

The Swedish Transport Administration ( sv, Trafikverket) is a
government agency A government or state agency, sometimes an appointed commission, is a permanent or semi-permanent organization in the machinery of government that is responsible for the oversight and administration of specific functions, such as an administrati ...
in Sweden, controlled by the Riksdag and the Government of Sweden. It is responsible for long-term infrastructure planning for transport: road, rail, shipping and aviation. It owns, constructs, operates and maintains all state-owned roads and railways and operates many ferry services. The agency is a member of the Nordic Road Association.


A special committee oversaw the effectiveness of the Swedish transport agencies during 2008 and 2009. A conclusion was reached that there would be significant gains compared with the then-present situation if a new agency responsible for long-term planning of the transport system for road, rail, maritime and air traffic was formed. Preparations started in the autumn of 2009, and the new authority began its work on 1 April 2010. It took over all operations of the
Swedish Road Administration The Swedish Road Administration ( sv, Vägverket), formerly The Royal Board for Public Road and Water Structures, was a Government agency in Sweden. Its primary responsibility was to organise building and maintenance of the road network in Sweden ...
and the Swedish Rail Administration, as well as parts of the
Swedish Maritime Administration The Swedish Maritime Administration ( sv, Sjöfartsverket) is the government agency in Sweden which provides services to the transport sector by keeping the sea lanes open and safe. The agency is to a certain degree financed through fees levied o ...
, Civil Aviation Administration and the
Swedish Institute for Communications Analysis Swedish or ' may refer to: Anything from or related to Sweden, a country in Northern Europe. Or, specifically: * Swedish language, a North Germanic language spoken primarily in Sweden and Finland ** Swedish alphabet, the official alphabet used by ...
, except that some operations were transferred to new commercial companies. These companies do road and railway building and maintenance, airport operations etc.

See also

Swedish Transport Agency The Swedish Transport Agency ( sv, Transportstyrelsen) is a Swedish government agency which is responsible for the regulation of rail, air, sea and road transport and its enforcement. It was formed on 1 January 2009, through a merger of several ...
(Transportstyrelsen, a different Swedish government agency) * Riksdag * Swedish Transport Administration electric road program


External links

* Swedish Transport Administration Intermodal transport authorities 2010 establishments in Sweden Government agencies established in 2010 Infrastructure in Sweden Government railway authorities Road transport organizations Railway infrastructure managers {{Sweden-transport-stub