

''The Vision'' is a monthly magazine published by the spiritual center
Anandashram Anandashram (English translation = "Abode of Bliss") is a spiritual retreat located in Kanhangad, a city and a municipality in Kasaragod district in the Indian state of Kerala. Anandashram was founded by Swami Ramdas and Mother Krishnabai, als ...
, in Kanhangad,
India India, officially the Republic of India ( Hindi: ), is a country in South Asia. It is the seventh-largest country by area, the second-most populous country, and the most populous democracy in the world. Bounded by the Indian Ocean on the ...

History and profile

''The Vision'' was founded by
Swami Ramdas Swami Ramdas (; sa, स्वामी रामदास, Svāmī Rāmadāsa, born Vittal Rao on 10 April 1884) was an Indian saint, philosopher, philanthropist and pilgrim. Swami Ramdas became a wandering ascetic in his late 30s and later es ...
in 1933. The first issue appeared in October 1933. The magazine is circulated monthly. It publishes his teachings, as well as those of his center co-founders Mother Krishnabai, Swami Satchidananda, and other Indian spiritual teachers.''Rainbow Road: From Tooting Broadway to Kalimpong: Memoirs of an English Buddhist'', Sangharakshita. Windhorse Publications, 2004, , p. 313


External links

''Vision'' website
1933 establishments in India English-language magazines published in India Monthly magazines published in India Magazines about spirituality Magazines established in 1933 {{culture-mag-stub