The series tells the story of five students, Yuta Hoshitani, Toru Nayuki, Kaito Tsukigami, Kakeru Tengenji, and Shu Kuga as they struggle to enter the Musical Department of Ayanagi Academy, an elite school for aspiring musical performers. They want to be accepted to the Star Frame Class, which is directly taught by the members of the Kao Council, the most talented students from the Musical Department who stand at the top within the academy. Luckily, they are spotted by Itsuki Otori, one of Kao Council members who puts them on his Star Team.Characters
Team Otori
; : :Hoshitani is the bright and cheerful member of Team Otori. In the fall of his 2nd year in middle school, he was deeply touched by a certain high schooler's performance. Following that student who was wearing an Ayanagi Academy musical department uniform, he enters Ayanagi. In middle school he was in the ordinary department, and is basically an amateur concerning musicals and theater. However, his motivation and absorption of skills is top notch, and is a mood-maker who can be bright and optimistic no matter how hard the obstacle is. His roommate is Toru Nayuki. ; : :Nayuki is the kind and gentle member of Team Otori that Hoshitani met during the entrance ceremony, and later on they find out that they are roommates. He initially had no intention of applying for the music department, only auditioning because of Hoshitani, but he came to love performing and becomes one of Hoshitani's closest friends. He has stage fright, which can be repelled by letting him drink a special tea which is a specialty of the Nayuki family. ; : :With his father as a famous director, his mother as one of the most prolific theatrical actresses in Japan, and his older brother a musical genius, it was only natural for Tsukigami to enter Ayanagi. However, he greatly dislikes being compared to his family, especially his older brother who is an alumnus of Ayanagi. Though coming off as stiff and somewhat strict, Tsukigami gradually comes to care greatly for his companions especially after Hoshitani stands up for him, followed by his fellow teammates. He aims to become an actor. His roommate is Shu Kuga. ; : :As a famous Kabuki actor from a well-known family, Tengenji has pride issues, looking down upon those who are not in the same class as him. Because he's lived in a world full of adults from a very young age, he is bad at communicating with peers, and does not fully understand the concept of friends, but because of the kindness and that Hoshitani showed him, he learns how to appreciate others. Due to being popular, he has gained a lot of female fans, and there have been rumors that the noise from his dorm room came from bringing women in. These rumors are proven false upon the introduction of Tavian, Tengenji's pet cat that he loves dearly. ; : :Kuga is the quiet and aloof member of Team Otori. After the death of his father, Kuga wanted to make his mother happy by imitating the musicals he saw on television, which led to him pursuing the musical world. According to Toraishi, being late for the musical department auditions has caused Kuga to be a member of Team Otori even though he had the skills to become a member of Team Hiragi. He gets along fairly well with his fellow members although maintains his silent demeanor. He works part-time at a bar with a piano, because he wanted to work in a place with something musical-related. His piano skills are self-taught, while his drawing skills are poor. His roommate is Kaito Tsukigami.Team Hiragi
; : :Tatsumi is the leader of Team Hiragi who attended the same middle school as Tsukigami and Nayuki. He has always wanted to surpass Tsukigami even at a young age. Though he is kind, he is very confident in his and his team's skills, claiming not to see Team Otori as threats. He is childhood friends with Eigo Sawatari, and they were often called "Princess" and "Knight". ; : :Sawatari is the serious and mature member of Team Hiragi who attended the same middle school as Tsukigami and Nayuki. He is good at observing and analyzing music. He is childhood friends with Rui Tatsumi, and they were often called "Princess" and "Knight". ; : :Contrary to his angelic appearance, Ugawa is Team Hiragi's little devil. His bratty personality often causes him to clash with Tengenji and Tsukigami, but he listens to Tatsumi whenever he asks him to stop. However, according to Team Hiragi, he's not really a bad guy even though he has a bad mouth. ; : :Toraishi is the fashionable and flirty member of Team Hiragi. With a handsome face, he is very popular among women, even taking them out using Kuga's motorcycle. Though he resembles a delinquent, he is actually a caring guy. He is childhood friends with Kuga. ; : :Similar to Hoshitani, the bright and friendly Inumine is Team Hiragi's mood maker. Though he is an airhead and a bit idiotic at times, he has a natural talent for music and a well-toned body. He often sings out of nowhere. His family runs a Chinese restaurant.Team Yuzuriha
; : ; : ; ; ;Team Sazanami
; : ; : ; ; ;Kao Council
; : :Heir to the Hiragi clan, who have been chairmen for Ayanagi Academy. As the top student in the musical department, he feels it is his job to extract the talented starts bearing the Ayanagi brand. So serious that he is not accommodating at all. Acknowledges Otori's talent more than anyone else, and feels that he has more talent than even himself, so he worked behind the scenes to have Otori enter Kao Student Council. He is livid concerning Otori's unprecedented acts that can jeopardize the position including adding Hoshitani et al into the star slots. ; : :An elite born into the branch family of Ayanagi Academy's chairman clan, but has no care for status or glory. With the reason of "they look interesting", he picks up Hoshitani and the other four during the musical department auditions. Adept at hiding his true feelings, so everyone around him think of him as a "strange senpai". His skills are top notch. A genius and a nonconformist. : ; : :Confident that no one knows more about the school's policies than he does, Akatsuki cannot forgive anything that disgraces Ayanagi Academy's traditions or taint Hiragi's name. He has a bad temper and isn't bothered by this as he sees no reason to go out of his way to be polite. Akatsuki holds a grudge against Otori for what he did to Hiragi years before. ; : :Flamboyant and energetic, Yuzuriha is the mood maker of the Kao Council. Compared to the other members, he acts a bit more childish but still takes his duties as a member of the Kao Council seriously. He was born in France but moved to Japan before starting school at Ayanagi Academy. ; : :Confident in his ability to tackle things with earnestness, Sazanami acts in a very mature manner. He highly values honestly and fairness and cannot forgive things that make light of manners such as attitudes and bad behavior.New Kao Council
; : ; : ; : ; : ; :Ancients
; : :Kaito Tsukigami's older brother. Kind and mature, Haruto is the ideal older brother and upperclassmen. He is considered a genius actor, and was previous a member of Kao Council coaching ''Team Tsukigami''. He graduated Ayanagi Academy at the top of his class and became a famous musical star. Although strict at times, he is supportive and only wishes well for others, especially his brother whom he hopes will be able to enjoy his school life with his friends. He takes his work seriously. ; : ; : ; :Other characters
; : :Toru Nayuki's younger sister. She and Tsumugi are identical twins. Between the two, Yuki does most of the talking. She is more positive compared to Tsumugi who is more negative. She is confident in her clothes making skills and is usually responsible for designing original costumes. Although Toru is the older brother, it's usually the twins who have to look out for their brother the most, walking with him on his first day of school or giving him the family's secret recipe tea to calm his nerves. ; : :Toru Nayuki's younger sister. Between her and Yuki, Tsumugi is the least expressive of the two. As Yuki does most of the talking, Tsumugi usually makes a short comment after her sister. She is more negative as compared to Yuki who is more positive. Tsumugi and Yuki are both good at sewing and have a fashion sense that can be compared to the levels of professionals.Media
ADrama CD
The first drama CD was announced prior to the anime television series and was released on 5 August 2015, titled . It is set during the period between episode 1 and episode 2 of the anime. The second drama CD was released on 21 December 2016, titled ''Second STAGE''. The third drama CD was released on 9 February 2017, titled ''Third STAGE''.Musical song series CD
For each season of the anime, 12 musical song CDs are released for 12 weeks in a row, concurrent with 12 episodes of that season. These CDs contain the musical songs used in the anime story, as well as character image songs. Season 1 Season 2Radio
A radio program titled , hosted byAnime
The anime television series is produced byOVA
TheStage musical
A musical based on the anime titled was performed at Zepp Blue Theater Roppongi in Tokyo from 1 to 9 April 2017 and then at Morinomiya Piloti Hall in Osaka from 15 to 16 April 2017. It adapts the anime's first season and features the songs from the first season. A spinoff musical focused on Team Hiragi titled ran at Maihama Amphitheater in Urayasu from 27 to 28 April 2018. A sequel titled ran at Nippon Seinenkan Hall in Tokyo from 4 to 11 July 2018 and then at Morinomiya Piloti Hall in Osaka from 20 to 22 July 2018. The cast includes: Notes: * An empty, dark grey cell indicates the character was not in the stage, or that the character's official presence has not yet been confirmed. * V indicates a voice-only role. * * indicates a stage-only original character.References
External links