

''The Three Thieves'' (Italian: ''I tre ladri'') is a 1954 Italian-French
comedy film A comedy film is a category of film which emphasizes humor. These films are designed to make the audience laugh through amusement. Films in this style traditionally have a happy ending ( black comedy being an exception). Comedy is one of the o ...
directed by Lionello De Felice and starring
Totò Antonio Griffo Focas Flavio Angelo Ducas Comneno Porfirogenito Gagliardi de Curtis di Bisanzio (15 February 1898 – 15 April 1967), best known by his stage name Totò (), or simply as Antonio de Curtis, and nicknamed ''il Principe della risata ...
Jean-Claude Pascal Jean-Claude Villeminot (24 October 1927 – 5 May 1992), better known as Jean-Claude Pascal (), was a French comedian, actor, singer and writer. Early life He was born in Paris into a family of wealthy textile manufacturers. His mother, ...
and Simone Simon.Bìspuri p.143




* Ennio Bìspuri. ''Totò: principe clown : tutti i film di Totò''. Guida Editori, 1997.

External links

* 1954 films 1954 comedy films French comedy films Italian comedy films 1950s Italian-language films Films directed by Lionello De Felice French black-and-white films Italian black-and-white films 1950s French films 1950s Italian films {{1950s-Italy-comedy-film-stub