The First Snows Of 2002



''The First Snows of 2002'' () is the 2003 album by Chinese singer Dao Lang.

Track listing

# 2002年的第一場雪 (The First Snows of 2002) # 新阿瓦爾古麗 (HAWAGUL) # 新疆好 (The Wonderful Xinjiang) # 薩拉姆毛主席 (Our Dear Chairman Mao) # 艾里莆与赛乃姆 (HERIP and SANAM) # 情人 (Lover) # 草原之夜 (Night of Grassland) # 祝酒歌 (Song of Toast) # 敖包相会 (Ao Bao Rendezvous) # 雨中飘荡的回忆 (Memories in the Rain) 4:16 # 駝鈴 (Camel Bell) 4:47 # 冲动的惩罚 (The Punishment of Impulsiveness)


2003 albums {{world-album-stub