

''Thelypodium'' is a genus of flowering plants in the
mustard family Brassicaceae () or (the older) Cruciferae () is a medium-sized and economically important family of flowering plants commonly known as the mustards, the crucifers, or the cabbage family. Most are herbaceous plants, while some are shrubs. The le ...
. There are 16Flora of North America
/ref> to 20Jepson Manual Treatment
/ref> species, all native to western North America. Thelypody is a common name for plants in this genus. Species include: *'' Thelypodium brachycarpum'' - shortpod thelypody *'' Thelypodium crispum'' - crisped thelypody *'' Thelypodium eucosmum'' - world thelypody *'' Thelypodium flexuosum'' - nodding thelypody *'' Thelypodium howellii'' - Howell's thelypody *'' Thelypodium integrifolium'' - entireleaved thelypody *''
Thelypodium laciniatum ''Thelypodium laciniatum'' is a species of flowering plant in the mustard family known by the common name cutleaf thelypody. It is native to western North America, particularly the Great Basin and surrounding plateau and foothill habitat, where i ...
'' - cutleaf thelypody *'' Thelypodium laxiflorum'' - droopflower thelypody *'' Thelypodium milleflorum'' - manyflower thelypody *'' Thelypodium paniculatum'' - northwestern thelypody *'' Thelypodium repandum'' - wavyleaf thelypody *'' Thelypodium rollinsii'' - Rollins' thelypody *'' Thelypodium sagittatum'' - arrow thelypody *'' Thelypodium stenopetalum'' - slenderpetal thelypody (endangered) *'' Thelypodium tenue'' - Big Bend thelypody *'' Thelypodium texanum'' - Texas thelypody *'' Thelypodium wrightii'' - Wright's thelypody


Brassicaceae genera {{Brassicales-stub