

''Three of Them'' (Russian ' "Three") is a 1901 novel by Maksim Gorky. The plot concerns Ilya Lunyev, a boy from an urban slum, who enters the middle-class milieu only to be disillusioned to find the same moral corruption.F. M. Borras ''Maxim Gorky the writer: an interpretation'' 1967 p.104 "The hero of The ''Three of Them'', Ilya Lunyev, is a boy who grows up among the filth and brutality of an urban slum, conceives a dream of middle-class respectability as the peak of human happiness, and achieves his dream through successful commercial activity, only to perceive that the social sphere to which he had so fervently aspired is morally corrupt."


1901 novels Novels by Maxim Gorky {{1900s-novel-stub