

or is a lake in the municipalities of Røyrvik and Lierne in Trøndelag county, Norway. The lake lies just south of the large lake Limingen, and just west of the border with
Sweden Sweden, formally the Kingdom of Sweden,The United Nations Group of Experts on Geographical Names states that the country's formal name is the Kingdom of SwedenUNGEGN World Geographical Names, Sweden./ref> is a Nordic country located on ...
. It is above sea level and has a volume of . The deepest part of the lake is deep. It is the seventh largest lake in Norway.


The island Gudfjelløya ( sma, Tjåehkere) lies in Tunnsjøen lake. It has a high point of above sea level, which is higher than the lake. This makes Gudfjelløya the highest island on a lake in Norway.


Lierne Røyrvik Lakes of Trøndelag {{Trøndelag-geo-stub