Vanadium(III) Acetylacetonate



Vanadium(III) acetylacetonate is the coordination compound with the formula V(C5H7O2)3, sometimes designated as V(acac)3. It is an orange-brown solid that is soluble in organic solvents.

Structure and synthesis

The complex has idealized D3 symmetry. Like other V(III) compounds, it has a triplet ground state. The compound is prepared by reduction of ammonium vanadate in the presence of acetylacetone.

Applications and research

V(acac)3 is a common precatalyst for the production of EPDM polymers. It has also been shown to be a precursor to
vanadium pentoxide Vanadium(V) oxide (''vanadia'') is the inorganic compound with the formula V2 O5. Commonly known as vanadium pentoxide, it is a brown/yellow solid, although when freshly precipitated from aqueous solution, its colour is deep orange. Because o ...


{{Acetylacetonate complexes Acetylacetonate complexes Vanadium(III) compounds