

Tamanredjo ( Javanese : ꦠꦩꦤꦽꦗ lit. meaning : Prosperous Garden Village) is a resort and town in Suriname, located in the
Commewijne District Commewijne is a district of Suriname, located on the right bank of the Suriname River. Commewijne's capital city is Nieuw Amsterdam. Tamanredjo is another major town, while Meerzorg is the most populated. The district has a population of 31,4 ...
. Its population at the 2012 census was 6,601. Tamanredjo was founded in 1937 as village for Javanese immigrants. As of 2012, the Javanese still form the biggest ethnic group. The town was connected to the East-West Link in 1960s, and is one of the larger towns of the Commewijne District. Another village in the resort is Stolkertsijver. Sorgvliet is a former coffee plantation on the
Commewijne River Commewijne River (Sranan Tongo: ''Kawina-liba'') is a river in northern Suriname. It originates in the hills of the Commewijne District and flows northwards until it receives the meandering Cottica River from the right and then runs westward un ...
, which was founded in 1742 by Phaff which is known for its monumental Director's house.


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Resorts of Suriname Populated places in Commewijne District {{Suriname-geo-stub