Typestry is a 3D software program released in the 1990s by
Pixar Animation Studios (commonly known as Pixar () and stylized as P I X A R) is an American computer animation studio known for its critically and commercially successful computer animated feature films. It is based in Emeryville, Californi ...
Apple Macintosh
The Mac (known as Macintosh until 1999) is a family of personal computers designed and marketed by Apple Inc. Macs are known for their ease of use and minimalist designs, and are popular among students, creative professionals, and software en ...
Windows is a group of several proprietary graphical operating system families developed and marketed by Microsoft. Each family caters to a certain sector of the computing industry. For example, Windows NT for consumers, Windows Server for serv ...
-based PC computer systems ($299 US). Unlike general purpose
Modeller, often stylized as MODELLER, is a computer program used for homology modeling to produce models of protein tertiary structures and quaternary structures (rarer). It implements a method inspired by nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy ...
s and
renderers, Typestry concentrated on rendering and animating text entered by the user in multiple
In metal typesetting, a font is a particular size, weight and style of a typeface. Each font is a matched set of type, with a piece (a "sort") for each glyph. A typeface consists of a range of such fonts that shared an overall design.
In mod ...
s. The fonts were
Extrusion is a process used to create objects of a fixed cross-sectional profile by pushing material through a die of the desired cross-section. Its two main advantages over other manufacturing processes are its ability to create very complex c ...
into three dimensions, with various bevel styles and textures applied during rendering. Typestry creates 3D text with Type 1 and TrueType fonts and can do many different effects:
* 4 different bevel styles
* add Looks
* 9 front and 9 back lights (total 18 lights, turn off/on by change intensity, can shift relative positions, select lighting style for each light)
* one ambient front and one ambient back light
* scale, move, and rotate objects
* animate text
* animate lights
* Export TIFF, EPS, PICT, RIB file format
Version 2.0
* Load EPS file from Adobe Illustrator 3.0+
* Particle system
* Put text on rubber sheets for flag effect
* Use tubes for out line text
* Fog effect
* Require Adobe Type Manager 2.0+ for Type 1 fonts
* RenderMan Expert mode for edit Looks
* Require Windows 3.11+ with Win 32s or Windows NT, 8MB RAM, 7MB hard drive space for
Wintel (portmanteau of Windows and Intel) is the partnership of Microsoft Windows and Intel producing personal computers using Intel x86-compatible processors running Microsoft Windows.
By the early 1980s, the chaos and incompatibil ...
Version 2.1
* Support TrueType GX fonts (Mac System 7 only)
* Import/export 3D Portable Digital Documents
* Native for PowerMac
All Mac version can't use outline font if not have screen font; no problem for Type 1 fonts because have screen font for each style (italic, bold, heavy, etc.) but TrueType fonts only have one screen font for main style. Windows version can use any Windows font.
Typestry was one of Pixar's several application software packages released in open markets (besides
RenderMan The name RenderMan can cause confusion because it has been used to refer to different things developed by Pixar Animation Studios:
* RenderMan Interface Specification (RISpec), an open API (technical specification) developed by Pixar for a standard ...
, MacRenderMan, NetRenderMan, IceMan, Glimpse,
Showplace, One Twenty Eight (textures)). It was discontinued when Pixar chose to concentrate on film production instead of application development.
Glimpse is "a sophisticated Renderman shader made easy to use as a glimpse look" for try help Renderman become standard for 3D shading like Postscript for DTP during middle of 1990s. Pixar also "sell Glimpse for 99$US (1993) to use in Typestry and ShowPlace". Later, ShowPlace 2.0 include Glimpse, a tool for edit Looks, "textures and surface effects" for render objects with RenderMan, with GUI. Glimpse have sliders for change material attributes like color, reflection coefficients, surface roughness and gives users real time preview of changes, not need wait for new RenderMan render. But Glimpse not let users edit shader source code. Looks have two parts, Look Masters (default setting for Look but can't can't edit them) and Looks Instances, version of Look with created by changing settings in Glimpse.
Alternative tool from Valis Group have name Shader Toolkit for edit RenderMan Looks but more complex and not interactive like Glimpse.
3D graphics software