

The Logistic Regiment ( da, Trænregimentet) is the
military logistics Military logistics is the discipline of planning and carrying out the movement, supply, and maintenance of military forces. In its most comprehensive sense, it is those aspects or military operations that deal with: * Design, development, acqui ...
regiment of the Royal Danish Army, responsible for army supply and emergency medical personnel. It is based in
Aalborg Aalborg (, , ) is Denmark's fourth largest town (behind Copenhagen, Aarhus, and Odense) with a population of 119,862 (1 July 2022) in the town proper and an urban population of 143,598 (1 July 2022). As of 1 July 2022, the Municipality of Aalb ...


Regimental origins can be traced back to 1865 when the first logistic companies were established in the Royal Artillery. It was not until 1880 that there was established a separate exercise department, which still was subject to artillery. In 2015, the Danish Military Police was amalgamated with the Logistic Regiment.


Today the Regiment has four logistics battalions, plus a corps of Military police of full battalion strength: * Staff * 1st Logistical Battalion ** Staff Platoon ** 1st Supply Company ** 2nd Medical Company ** 3rd Maintenance Company ** 4th Transport Company * 2nd Logistical Battalion ** 1st Basic Training Company ** 2nd Basic Training Company ** 3rd Logistic Training Company * 3rd Maintenance Battalion (inactive) ** Staff ** 1st Company ** 2nd Company * 4th National Support Battalion (Vordingborg Barraks) ** 1st National Support Element ** 2nd National Support Element ** 3rd National Support Element ** 4th National Support Element ** 5th National Support Element (Basic Training) * Military police ** 1st MP Company ** 2nd MP Company ** MP Company/ 1st Brigade ** MP School ** MP Station Copenhagen ** MP Station Ă…lborg


Danish Army regiments {{Denmark-mil-stub