief minister to the Kings of France Louis XIII and Louis ...
*1649–1651: Louis de Bourbon, Duke of Mercœur *1651–1652:
Philippe de La Mothe-Houdancourt Philippe, Comte de la Mothe-Houdancourt (1605 – 24 March 1657) was a French soldier and Marshal of France, who served as Viceroy of Catalonia when it was occupied by France during the Franco-Spanish War. He was awarded the Spanish title of ...
(2nd time)


External links

Virreinato de Cataluña
Viceroys A viceroy () is an official who reigns over a polity in the name of and as the representative of the monarch of the territory. The term derives from the Latin prefix ''vice-'', meaning "in the place of" and the French word ''roy'', meaning "k ...
Viceroys A viceroy () is an official who reigns over a polity in the name of and as the representative of the monarch of the territory. The term derives from the Latin prefix ''vice-'', meaning "in the place of" and the French word ''roy'', meaning "k ...