

"Summer Cannibals" is a rock song written by
Patti Smith Patricia Lee Smith (born December 30, 1946) is an American singer, songwriter, poet, painter and author who became an influential component of the New York City punk rock movement with her 1975 debut album ''Horses''. Called the "punk poet ...
Fred "Sonic" Smith Frederick Dewey Smith (September 14, 1948 – November 4, 1994), known professionally as Fred "Sonic" Smith, was an American guitarist, best known as a member of the influential and political Detroit rock band MC5. At age 31, he married and rais ...
, and released as a lead single from Patti Smith 1996 album ''
Gone Again ''Gone Again'' is the sixth studio album by Patti Smith, released June 18, 1996 on Arista Records. The production of the record was preceded by the deaths of many of Smith's close friends and peers, including her husband Fred "Sonic" Smith, her b ...
''. The song derives from a song Fred "Sonic" Smith wrote and played with his pre-Sonic Rendezvous Band, Ascension in September 1973. Ascension included Michael Davis on vocals and John Hefti on bass.

Music video

The music video was produced by Michael H. Shamberg and directed by
Robert Frank Robert Frank (November 9, 1924 – September 9, 2019) was a Swiss Documentary photography, photographer and documentary filmmaker, who became an American binational. His most notable work, the 1958 book titled The Americans (photography), ''The ...

Track listing

First release

Second release

Release history


External links

* {{Authority control 1996 singles Patti Smith songs Songs written by Patti Smith Songs written by Fred "Sonic" Smith 1996 songs Arista Records singles