

In a typical
vertebra The spinal column, a defining synapomorphy shared by nearly all vertebrates, Hagfish are believed to have secondarily lost their spinal column is a moderately flexible series of vertebrae (singular vertebra), each constituting a characterist ...
, the vertebral foramen is the
foramen In anatomy and osteology, a foramen (;Entry "foramen"
(opening) formed by the anterior segment (the body), and the posterior part, the vertebral arch. The vertebral foramen begins at cervical vertebra #1 (C1 or
atlas An atlas is a collection of maps; it is typically a bundle of maps of Earth or of a region of Earth. Atlases have traditionally been bound into book form, but today many atlases are in multimedia formats. In addition to presenting geograp ...
) and continues inferior to
lumbar vertebra The lumbar vertebrae are, in human anatomy, the five vertebrae between the rib cage and the pelvis. They are the largest segments of the vertebral column and are characterized by the absence of the foramen transversarium within the transverse ...
#5 (L5). The vertebral foramen houses the
spinal cord The spinal cord is a long, thin, tubular structure made up of nervous tissue, which extends from the medulla oblongata in the brainstem to the lumbar region of the vertebral column (backbone). The backbone encloses the central canal of the spin ...
and its meninges. This large tunnel running up and down inside all of the vertebrae contains the spinal cord and is typically called the spinal canal, not the vertebral foramen.

See also

* Atlas (anatomy)#Vertebral foramen



External links

* - "Superior and lateral views of typical vertebrae"
Vertebral foramen
- BlueLink Anatomy - University of Michigan Medical School * - "Typical Lumbar Vertebra, Superior View; Lumbar Vertebral Column, Oblique Lateral View" Bones of the thorax {{Musculoskeletal-stub