

The Córdoba trolleybus system ( es, Sistema de trolebuses de Córdoba) is part of the public transport network in Córdoba, the capital city of Córdoba Province, Argentina. Opened in 1989, the system presently comprises three lines, with a total length of approximately .


As part of an ambitious municipal public transport improvement program, the city of Córdoba decided in the late 1980s to incorporate trolleybuses into Córdoba's urban transport system. The Soviet firm "VVO Technoexport" was responsible for the turnkey installation of the trolleybus system, which initially used ZiU-9 trolleybuses, model 682b, manufactured in Russia by ZiU (Zavod imeni Uritskogo, now Trolza). In 1990, Russian-made
ZiU-10 ZiU-10 (Zavod imeni Uritskogo, Russian for Uritsky Factory) or ZIU-10 (russian: ЗиУ-10),Murray, Alan (2000). ''World Trolleybus Encyclopaedia'', pp. 75, 114. Yateley, Hampshire, UK: Trolleybooks. . also referred to as ZIU-683, is a model of trol ...
articulated trolleybuses of model 683c were added to the fleet. They incorporated thyristor technology, which ensured more effective control. By 1992, Córdoba had 32 conventional and 12 articulated ZiU-brand trolleybuses. The latter vehicles had a capacity of 46 seats and 166 passengers with a total length of 17.5 m. In 2000, 16 Chinese-built Norinco Shenfeng trolleybuses entered service on the system. These did not last long and were all withdrawn by 2013. In 2010 a prototype articulated trolleybus by
Belkommunmash OJSC "Holding Management Company "Belkommunmash" ( be, ААТ "Кіруючая кампанія холдынгу «Белкамунмаш», Belkamunmash), is a Belarusian manufacturer of electric public transport vehicles. The enterprise was ba ...
entered service. The latest fleet renewal occurred in 2015 when 7 Trolza trolleybuses were delivered. These include 5 low-entry vehicles of the type Optima and 2 low-floor vehicles of the type Megapolis. Companies that have operated the Córdoba trolleybus system have been successively: * Expreso Emir S.A.: from 1989 to 1993; * Transportes Eléctricos Cañadenses: from 1993 to 1996; * Municipalidad de Córdoba: from 1996 to 1997; * Trolecor S.A.: from 1998 to July 2004; * Transporte Automotor Municipal Sociedad del Estado (TAMSE): since July 2004.


These are Córdoba's present trolleybus lines:

Line A

* From Barrio Mariano Fragueiro * To Plaza las Américas

Line B

* From Barrio Alto Alberdi * To Barrio Pueyrredón

Line C

* From Barrio Ameghino * To Barrio San Vicente


File:J31_229_Calle_Sarmiento,_Obusfahrleitung.jpg, Trolleybus wires along Sarmiento Street File:J31_239_Obuskreuzung.jpg, Trolleybus wire intersection File:J31_240_Obusweiche_mit_Antrieb.jpg, Trolleybus wire switch File:Depósito_trolebuses_Córdoba.JPG, Trolleybus depot File:Trolebus_-_Cordoba.jpg, ZiU-9 trolleybus

See also

Córdoba Metro The Córdoba Metro was a project that was supposed to, according to its proponents, serve the city of Córdoba, the second-largest city in Argentina. The metro system would have become the second metro system in Argentina, after the Buenos Aires ...
* List of trolleybus systems


External links

* * ''This article is based upon a translation of the Spanish language version as at October 2011.'' {{DEFAULTSORT:Trolleybuses In Cordoba Córdoba, Argentina Cordoba Cordoba 1989 establishments in Argentina