

Spanish adjectives are similar to those in most other
Indo-European language The Indo-European languages are a language family native to the overwhelming majority of Europe, the Iranian plateau, and the northern Indian subcontinent. Some European languages of this family, English, French, Portuguese, Russian, D ...
s. They are generally postpositive, and they agree in both gender and number with the noun they modify.

Inflection and usage

Spanish adjectives can be broadly divided into two groups: those whose lemma (the base form, the form found in dictionaries) ends in ''-o'', and those whose lemma does not. The former generally inflect for both gender and number; the latter generally inflect just for number. ''Frío'' ("cold"), for example, inflects for both gender and number. When it is used with a masculine singular noun, the masculine singular form ''frío'' (the lemma) is used. When it is used with a feminine singular noun, it becomes ''fría''; ''-a'' is generally the feminine singular ending for adjectives that inflect for gender. When it is used with a masculine plural noun, it becomes ''fríos'', and when it is used with a feminine plural noun, it becomes ''frías''; ''-s'' is the plural marker for both the masculine and feminine with adjectives that inflect for gender. Thus: * ''frío'' ("cold") → ''frío, fría, fríos, frías'' * ''pequeño'' ("small") → ''pequeño, pequeña, pequeños, pequeñas'' * ''rojo'' ("red") → ''rojo, roja, rojos, rojas'' Adjectives whose lemma does not end in ''-o'', however, inflect differently. These adjectives almost always inflect only for number. ''-s'' is once again the plural marker, and if the lemma ends in a consonant, the adjective takes ''-es'' in the plural. Thus: * ''caliente'' ("hot") → ''caliente, caliente, calientes, calientes'' * ''formal'' ("formal") → ''formal, formal, formales, formales'' * ''verde'' ("green") → ''verde, verde, verdes, verdes'' This division into two groups is a generalization, however. There are many examples, such as the adjective ''español'' itself, of adjectives whose lemmas do not end in ''-o'' but nevertheless take ''-a'' in the feminine singular as well as ''-as'' in the feminine plural and thus have four forms: in the case of ''español, española, españoles, españolas''. There are also adjectives that do not inflect at all (generally words borrowed from other languages, such as the French ''beige'' (also Hispanicised to ''beis'')). Spanish adjectives are very similar to nouns and are often interchangeable with them. Bare adjectives can be used with articles and thus function as nouns where English would require nominalization using the pronoun ''one(s)''. For example: * ''El rojo va aquí/acá, ¿no?'' = "The red one goes here, doesn't it?" * ''Tenemos que tirar las estropeadas'' = "We have to throw away the broken ones" Masculine singular adjectives can also be used with the neuter article ''lo'' to signify "the djectivething, the djectivepart". Thus: * ''lo extraño'' = "the strange thing, the strange part" * ''lo inusual'' = "the unusual thing, the unusual part" The only inflectionally irregular adjectives in Spanish are those that have irregular
comparative general linguistics, the comparative is a syntactic construction that serves to express a comparison between two (or more) entities or groups of entities in quality or degree - see also comparison (grammar) for an overview of comparison, as well ...
forms, and only four do. Spanish adjectives are generally postpositive, that is, they come after the noun they modify. Thus ''el libro largo'' ("the long book"), ''la casa grande'' ("the big house"), ''los hombres altos'' ("the tall men"), etc. There are, however, a small number of adjectives, including all ordinal numerals as well as words such as ''otro'' ("other") and ''todo'' ("all"), that must be placed before the noun they modify. There are also a small number that can be placed both before and after the noun and that change meaning according to that positioning, and some adjectives, especially those that form something of a fixed phrase with the noun (e.g. ''oscura noche'' ("dark night"), ''alta montaña'' ("high mountain")), can be placed before or after the noun with little change in meaning.


A small number of adjectives have apocopic forms: forms in which the final sound or two is dropped in certain environments. They are: Apocopic forms are used even when the word does not come immediately before the noun: ''algún fresco pan'' ("some fresh bread"), ''el primer gran árbol'' ("the first big tree"), ''ningún otro hombre'' ("no other man"), etc. In the case of ''grande'', which is the only apocopic adjective with regular comparative and superlative forms (''más grande'' and ''el más grande'', respectively), the comparative and superlative apocopate in the same manner as the positive: ''la más gran casa'' but ''la casa más grande'', ''el más gran coche de los dos'' but ''el coche más grande de los dos'', etc. If a
conjunction Conjunction may refer to: * Conjunction (grammar), a part of speech * Logical conjunction, a mathematical operator ** Conjunction introduction, a rule of inference of propositional logic * Conjunction (astronomy), in which two astronomical bodies ...
intervenes between the adjective and the noun, however, apocopic forms are not used: ''esta grande y bella casa'' ("this big and beautiful house"), ''el primero o segundo día'' ("the first or second day"), etc.

Words that change meaning

Several adjectives change meaning depending on their position: either before or after the noun. They are:

Comparatives and superlatives

Comparatives are normally expressed with the adverbs ''más'' ("more") and ''menos'' ("less") followed by the adjective; the object of comparison is introduced with the particle ''que'' ("than"). For example, ''X es más grande que Y'' ("X is bigger/greater than Y"). Superlatives (in the cross-linguistic, semantic sense) are also expressed with the adverbs ''más'' and ''menos'', but this time with a definite article preceding the noun: ''la persona más interesante'' ("the most interesting person"); the object of comparison is introduced with the preposition ''de'' ("of"). The adjectives ''bueno'' ("good"), ''malo'' ("bad"), ''joven'' ("young"), and ''viejo'' ("old") have irregular comparative forms: ''mejor'' ("better"), ''peor'' ("worse"), ''menor'' ("younger"), and ''mayor'' ("older"), respectively. ''Mejor'' and ''peor'' are placed before the nouns they modify: ''la mejor cosa'', ("the best thing"), ''el peor libro'' ("the worst book"), etc. Because the definite article is, along with ''más'' or ''menos'', the superlative marker, the comparative is grammatically indistinguishable from the superlative when it is used; an additional qualifier phrase such as ''de los dos'' ("of the two") must therefore be used to indicate that the adjective is the comparative.

The superlative

Instead of putting ''muy'', "very" before an adjective, one can use a special form called the superlative to intensify an idea. This consists of the suffix ''-ísimo''. This form derives from the Latin superlative, but no longer means "the most ...", which is expressed in the ways explained above. Nevertheless, the name is retained for historical reasons. ;Regular forms: *''muy rápido'' → ''rapidísimo'' *''muy guapas'' → ''guapísimas'' *''muy rica'' → ''riquísima'' *''muy lento'' → ''lentísimo'' *''muy duro'' → ''durísimo'' ;Irregular forms: *''muy antiguo'' → ''antiquísimo'' *''muy inferior'' → ''ínfimo'' *''muy joven'' → ''jovencísimo'' *''muy superior'' → ''supremo'' *''muy bueno'' → ''óptimo'' (''buenísimo'' is more common, and there is the unusual ''bonísimo'') *''muy malo'' → ''pésimo'' (''malísimo'' is more common) *''muy grande'' → ''máximo''* (''grandísimo'' is more common) *''muy pequeño'' → ''mínimo''* (''pequeñísimo'' is more common) :*These two forms keep the original meaning of the superlative: not "very" but "the most". ;Forms that are irregular in high literary style but not normally: *''muy amigo'' → ''amicísimo''/''amiguísimo'' *''muy áspero'' → ''aspérrimo''/''asperísimo'' *''muy benévolo'' → ''benevolentísimo''/not used *''muy célebre'' → ''celebérrimo''/not used *''muy cruel'' → ''crudelísimo''/''cruelísimo'' *''muy fácil'' → ''facílimo''/''facilísimo'' *''muy fiel'' → ''fidelísimo''/''fielísimo'' *''muy frío'' → ''frigidísimo''/''friísimo'' *''muy íntegro'' → ''integérrimo''/''integrísimo'' *''muy libre'' → ''libérrimo''/''librísimo'' *''muy magnífico'' → ''magnificentísimo''/not used *''muy mísero'' → ''misérrimo''/not used *''muy munífico'' → ''munificentísimo''/not used *''muy pobre'' → ''paupérrimo''/''pobrísimo'' *''muy sabio'' → ''sapientísimo''/not used *''muy sagrado'' → ''sacratísimo''/not used ;Forms no longer considered superlative *''muy agrio'' ("very bitter") → ''acérrimo'' ("strong, zealous, fanatic") Applying ''-ísimo'' to nouns is not common, but there is the famous case of '' Generalísimo''. As in English and other languages influenced by it, a teenspeak superlative can be formed by the prefix ''super-'', or sometimes ''hiper-'', ''ultra-'', ''re-'' or ''requete-''. They can also be written as adverbs separate from the word. *''Superlargo'' or ''súper largo'' = "super-long", "way long"


The suffix -''dor'', -''dora''

Many terms suffixed in -''dor'', -''dora'' are nouns formed by other nouns or verbs (equivalent to English ''noun + er'' or ''verb + er''). Usually adjectives correspond to ''verb + dor/a'' (equivalent to English ''verb + ing'') derived from the three conjugations: Examples: *''Los bailes fueron agotadores'' = "The dances were exhausting" *''Una biografía inspiradora'' = "An inspiring biography" (or lit. "A biography that inspires")

-''sitor'', -''sitora''

An alternative form, -''sitor'', -''sitora'', corresponds to verbs ending in -''poner'': (Although uncommon, these are suffixed regularly as componedor, exponedor, and oponedor) Example: *''El lado opositor'' = "The opposing side" (or lit. "The side that opposes")

-''tor'', -''tora''

Another alternative, -''tor'', -''tora'', corresponds to verbs ending in -''ducir'' and -''venir'': (Although uncommon, these are suffixed regularly as conducidor, introducidor, contravenidor, and intervenidor) Example: *''Capacidad interventora'' = "Intervening capacity" (or lit. "Capacity that intervenes")

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{{wiktionarycat, type=Spanish adjectives, category=Spanish adjectives
Adjectives In linguistics, an adjective ( abbreviated ) is a word that generally modifies a noun or noun phrase or describes its referent. Its semantic role is to change information given by the noun. Traditionally, adjectives were considered one of the ma ...
Adjectives by language