

The superior ganglion of the
glossopharyngeal nerve The glossopharyngeal nerve (), also known as the ninth cranial nerve, cranial nerve IX, or simply CN IX, is a cranial nerve that exits the brainstem from the sides of the upper Medulla oblongata, medulla, just anterior (closer to the nose) to t ...
is a sensory ganglion of the
peripheral nervous system The peripheral nervous system (PNS) is one of two components that make up the nervous system of bilateral animals, with the other part being the central nervous system (CNS). The PNS consists of nerves and ganglia, which lie outside the brain ...
. It is located within the
jugular foramen A jugular foramen is one of the two (left and right) large foramina (openings) in the base of the skull, located behind the carotid canal. It is formed by the temporal bone and the occipital bone. It allows many structures to pass, including the i ...
where the glossopharyngeal nerve exits the skull. It is smaller than and superior to the inferior ganglion of the glossopharyngeal nerve. The neurons in the superior ganglion of the glossopharyngeal nerve provide sensory innervation to the
middle ear The middle ear is the portion of the ear medial to the eardrum, and distal to the oval window of the cochlea (of the inner ear). The mammalian middle ear contains three ossicles, which transfer the vibrations of the eardrum into waves in the ...
and the internal surface of the
tympanic membrane In the anatomy of humans and various other tetrapods, the eardrum, also called the tympanic membrane or myringa, is a thin, cone-shaped membrane that separates the external ear from the middle ear. Its function is to transmit sound from the air ...
. The axons of these neurons branch from the glossopharyngeal nerve at the level of the inferior ganglion and form the
tympanic nerve The tympanic nerve (Jacobson’s nerve) is a branch of the glossopharyngeal nerve found near the ear. It gives sensation to the middle ear, the Eustachian tube, the parotid gland, and mastoid air cells. It gives parasympathetic to supply to the ...
along with the preganglionic parasympathetic axons from the
inferior salivatory nucleus The salivatory nuclei are the superior salivatory nucleus, and the inferior salivatory nucleus that innervate the salivary glands. They are located in the pontine tegmentum in the brainstem. They both are examples of cranial nerve nuclei. The su ...
. The tympanic nerve then travels through the inferior tympanic canaliculus to the tympanic cavity forming the
tympanic plexus In the tympanic cavity, the tympanic nerve (a branch of CN IX) divides into branches which, along with sympathetic fibres from the carotid plexus, form the tympanic plexus. This plexus is located on the surface of the promontory. This tympanic pl ...
. From here the sensory axons provide innervation of the middle ear and internal surface of the tympanic membrane. The parasympathetic axons branch from the tympanic plexus as the
lesser petrosal nerve The lesser petrosal nerve (also known as the small superficial petrosal nerve) is the general visceral efferent (GVE) component of the glossopharyngeal nerve (CN IX), carrying parasympathetic preganglionic fibers from the tympanic plexus to the p ...
on their way to the
otic ganglion The otic ganglion is a small parasympathetic ganglion located immediately below the foramen ovale in the infratemporal fossa and on the medial surface of the mandibular nerve. It is functionally associated with the glossopharyngeal nerve and in ...
. The central processes of the neurons in the superior ganglion of the glossopharyngeal nerve synapse in the
spinal trigeminal nucleus The spinal trigeminal nucleus is a nucleus in the medulla that receives information about deep/crude touch, pain, and temperature from the ipsilateral face. In addition to the trigeminal nerve (CN V), the facial (CN VII), glossopharyngeal (CN IX), ...


Somatic ganglia of the head and neck Glossopharyngeal nerve {{Neuroanatomy-stub