

A sport fishing boat, or sport fisher, is a type of power boat designed for recreational fishing by anglers (with rods and lines). Typically, these fishing boats are designed with a ''
cockpit A cockpit or flight deck is the area, usually near the front of an aircraft or spacecraft, from which a Pilot in command, pilot controls the aircraft. The cockpit of an aircraft contains flight instruments on an instrument panel, and the ...
'' at the
stern The stern is the back or aft-most part of a ship or boat, technically defined as the area built up over the sternpost, extending upwards from the counter rail to the taffrail. The stern lies opposite the bow, the foremost part of a ship. Ori ...
, fitted with a chair fixed to the deck to which a rod can be secured. Alternately, other rods can be used by hand or mounted. These boats usually have long, high foredeck leading back to a rear-set cabin, which has a
flybridge The interior of the bridge of the Sikuliaq'', docked in Ketchikan, Alaska">RV_Sikuliaq.html" ;"title="Research Vessel ''RV Sikuliaq">Sikuliaq'', docked in Ketchikan, Alaska file:Wheelhouse of Leao Dos Mares.jpg, Wheelhouse on a tugboat, topp ...
set above. Sport-fishers are used for angling on open water, often while travelling at speed.


Motorboats {{boat-stub